Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia

A project in St. Louis, MO by Jamey Stegmaier

Funding Successful

Build a city, enhance allegiances, and expand control using worker dice in this dystopian-themed board game for 2-5 players.
Backers: 4764
Average Pledge Per Backer: $65

Funded: $309,446 of $15,000
Dates: May 15th -> Jun 13th (29 days)
Project By: Jamey Stegmaier
diceboard gamestrategy gamesteampunkscience fictiontabletop gamepost-apocalypticcyberpunk +Suggest

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Last Updated: June 13 @ 00:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Jamey Stegmaier Of Stonemaier Games On Kickstarter Success And The Future

September 18th - via:
Jamey Stegmaier has successfully funded several table-top games on Kickstarter as well as writing an excellent set of tutorials on how to launch and run a Kickstarter campaign. We caught up with him this week to talk about his games such as Euphoria and running Kickstarter projects. (Read More)

Episode #50: Kickstarter & Stonemaier Games. With Jamey Stegmaier

October 23rd - via:
Jon and Dirk are joined by Jamey Stegmaier, co-founder of Stonemaier Games and designer of ‘Viticulture’ and ‘Euphoria’. They discuss Stonemaier’s first two titles, giving back to the development community and have a lengthy conversation on the state and future of Kickstarter. (Read More)

Kickstarter Lesson #55: Starting and Sustaining a Kickstarter-Driven Business

September 12th - via:
A few nights ago I got an e-mail from Kickstarter expert Richard Bliss asking if I had time to record a Funding the Dream podcast. “You have time now?” he wrote back. Game on. (Read More)

You Built This Dystopia

June 12th - via:
Wow. Unbelievable. I am without words. Actually, no, I have two words: Thank you. Those are the words I'm looking for. Thank you so much. Thank you for your wisdom, your insight, your enthusiasm, your passion, your communication, and your funds.... (Read More)

This Art Is for You

June 12th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

AICN Tabletop! D&D Next! Pathfinder! VITICULTURE! And More Kickstarters!

June 12th - via:
I got to chat with Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games, who recently released VITICULTURE and currently has a Kickstarter for EUPHORIA, which I talked about in last week’s column. (Read More)

Building a Better Dystopia with 3917 Backers

June 11th - via:
$254,187 going into the final day is truly a staggering number. The number of backers as I write this--3,917 is equally staggering, considering my journey as a board game designer. Picture Young Jamey, sitting up in his room after soccer practice,... (Read More)

Building a Better Dystopia: The Final 48 Hours

June 10th - via:
Here we are at the final 48 hours of this incredible journey. When I started this Kickstarter project, I thought that in the best-case scenario, we would reach $100k going into the final 2 days, and with a big push on those days, maybe we would reach... (Read More)

Building a Better Game Board

June 10th - via:
Today was another incredible day for the Euphoria campaign thanks to all of you. According to Kicktraq, this was one of the top 5 days of the campaign in terms of both funding and number of backers. Pretty incredible! Before I continue with today's... (Read More)

Building a Better Dystopia with More Commodity Tokens

June 8th - via:
We reached a landmark stretch goal today, $200,000. This enabled us to include 24 extra wood commodity tokens in the game. We're on track for a print run of at least 5,000 deluxe Euphoria games, so that's 120,000 extra tokens! Perhaps by looking at... (Read More)

The Apocalypse Cometh

June 8th - via:
Thank you all for another amazing, euphoric day. A number of you told me today that you really appreciate the way I'm running this Kickstarter campaign, and that meant a lot to me. If you're one of those people who like the way we do things at... (Read More)

Growing Up Gamers: Interview with Euphoria: Build A Better Dystopia designer Jamey Stegmaier!

Hello, gamers! We have a treat today. We had an interview with Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games. Jamey is the designer of Viticulture and Euphoria: Build A Better Dystopia, and you may have seen the previous interview with him over at the Escapade Games blog here. (Read More)

On The Radar: Euphoria (Kickstarter)

June 7th - via:
Euphoria is set in a dystopian future and is a game of worker placement. Workers are dice whose values are set by rolling them when you gain them or retrieve them from the board. High value dice can be handy because some locations give a benefit based on the sum of the workers there; however, the numbers represent the worker’s knowledge of the world around them and too much knowledge on your workers who aren’t currently placed means they become too aware of their reality and run away. (Read More)

Introducing Euphoria Supreme

June 6th - via:
What's this, an update in the middle of the day? Yes, this is really happening. Brace yourselves. A few days ago I sent out an update that showed the full-color recruit art. The response was...not good. Part of the reason was that I posted the wrong... (Read More)

Building a Better Dystopia...with More Markets

June 6th - via:
A few hours ago we officially entered the final week of the Euphoria Kickstarter campaign! Thank you for the amazing ride that the last 3 weeks has been. This started out as a $15,000 campaign, and it's grown so much--not just in terms of funding,... (Read More)

Building a Better Dystopia: The Big Question

June 5th - via:
In recent days, a number of backers have asked me if they could obtain a separate set of recruit cards with the original sketched faces (see the top image below--the sketches were placeholders for backer faces). My perception is that the sketched,... (Read More)

Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia

Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia is a game currently on Kickstarter, designed by Jamey Stegmaier and Alan Stone. It is being published by Stonemaier Games, is for 2-6 players, and takes around an hour to play. In the game, you are living in a post-apocalyptic future, and are trying to lead your workers to build it to your own advantage. Four factions – the Euphorians, the Subterrans, the Wastelanders, and the Icarites – are battling for control, and you are trying to spread your allegiance to the strongest sides. The Kickstarter campaign met its $15,000 goal in one hour, and has raised nearly $200,000 so far with a week to go, so I think it’s a safe bet that this one will be funded. (Read More)

Building a Better Vineyard

June 3rd - via:
Hi! If you've been waiting to see if you could pledge to receive the full Kickstarter copy of Viticulture, this is the update you’ve been waiting for. The new reward level is not live yet—it will go live sometime tomorrow (Tuesday). Sorry to be... (Read More)

I'm Jamey Stegmaier, the creator of a 1000%+ funded board game on Kickstarter called Euphoria that includes free shipping worldwide and a money-back guarantee. Ask me anything!

June 3rd - via:
You can see Euphoria and proof of my involvement on the project page[1] . Euphoria has currently raised $161,955 out of an overall goal of $15,000, and there are 10 days remaining in the Kickstarter campaign. You can verify that I am the creator and publisher by looking at my company website[2] or my personal blog[3] , where I blog about business insights, my greatest fears, pet peeves/pleases, relationships/dating, and much more. I'm here to talk about Kickstarter, either of my games (Viticulture and Euphoria), dystopian literature (the theme of Euphoria), board games in general, my cats, St. Louis, or anything. Really. Ask me anything. (Read More)

Board games, business, and Jamey Stegmaier (podcast)

June 3rd - via:
Jeff, Leandra, and Kyle are joined by Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games who discusses his experience developing two successful board games. Jamey explains his innovative methods of creating a solid Kickstarter Campaign and reveals how he dealt with the unexpected variables that arose after the successful funding of his first board game project, “Viticulture.” Hear about the creation and exciting game features of Jamey’s second game, “Euphoria,” currently on Kickstarter now! (Read More)

Digging to a Better Dystopia

May 31st - via:
Congrats everyone on reaching 1000% funding today! It's really amazing that we made it this far with 11 days remaining, and hopefully you can see how euphoric I am in the video below. I am SO excited to add the realistic resource tokens to the game.... (Read More)

Hey! You Got Euphoria In My Dystopia! (podcast)

May 29th - via:
We’ve got a content packed episode for you! Quantity over Quality, right? Right?!? Well, we brought in a few guests to raise the quality quota as well. Jeff & Jordan talk with Jamey Stegmaier, from Stonemaier Games. And Will & Sarah are back with another Brick Breakdown segment. (Read More)

House Rules 61: Talking Euphoria with Jamey Stegmaier

May 29th - via:
This week, we get the chance to talk with the designer of Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia, which is currently in the midst of its Kickstarter campaign. Euphoria is currently blowing through a plethora of stretch goals, but what is the game really about? Take a listen as we talk about the world of Euphoria, the various factions, and how the nitty gritty of the mechanics operate. (Read More)

The Book of Euphoria

May 28th - via:
Over the last few weeks, you have voted in a Tournament of the Apocalypse to determine the cataclysmic event that causes the world of Euphoria to come into existence. Despite thousands of votes, the final matchup came down a mere 19 votes, with... (Read More)

Push Ur Luck Podcast: Episode 10 is now LIVE!

May 26th - via:
We have the pleasure of interviewing Jamey Steigmaier, Designer and publisher of Viticulture and the upcoming Euphoria which is already funded and still running on Kickstarter! (Read More)

Building a Better Dystopia with 5 New Stretch Goals...and an Apocalypse

May 24th - via:
Welcome to Day 9 of Euphoria! This is the day when the cost of manufacturingthe game goes way up...and we all build a better dystopia in the process. First and foremost, the final matchup of the Tournament of the Apocalypse is live. Click here to... (Read More)

Approaching $100k, the Dietician, and the Apocalypse

May 22nd - via:
It's amazing to me that we're a week into this Kickstarter campaign, and we're already approaching $100k! Thank you all for the outpouring of support--not just in terms of pledges, but also in spreading the word and offering your feedback on the... (Read More)

This Game is Watching You (An Interview with Jamey Stegmaier)

May 21st - via:
Jamey Stegmaier has a strong passion for creating games that bring people together in the spirit of fun, competition, and strategic thinking. With a lifelong enthusiasm for playing and designing board games, he runs the business side of StonemaierGames along with Alan Stone. Together through their start-up company, the two produced Jamey’s first published title, Viticulture. Stonemaier Games is seeking to publish Jamey’s latest design, Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia. Their Kickstarter campaign funded in, like, one hour (it was beast!), but it will still run through June 12. If you'd like to participate, there are still plenty of stretch goals to aim for and lots of neat-looking stuff that you can get in on! We asked Jamey a few questions about this title, and he was gracious enough to talk with us. (Read More)

Visit the Dystopian Future of Euphoria

May 21st - via:
Board games have always been something of a curiosity to me. The ones that are traditionally sold at the mainstream level are not really games at all. Instead, they are simply task-oriented linear time-wasters that teach children very little about competition, problem solving and strategy. These common stock of games, most of them made by a company with the same initials as peanut butter, are pretty useless when it comes to actually challenging the brain. While we can debate the meaning of the word “game,” I think my point is clear. That is why now, after attending numerous Penny Arcade Expos, I look to games like Stonemaier Games‘ Euphoria to open up our minds. (Read More)

Building a Better Dystopia with Stretch Goals

May 20th - via:
Today I'd like to share some insights and images into a few of the stretch goals for Euphoria. Also, before I get into that, if you want to hear little updates about Euphoria, you should like Stonemaier Games on Facebook. You should also vote on the... (Read More)

Euphoria – An Interview with Designer Jamey Stegmaier

May 20th - via:
This week, I get a chance to catch up with Jamey Stegmaier, founder of Stonemaier Games and designer of Euphoria – a cool worker placement game now on Kickstarter. Jamey has been publishing great content on how to run a great Kickstarter campaign over at his blog. He’s a great guy and I think just about everyone can learn something from his experiences. (Read More)

Building a Better Dystopia...on a Vineyard

May 19th - via:
The idea for Euphoria came to me while I was designing Viticulture. Like many worker-placement games, in Viticulture you select actions for your workers, and they execute those actions without questioning you. This seemed odd to me. In real life,... (Read More)

Let the Tournament of the Apocalypse Begin!

May 17th - via:
Okay, I just want to be clear up front that I'm not going to post project updates every day. That would be super annoying. However, I want to introduce the Tournament of the Apocalypse to you, and for the next few days you can check the Stonemaier... (Read More)

Jamey and Grant Discuss Everything (Pt 2)

May 17th - via:
Euphoria is your new game, live on Kickstarter now. What is Euphoria? What do we need to know? Jamey: Euphoria is a dystopian-themed worker-placement game set in the not-so-distant future. Each player is trying to grab control of the dystopia using worker dice and recruits with special abilities. Play time is 15 minutes per player, and the cost to back 1 copy is $49 (shipping and customs included to the US, Canada, and the European Union). (Read More)

Building a Better Dystopia: Day One

May 16th - via:
Wow. Folks, we're making a board game. (I say that like I'm cool and calm and collected about this whole thing. In reality, I don't think I've blinked all day as I've watched this dream project become a reality in front of my rapidly drying eyes.)... (Read More)

Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia Game Review (prepublished version)

May 16th - via:
From the ashes of war arose a new order determined not to repeat the past. The center of power dwells in the walled city of Euphoria that you call home. Peace and prosperity is abundant, but all is not well. The new world order of Euphoria’s elite keeps tight control of the masses through subtle influence. You have been quietly watching, waiting, and learning the game so you, too, might play it. You are a danger – a threat – because you have ideas of your own. (Read More)

An interview with Jamey Stegmaier

May 16th - via:
BOP : Today on BOP, we are interviewing, Jamey Stegmaier creator of the recently funded Kickstarter game of strategic winemaking called Viticulture and the upcoming dystopian-themed Euphoria. BOP : First, Welcome Jamey to the very first BOP interview! Let’s start things off with telling us a little bit about yourself. Where is your home base, how long have you been gaming, and what made you decide to get into game design? also throw in anything else you might like to add to introduce yourself! (Read More)

What Will The Future Be Like? - Euphoria Interview

May 15th - via:
Last fall, I had a chance to interview Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games. He told me all about their first game, Viticulture. Well, Viticulture is currently being sent out to Kickstarter backers and Jamey and his partner Alan have started their next project, Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia. I was able to sit down with Jamey and discuss his new game (currently on Kickstarter). (Read More)

A New Brave New World with Stonemaier Games, Part I

May 15th - via:
For most people, gaming starts and ends with the game in question. You arrive home from your local game store or unbox your home shipment, and you dig it out. Your precious cargo in hand, you unwrap the cellophane, open the contents, and take in the experience of a new game. Maybe there’s cards to shuffle, or items to punch out. Once you figure out the rules, you’re off on a new adventure; hopefully it’s a game that you’ll enjoy coming back to time and again. (Read More)

Jamey and Grant Discuss Everything (Pt 1)

May 15th - via:
When I see a project or designer that interests me, I go bug them for an interview. A few months ago I asked Jamey to participate in an interview and he agreed. A few weeks ago I sent him the questions, but Jamey changed things up a bit and also asked ME questions. A discussion ensued about Viticulture, Euphoria, our processes, reading habits, design, and more. It’s one of my favorite things that’s ever been on the site. (Read More)

The State of Games, Episode 44 – The One About Crossovers (podcast)

May 9th - via:
In this special Hulk of an episode of The State of Games, Dice is joined by his Super Friends Darrell Louder, TC Petty III, Dan Patriss and Tom Gurganus for a true Iron Man competition of conversation on comics, Kickstarter and cinematic heroism. The Fearless Five discuss the dangers of mismanaging hope in a Kickstarter campaign, why Man of Steel may either save or curse Superman for movie-goers this summer, how we may never see the true Wolverine of the comics on the big screen, and just exactly how Sentinels of the Multiverse, Marvel Legendary and the DC: Deckbuilding Game stack up against each other in a true round-table smackdown. All this, plus Galactic Strike Force, Pacific Rim, zombies, a talking raccoon, how Ant-Man totally rocks, the magnetic attraction of Chris Hemsley and so much more. Break out the spandex, dear listeners, and prepare to join the fray! (Read More)

Building a Better Interview

I first got to know Jamey Stegmaier though some mutual gaming friends and our old G&G site. His first Kickstarter game, produced with good friend Alan Stone, drew me in with a relatively original theme, creative pledge tiers, and a bold/confident money back guarantee. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!