Glove80: The Incredibly Comfortable Ergonomic Keyboard

A project in Wellington, NZ by MoErgo

Funding Successful

A customizable split contoured wireless keyboard, with perfected ergonomics that uniquely adapts to you
Backers: 750
Average Pledge Per Backer: $525 NZD

Funded: $393,737 NZD of $200,000 NZD
Dates: Jan 25th -> Feb 24th (30 days)
Project By: MoErgo
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$393,737 NZD

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Last Updated: February 24 @ 12:02 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Introducing Glove80 Referral Bonus: Lets Spread The Word and Hit The Stretch Goal

February 18th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

JIS keycap add-on now available as an option for Japanese supporters

February 16th - via:
Dear backers and watchers, We have added Japanese JIS keycap add-on set as an option for our Japanese supporters. So what do you have to do now? Nothing if you have already backed a Glove80. After the Kickstarter campaign finishes, you have the... (Read More)

Kinesis風の湾曲スタイル、さらに左右分割ワイヤレスな欲張りロープロエルゴ - エルミタージュ秋葉原

February 16th - via:
今回は、ちょっと久しぶりなキーボードのカテゴリから、気になるスタートアップをチェックしていきます。ただいまKickstarterでプロジェクトが進行中の「Glove80」というキーボード。グイッと湾曲したこのデザインは、エルゴ好きならピンとくるであろうKinesisキーボードのスタイルです。しかも左右完全分離のワイヤレスでなおかつロープロ仕様という、琴線に触れる要素モリモリな欲張り構成なわけですよ。 (Read More)

Top 10 office gadget trends of 2022

February 14th - via:
The Glove80, as its name suggests, comes with 80 keys laid out in the shape of a pair of gloves (with 40 on each side), complete with palm rests and adjustable feet for the most customizable experience. Its split-keyboard design allows your wrists, forearms, and shoulders to assume their most natural position, eliminating fatigue over time, and the unique layout lets you type without lifting your wrists or stretching your fingers, giving you a comfortable typing experience, without the risk of a carpal tunnel flareup. (Read More)

Glove80 "Gamer Edition" now available as an option, with a RGB LED under each key!

February 12th - via:
Dear backers and watchers, A few days ago, we sent out an Update with a poll for our backers and watchers, to gauge the level of interest for the “Gamer Edition”. The results are in. Yes, we have enough interest to change our production plan to... (Read More)

Survey on the Glove80 Gamer Edition

February 10th - via:
We are half way through the Kickstarter campaign, and it is doing great. Thank you for your awesome support. This update is to announce an one-question survey on the Glove80 Gamer Edition:   We're trying to find a... (Read More)

Keebin’ With Kristina: The One With The Ballpoint Typewriters

February 10th - via:
This Bluetooth split has 80 low-profile keys (hence the name), all of which are the same size — 1u. That makes it easy to swap layouts and keycaps however you like. The most attractive thing about this keyboard is choice: currently, you can choose red, brown, or white switches, and there is a stretch goal in place for a 4th switch type that will be voted upon. (Read More)

就像手套一樣服貼,Glove80 人體工學鍵盤募資中

February 7th - via:
鍵盤是當代上班族每日不可或缺的吃飯傢伙,然而,長期維持固定、不符合人體工學的姿勢,也往往是慢性脊椎問題的起源。新近在 Kickstarter 募資平台上推出的人體工學鍵盤 Glove80 以手套為名,嘗試開發出更服貼人體的鍵盤。 (Read More)

split ergonomic keyboard supports natural finger and thumb movement

February 5th - via:
do you spend your day typing from a flat, uncomfortable keyboard? *nods in bad posture* well, you might be interested in this ergonomic keyboard designed by stephen cheng and chris andreae. called ‘glove80’, each key is positioned to allow access within the span of your fingertips, meaning minimal motions and fewer awkward movements. the goal is to help users type faster for longer and to maintain a healthy typing posture at all times (Read More)

Now Funding: The Glove80 ergonomic keyboard

February 3rd - via:
Ergonomic keyboards are odd. You never know you need one until you’re in absolutely carpal tunnel pain and, by then, it’s often too late. That’s why the Glove80 is so compelling. (Read More)

6年の歳月と500回以上のABテストを経て開発! ワイヤレス分割キーボード「Glove80」

February 1st - via:
米国最大級のクラウドファンディングサイトKICKSTARTERでは、ワイヤレス分割キーボード「Glove80」の応援購入を受け付けています。記事執筆時点で470名以上のサポーターから約1870万円の資金調達に成功しています。 (Read More)


January 28th - via:
世の中にはキーボードを真っ二つにした、左右分離式の(変態)キーボードなんてジャンルがあります。液晶タブレットなどのデバイスを配置しやすい、猫背になりにくいなどの利点があるのですが、そこにエルゴノミックな要素を追求したら、こんなかたちになっちゃいました。 (Read More)

Glove80 wireless ergonomic keyboard adapts to you

January 27th - via:
Glove80 is a new wireless ergonomic keyboard created by MoErgo offering a customizable split contoured keyboard, with “perfected ergonomics that uniquely adapter you” say its creators. The ergonomic keyboard has been designed to provide the “most pleasurable typing experience you will ever have” and is now available via Kickstarter and already raised over $130,000 thanks to over 400 backers with still 28 days remaining. (Read More)

Glove80 Ergonomic Keyboard

January 27th - via:
This keyboard is begging for a high-five. And not just because the Glove80 is a keyboard split in two, and contoured to look roughly like a left and right hand (OK, left and right mitt) that will end up giving you some skin every time you touch it. The Glove80 is also the result of over 500 prototypes and ergonomic A/B tests, so designers MoErgo feel their wireless keyboard will give you the best, most comfortable typing experience you've ever had. (Read More)

Glove80 Kickstarter Campaign Funded in 28 hours!

January 26th - via:
Hello from New Zealand and Japan, Yesterday and today have been simply amazing. The 50 Super-Early-Birds were snapped up in less than 1 minute. The 250 Early-Birds were gone in less than 12 hours. The Early-Birds went so fast that our supporters from... (Read More)

Glove-Like Keyboard Peripherals : Glove80 keyboard

January 26th - via:
The 'Glove80' keyboard is an ergonomic, glove-like peripheral for typists and coders alike that would enable them to maintain impressive comfort when spending extended periods typing. The keyboard consists of two independent units that split the QWERTY key layout into two halves and feature a concave construction that will put the hands into a neutral position. (Read More)

Incredible Start! New Launch Day Special Tier

January 25th - via:
Thank you everyone for your incredible support of Glove80. The 50 Super-Early-Birds all got snapped up in less than 1 minute, and the 250 Early-Birds are about to be all gone in less than 12 hours since the start of the KS Campaign. Since this is not... (Read More)

This $299 wireless keyboard is shaped like a pair of gloves to offer the best ergonomic layout

January 25th - via:
The point is, a human-centric approach always makes a product experience better. It’s the same reason why an ergonomic chair feels much more comfortable to sit in as compared to a hard wooden chair, and why typing on touchscreens still absolutely sucks in comparison to typing on a proper keyboard. The Glove80, however, pushes the boundary by making the mechanical keyboard EVEN MORE human-centric. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!