
(found 659415 projects, searching for %s )

Ends Today

Mahoney In Studio (Canceled)

Mahoney wants to finish their New EP. Giving you New songs and videos!


Backers: 4
Funding: $355 of $3,000 (11% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: July 26th -> October 24th (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Detroit Radio Project (Canceled)

AM1610 THE STATION: a non-commercial, low power, AM radio station broadcasting in Hamtramck, MI. I'd like to build a studio and play local vinyl.


Backers: 20
Funding: $700 of $2,500 (28% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: August 1st -> October 29th (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Give my Christmas cat watercolor to the public domain (Canceled)

I painted this art as a commission for a card Princeton sent 2500 alumni in 2007. If pledges meet my bounty, I release the art to the public domain.


Backers: 0
Funding: $0 of $285 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: August 30th -> October 31st (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Give my Christmas cat watercolor to the public domain (Canceled)

I painted this art as a commission for a card Princeton sent 2500 alumni in 2007. If pledges meet my bounty, I release the art to the public domain.


Backers: 0
Funding: $0 of $285 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: August 30th -> October 31st (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Give my Christmas cat watercolor to the public domain (Canceled)

I painted this art as a commission for a card Princeton sent 2500 alumni in 2007. If pledges meet my bounty, I release the art to the public domain.


Backers: 0
Funding: $0 of $285 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: August 30th -> October 31st (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

MOVED TO (Canceled)

I'm replacing this project with another one for the same watercolor:


Backers: 5
Funding: $123 of $480 (25% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: September 1st -> October 31st (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

MOVED TO (Canceled)

I'm replacing this project with another one for the same watercolor:


Backers: 5
Funding: $123 of $480 (25% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: September 1st -> October 31st (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

MOVED TO (Canceled)

I'm replacing this project with another one for the same watercolor:


Backers: 5
Funding: $123 of $480 (25% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: September 1st -> October 31st (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

LITTLE BRASS BIRD: Create the show for artists BY artists!! (Canceled)

We are attempting to build the first underground musician/artist directory by incorporating their works into an ongoing animated web series.


Backers: 8
Funding: $415 of $2,500 (16% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: August 7th -> November 1st (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Kick Start SubLife Recordings (Canceled)



Backers: 0
Funding: $0 of $5,775 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: September 12th -> November 5th (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Sublife Kick Start (Canceled)

Be a part of our movement!


Backers: 0
Funding: $0 of $5,775 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: September 12th -> November 5th (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Design for Mosaic Sculpture Playground and Mosaic Training Center, Ghana, West Africa (Canceled)

Create collaborative designs for a community Mosaic Sculpture Playground and Mosaic Training Center to be located in Nungua, Ghana, West Africa.


Backers: 5
Funding: $135 of $4,800 (2% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: August 10th -> November 6th (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Make Henry Tudor Come to Life for Local Schools and Medieval / Renaissance Groups (Canceled)

I want to travel school to school in the guise of Henry Tudor (Henry VIII) and share the history of the Renaissance with children and young adults.


Backers: 0
Funding: $0 of $500 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: September 7th -> November 7th (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Finders Keepers: 50 states, 50 stories, 50 art pieces, 50 bystanders (Canceled)

This is a 50 state collaborative public art project uniting 100 artists and writers to create 50 free pieces of art.


Backers: 2
Funding: $40 of $7,443 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: September 13th -> November 7th (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

Colorado Yule Marble Quarry: Our National Treasure ( DVD Documentary) (Canceled)

The birthplace of the Lincoln Memorial, Tomb of The Unknowns Monument and other National Treasures. The history of the Colorado Yule Marble Quarry.


Backers: 1
Funding: $10 of $16,000 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: September 19th -> November 9th (2009)
time left: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes (closing/closed)

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