3Doodler: The World's First 3D Printing Pen

A project in Boston, MA by WobbleWorks LLC.

Funding Successful

It's a pen that can draw in the air! 3Doodler is the 3D printing pen you can hold in your hand. Lift your imagination off the page!
Backers: 26457
Average Pledge Per Backer: $89

Funded: $2,344,134 of $30,000
Dates: Feb 19th -> Mar 25th (34 days)
Project By: WobbleWorks LLC.
gadget3d printing3d +Suggest

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Last Updated: March 25 @ 00:30 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

3Doodler Celebrates One Million Milestone Just Four Years After First Pen Shipped From Kickstarter

September 8th - via: markets.businessinsider.com
3Doodler, the creators of the world'??s first 3D printing pen, today celebrated selling its one millionth pen. (Read More)

Shut up and make the hits?? Kickstarter's best projects are back with a twist

June 20th - via: mashable.com
Kickstarter is bringing back some of its greatest hits. (Read More)

From Kickstarter To $20M In Revenue: How 3Doodler's Inventors Built A Business In 3D Printing Pens

March 1st - via: forbes.com
The home 3D printing market is expected to reach $2.35 billion by 2022 (Read More)

From remastered music to 3D printers: 5 most funded Kickstarter tech projects

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Thousands of backers pledged millions to bring these projects to life. (Read More)

'Shut up and take my money!': 12 Kickstarter wins

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If you want to make your idea a reality, you may as well try crowdfunding it -- it worked out well for these folks! (Read More)

3Doodler Introduces FLEXY DoodleStrands at CES, Co-Founder Created an Entire Jacket

January 9th - via: 3dprint.com
3Doodler has been quite the feel good story and it has gone a long way in proving that Kickstarter is a legitimate method for raising funds to start a company. Their initial Kickstarter campaign raised a staggering $2.3+ million, and led to a craze unlike anything we have recently seen among artist and designers around the world. Recently, co-founder Maxwell Bogue and team decided to launch a new version of his 3Doodler 3D printing pen, and use Kickstarter once again to sell their initial units. (Read More)

3Doodler 2.0 and New Accessories Launch on Kickstarter — 3D Printing Pen Reinvented

January 5th - via: 3dprint.com
Just under two years ago, WobbleWorks LLC. set out to raise $30,000 on Kickstarter to fund the development of the 3Doodler 3D printing pen. Several weeks later, the crowdfunding campaign ended as an overwhelming success. In total, they brought in over $2.3 million, and have since sold over 130,000 3Doodler pens. If there was a definition of a ‘crowdfunding success’, this would have been it. (Read More)

3dtotal Games Launches New Kickstarter Campaign for 3D Printing Pen Project Manual

October 17th - via: 3dprint.com
With Christmas approaching, I find myself evaluating everything in terms of whether or not it might be a great gift idea, especially for kids. Arts and crafts are always a big hit, and what a great idea to introduce everyone to the new technology of the 3D printing pen–or to help someone further master their new hobby. The first book on the subject is brought to you by UK-based 3dtotal Games, and you could very possibly transform someone’s life by introducing them to the 3D printing pen, most notably the 3Doodler. (Read More)

Here's How 3Doodler Raised $1 Million Overnight on Kickstarter

October 2nd - via: huffingtonpost.com
We are living through the greatest resurgence of art and creative expression ever known to mankind, and I am so glad to be alive to watch it unfold. (Read More)

Lix, A More Precise 3D-Printing Pen, Passes Its Kickstarter Goal In 2-Hours

April 30th - via: techcrunch.com
The startup began work developing the Lix in July last year — inspired, no doubt, by the 3Doodler pulling in $2.3 million on Kickstarter months earlier. (Read More)

Kickstarter gadgets from CES 2014

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CES 2014 was packed with devices from fledgling companies that relied on crowdfunding to get off the ground, as well as growing manufacturers like Pebble showing the potential of Kickstarter success. (Read More)

12 of Boston's Biggest Kickstarter Success Stories of 2013

December 19th - via: bostinno.streetwise.co
BOSTON, MA - Kickstarter has proven to be a successful testing ground for several Boston-based innovators over the last year. From the world's first 3D printing pen to comfortable, customizable boat shoes, the online crowdfunding platform has helped entrepreneurs validate their product, solidify their first customers and turn common complaints into fully-functioning companies. (Read More)

Kickstart your Christmas shopping with hi-tech items

December 9th - via: themalaymailonline.com
Looking for something a bit different this holiday season? We round up 10 of the most interesting and innovative hi-tech items that found their way onto the market thanks to successful crowd funding campaigns via Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Selfstarter. (Read More)

Best Inventions List Includes Three Kickstarter Crowdfunded Projects

November 17th - via: crowdfundinsider.com
Coming from the bastion of traditional media know as Time is a listicle outlining the “25 Best Inventions of the Year 2013″ which unsurprisingly includes several crowdfunded projects. Now I must point out that the paper and ink crew at Time may be a bit premature in their prognosis of hot inventions as last I checked 2013 has not yet ended but I guess they wanted to get a jump on things. (Read More)

3Doodler pens ship to Kickstarter backers

October 1st - via: slashgear.com
One of the coolest products ever to hit Kickstarter was the 3Doodler pen. This is a pen that uses a meltable plastic material to allow users to draw three-dimensional artwork in the air. This particular Kickstarter project obliterated its fundraising goal on Kickstarter in only hours. (Read More)

3Doodler pen now shipping to Kickstarter backers, will hit retail next year

September 30th - via: pocket-lint.com
The 3D-printing pen from 3Doodler is finally shipping to Kickstarter backers and should hit retail in early 2014. (Read More)

Handheld SwissPen 3D printer will beat 3Doodler to market

August 21st - via: geek.com
The 3Doodler struck some sort of chord with gadget fans and, as a result, the $75 3D printing pen raked in $2.3 million on Kickstarter earlier this year. The project was only seeking $30,000 to bring handheld, three dimensional creativity to the masses. With a success like that, other folks were sure to hop on the bandwagon. Enter, the SwissPen, a 3D printing pen that will beat the 3Doodler to market by at least four months. (Read More)

Kick-starting hardware startups: A Q&A with Flybridge's Matt Witheiler

August 2nd - via: bizjournals.com
Over the past year, crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter have begun to make a major mark on the world of startups — particularly those with hardware products in areas such as electronics and robotics. (Read More)

Somerville makers of Kickstarter hit 3Doodler plot retail phase

June 27th - via: upstart.bizjournals.com
The makers of 3Doodler, a 3D printing pen, already have the wind of a successful Kickstarter campaign at their back. Now their planning a push into retail for their device. (Read More)

10 Most Funded Technology Projects Ever

June 18th - via: siliconindia.com
Established in 2009, Kickstarter, the website is helping the world to raise funds for creative projects via crowd funding. As the creativity is largely unbound, so is Kickstarter. It funds everything and anything creative from films, food, fashion, games, technology and myriad others. (Read More)

Kickstarter: 10 Tech Projects That Raised Most Funds

April 22nd - via: techhunter.co.uk
Every start up needs the right source of finance to turn that dream into reality. The funding of creative projects has always been major concerns for entrepreneurs looking forward to kick start their ventures. Such start ups often find themselves at crossroads. Kickstarter, a private for profit... (Read More)

3Doodler scores over $2.3 million on Kickstarter

April 4th - via: slashgear.com
The Kickstarter project for the 3Doodler has now ended and has been funded. The project raised $2,344,134. That is an incredible amount of money raised via Kickstarter and places the project as one of the top 25 projects of all time. It’s hard to believe that the team behind the 3Doodler had only hoped to raise $30,000 to begin with. (Read More)

3Doodler Raises over $2.3 Million from Kickstarter Campaign

April 3rd - via: heraldonline.com
The team behind 3Doodler, the world’s first 3D printing pen, have received backing of $2,344,134 during their 34 day crowd-funding campaign, making it the most popular 3D consumer printing device and one of the top 25 Kickstarter projects of all time. (Read More)

3Doodler Pre-Order Store Now Live!

April 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
We're thrilled to announce the opening of our pre-order e-commerce store at the3Doodler.com, powered by our friends at Celery. For anyone who missed the Kickstarter for whatever reason, or who wants to go head to head with their non-backer friends,... (Read More)

3Doodler team 'gobsmacked' at campaign success

March 26th - via: backers.co
Backers today spoke to the team behind 3Doodler - a 3D printing pen and the latest Kickstarter sensation. Toy and gadget makers Peter Dilworth and Maxwell Bogue can’t quite believe their own success story. “The fact that we’ve been able to raise this much has us gobsmacked, and we just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has backed us.” (Read More)

35 Days Later... Thank You!

March 25th - via: kickstarter.com
35 days ago, after months of preparation, we launched the 3Doodler on Kickstarter. We can't thank you enough for supporting us and making the 3Doodler a reality. We also want to thank our partner artists for joining us well before the madness... (Read More)

2 Days To Go: Some Important Notes (and a big thank you!)

March 21st - via: kickstarter.com
The first chapter of the 3Doodler story is off to a roaring start! It's been a wild ride, and mark our words, there's a LOT more to come. As we wind down the Kickstarter campaign there are a few things we wanted to say: 1. THANK YOU! In fact, thank... (Read More)

New Artist's Special

March 13th - via: kickstarter.com
We are thrilled to announce (after many requests) a new Artist's Special launching this Thursday (14th March 2013). Following on the heels of the very successful project pieces from Bud Bullivant (WiredbyBud) and Ruth Jensen (Sparkflight),... (Read More)

Kickstarter Campaign For 3D Printing Pen 3Doodler Raises $2M

March 5th - via: thenextweb.com
Boston, Massachusetts-based WobbleWorks was hoping to raise $30,000 on Kickstarter to fund the development of ‘the world’s first 3D printing pen’, dubbed the 3Doodler. Yesterday, the campaign hit the $2 million funding mark, from over 23,000 backers, with nearly three weeks left. (Read More)

3Doodler Raises $2 Million Drawing Supporters Globally

March 5th - via: ibtimes.com
3Doodler, the world's first 3D printing pen, has smashed its Kickstarter goal by over 6,774% as of 5:00am EST on Monday March 4th, by continuing its upward trend and raising $2 Million in funding from the internet community. (Read More)

Somerville start-up nabs nearly $2 million on Kickstarter for 3D pen

March 4th - via: bostonglobe.com
Somerville toy creators Peter Dilworth and Max Bogue struck Internet gold just two days after they posted a project on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter to pay for their latest invention — a three dimensional printer in the form of a handheld pen. Their gadget, known as the 3Doodler, attracted so many pledges — with many people offering the minimum $75 or more to eventually get their hands on one of the pens — that it quickly generated $1 million in funding. (Read More)

Episode 164: Dragon Whisperer, International Tabletop Day, Banksy, and Bionic Legs

March 3rd - via: gfbrobot.com
Shane and Erik from Albino Dragon games stop by to talk about their current Kickstarter for their latest game, Dragon Whisperer. Check it out, why don’t you? Then, the gang talks about International Tabletop Day, Banksy (and street art in general), bionic legs for British soldiers, the molten plastic hell of the 3Doodler, and more. (Read More)

Why Can't This Breathtaking Game Get Funded on Kickstarter?

March 1st - via: allthingsd.com
The promise of crowdfunding is alluring: Creative people can turn their ideas into reality democratically, without having to compromise or sell their souls to a big corporation. And certainly, more than a few projects live up to that dream, a notable recent example being the super-cool 3-D printing pen 3Doodler, which AllThingsD’s Liz Gannes wrote about earlier this week. (Read More)

Some updates from 3Doodler HQ

February 28th - via: kickstarter.com
We remain awed by your response, grateful to each and every one of you, and super excited to get the 3Doodler into your hands. As we near the $2M mark here are some highlights, and a couple of tantalising updates: 1. Production Update! The benefit of... (Read More)

Kickstarter 3Doodler 3D Printing Pen Nothing of the Sort – But Somehow Raises $2 Million

February 27th - via: singularityhub.com
Five days after launch on Kickstarter, the 3Doodler 3D printing pen boasted over 21,000 backers and $1.9 million in pledges. Their goal was $30,000! What’s so special about the 3Doodler? If nothing else, it rivals the lofty infomercial marketing heights of Slap Chop or ShamWow. But let’s get something straight—3Doodler is a crafting “pen” not a handheld 3D printing pen (whatever that even means). (Read More)

3Doodler, the 3D Printing Pen!

February 27th - via: minidigita.com
By now, many of us all know what 3d printing is. It is a form of rapid prototyping using additive manufacturing (layer by layer). In order to use a 3d printer, you need to know how to use a 3d modeling program such as Autodesk Inventor, which is a complex program not usually used by the everyday people. There are websites such as Thingiverse that offer models to be submitted and used by users, but what if you just want to unleash your creativity and go freehand? Until now, that hasn’t been a possibility, but the 3Doodler has arrived at Kickstarter! (Read More)

3-D Printing Pen Raises Over $1 Mil On Kickstarter

February 26th - via: webpronews.com
I’m not sure what impresses me most about this project: the fact that it began as a $30,000 goal on Kickstarter and went on to raise $1.8 million in just a week, or the fact that the product itself is so cool I’m finding myself daydreaming about all the things I could make with it before it’s even in my hot little hands. (Read More)

Kickstarter "3D Printing Pen" 3Doodler Sees Massive Demand

February 25th - via: allthingsd.com
When a Kickstarter project sets out to raise $30,000, and smashes through that goal in five hours — and then five days later it’s raised more than $1.8 million — you gotta wonder, how did they not see that coming? (Read More)

Crowdfund a Batman documentary, 3D printing pens, and a WWII setting for Lovecraftian RPGs

February 24th - via: io9.com
If you've always wished you could draw objects in 3D, there's a pen that uses basic 3D-printing technology to let you draw wire art-style objects, and it's looking for a little crowdfunding. So is a documentary on the power of the Batman story, an RPG setting that places cosmic horrors in WWII, the print volume of one of the Internet's most ludicrous webcomics, and a Creative Commons concept art book that lets you collaborate on the story. (Read More)

Introducing the newest member of the 3Doodler Team!

February 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Everyone, say hi to Ophelia!  Ophelia is a labrador-mix and a rescue dog. We adopted Ophelia just before our Kickstarter happened and are pleased to say she is settling in just fine, and seems totally unfazed by the excitement surrounding 3Doodler.... (Read More)

3-D printing pen raises more than $1 million on Kickstarter

February 21st - via: latimes.com
After being posted Tuesday, 3Doodler, as the project is called, quickly shattered its goal of raising $30,000, and is now just shy of hitting the $1.2-million mark. (Read More)

Opening Up December Shipments

February 20th - via: kickstarter.com
In the words of Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, "Boom Shake Shake Shake The Room!" We're delighted to announce the opening of December shipments of 3Doodlers! Demand has been astounding, and the whole team is truly overwhelmed by your reaction and... (Read More)

Keeping Up!

February 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Amazing Backers! It really means a huge amount to be able to reply to each and every one of you individually. We have been trying our hardest to do so, but we just can't keep up, no matter how fast we type! We thought we were doing a pretty good job... (Read More)

To Stretch or not to Stretch? That is the question.

February 20th - via: kickstarter.com
We originally set a Stretch Goal threshold at around $75,000. We hadn't expected to hit it so quickly, let alone in just a few hours! The intense demand for 3Doodler meant that all hands were on deck answering your questions and making sure we were... (Read More)

More 3Doodlers going live now!

February 20th - via: kickstarter.com
The aim of this Kickstarter was to create a first run of 3Doodlers, set the foundations in place to scale from there, and create an early 3Doodler community. Well we're about 30hours in and we're pinching ourselves. We are honestly gobsmacked!... (Read More)

3Doodler Destroys Kickstarter Goal, Raises Over $500K In A Day

February 20th - via: webpronews.com
The 3Doodler has absolutely shattered its initial Kickstarter goal by raising over $500,000 in just a day. As of now, the project has 7,826 people pledging $692,878. Every single tier of 3Doodler, except for the $10,000 has sold out. The team at WobbleWorks have added another 5,000 pens available at either $75 or $99, but these are also going incredibly fast. (Read More)

3Doodler crushes Kickstarter goal in hours

February 20th - via: slashgear.com
Currently the cheapest pledge that will get you a pen via Kickstarter is for $75 or more. That pledge will get you the pen and two bags of mixed color plastic along with a Hall of Fame mention. A pledge of $99 or more will get the pen and 10 bags of plastic. The company also still has both of its $10,000 or more pledges available that get a pen, a membership to exclusive beta tester mailing list for future projects from the company, and a day with the people behind the project. The company hopes to deliver the finished product by November of 2013. The 3Doodler would certainly make for cool gift for Christmas. (Read More)

3Doodler, World's First 3D Printing Pen, Takes Kickstarter By Storm

February 20th - via: huffingtonpost.com
If you've ever wanted to see your doodles in three dimensions, you can now do just that -- provided you fund the Kickstarter page for 3Doodler, the first ever 3D printing pen. (Read More)

Kickstarter-Projekt: Der Stift 3Doodler malt in 3D

February 20th - via: spiegel.de
Eine kleine amerikanische Firma hat einen Stift ausgetüftelt, mit dem man 3-D-Objekte von Hand zeichnen kann - mit erhitztem Plastik. Die Macher stellten ihr Projekt bei der Crowdfunding-Plattform Kickstarter ein. Mit überwältigendem Erfolg. (Read More)

3D-printing pen turns doodles into sculptures

February 19th - via: newscientist.com
The 3Doodle, which launched on Kickstarter today, lets users draw 3D structures in the air which solidify almost instantly (Read More)

Kickstarter Launched For World's First 3D Printing Pen

February 19th - via: thenextweb.com
Toy company WobbleWorks has launched a Kickstarter campaign today to try to fund the world’s first 3D printing pen, which will allow owners to draw objects that can then be picked up or sculpted into new three-dimensional objects. (Read More)

3D-Printing Pen, The 3Doodler, Reaches Kickstarter Funding Goal In Hours

February 19th - via: techcrunch.com
A pledge of $75 gets you a pen and you can use standard-gauge ABS/PLA plastic – the same material used by Makerbot. The project is already funded and it looks like it will be a popular product. It’s fun, clever, and introduces basic 3D-printing concepts without the rigmarole of programming and CAD. Think of it as a LOGO programming language for ABS extrusion fans, which is pretty esoteric but fairly accurate. (Read More)

A 3-D Printing "Pen" Project Hits Kickstarter

February 19th - via: fastcompany.com
A new Kickstarter campaign from WobbleWorks has taken the core idea of modern 3-D printing tech and applied it to an old-world tool: The pen. (Read More)

3Doodler 3D printer pen hits Kickstarter

February 19th - via: slashgear.com
3D printers are undeniably cool, but their price also puts them out of the reach of most; that’s where 3Doodler steps in, a 3D printing pen hitting Kickstarter today and promising to make sketches physical. The chubby stylus squirts out of a stream of thermoplastic from its 270 degree-C nib, which is instantly cooled by an integrated fan. (Read More)

A 3-D Printing Pen Wows Kickstarter

February 19th - via: technologyreview.com
The very affordable pen could open new vistas for 3-D creation. Drawing has entered the third dimension. (Read More)

World's first 3D printing pen smashes Kickstarter goal in a few hours

February 19th - via: theverge.com
WobbleWorks launched the project earlier today on Kickstarter, and shot past its $30,000 funding goal within a few hours; at the time of writing, it's raised close to ten times that amount. The first orders are scheduled to ship in September, though there only looks to be enough stock for around 5,000 Kickstarter backers in total. Right now, you can order your own 3Doodler for $75 and it should be with you in October. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!