Blade Runner RPG: Replicant Rebellion & Asset Pack

A project in Stockholm, Sweden by Free League

Funding Successful

Fight back against Replicant oppression in this major expansion to the award-winning BLADE RUNNER RPG from Free League Publishing.
Backers: 5283
Average Pledge Per Backer: kr875 SEK

Funded: kr4,624,265 SEK of kr250,000 SEK
Dates: May 28th -> Jun 13th (17 days)
Project By: Free League
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kr4,624,265 SEK

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Last Updated: June 13 @ 15:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Final 24 Hours – Bonus Stretch Goal Unlocked!

June 12th - via:
Hey all, To celebrate reaching the final stretch goal and thank you for your support, we decided to throw in a bonus that many have asked for – a set of digital assets and templates to help the enterprising Game Runner create their own data... (Read More)

Solo Mode Unlocked!!

June 12th - via:
You did it! This campaign is heading to a great finale, with the final stretch goal we had set up – the by many highly sought after solo mode – unlocked overnight! Thank you for giving this Kickstarter such an amazing end, and thanks for hanging... (Read More)

Blade Runner RPG: Replicant Rebellion with Two Days Left in the KickstarterNews

June 11th - via:
Just two days remain in the Kickstarter campaign for Replicant Rebellion & Asset Pack, two major expansions to the award-winning Blade Runner The Roleplaying Game. (Read More)

Last Days for the 'Blade Runner: Replicant Rebellion' Kickstarter

June 11th - via:
The Replicant Rebellion Kickstarter might be winding down, but your work with the Replicant Underground is just about to begin. (Read More)

Blade Runner RPG: Replicant Rebellion Kickstarter Wrapping Up With Solo Mode

June 11th - via:
You’ve got just two more days to reap rewards from the campaign for Blade Runner RPG: Replicant Rebellion. The second expansion to Free League’s hit tabletop game, it’s the first to cast you and your friends as Replicants instead of Blade Runners. (Read More)

Final Week, Art Reveal & Final Stretch Goal – Let's Unlock Solo Mode!

June 10th - via:
Hello! We're into the final week of this Kickstarter! We can't thank you enough for your support, making it possible to make Replicant Rebellion and the Asset Pack just as amazing as we dreamed them to be. You're awesome! Seven stretch goals have... (Read More)

Standees are in the bag, now let's unlock solo mode – and check out the new art from Replicant Rebellion!

June 5th - via:
Hello! We just unlocked another stretch goal – a set of stylish cardboard standees will now be added to the Asset Pack! Thank you for your support! Next up is the highly coveted solo mode. We know that many backers really want this one and some are... (Read More)

Replicant Rebellion Interview!

June 3rd - via:
Hello! We're into the second week of the Kickstarter and in the dreaded midway slowdown - still, we're making good progress and are close to unlocking the next stretch goal, the cardboard standees, and beyond that, the solo mode. Keep spreading the... (Read More)

Learn More About the Asset Pack!

May 31st - via:
Hello! It's Friday and the Replicant Rebellion is marching on! We have received some questions about the Asset Pack, so we thought we should tell you a little more about it. You can check out a mockup of the contents above – please note that these... (Read More)

The Mole Hunt Is On – Solo Mode Is Up!

May 30th - via:
Hello Rebels! We're into day 3 of the campaign, and just unlocked the bonus Operation Mole Hunt, to be included in the Replicant Rebellion book. Thank you for your support! Next up we have a stylish set of cardboard standees and then a solo mode for... (Read More)

New Day, New Stretch Goal Unlocked!

May 29th - via:
Hello! The Kickstarter for Replicant Rebellion is into its second day and we have just unlocked another stretch goal - thanks to your support, we will increase the number of printed location maps in the Asset Pack from 10 to 15. Thank you for your... (Read More)

The Doctor is in the House! And New Stretch Goals – Standees, Solo Mode & More

May 28th - via:
Hello! The first batch of stretch goals is down – we have a Doctor in the house! Thank you for your support! To keep things moving, we have added a whole slew of new stretch goals into the mix! If we keep the momentum up, we will unlock: Five extra... (Read More)

Heat Meter & VTT Modules Unlocked! The Doctor Approaches...

May 28th - via:
Hello again! The Replicant Rebellion rages on! Thanks to your support for the Underground, we have now unlocked the Alchemy virtual tabletop modules and the handy Heat Meter, showing your Rebels just how intense the Heat is right now. Next up: the... (Read More)

Fully Funded! And First Stretch Goal Unlocked!

May 28th - via:
Hello! We have been dreaming of creating the Replicant Rebellion expansion ever since before the Blade Runner RPG core game was completed, and it's amazing to see this campaign off to such a great start! We're fully funded and the first stretch goal... (Read More)

Blade Runner The Role Playing Game: Replicant Rebellion, Fully FundedNews

May 28th - via:
The Replicant Underground is officially enlisting new recruits, as the Kickstarter campaign for Replicant Rebellion, the massive new expansion for Blade Runner: The Roleplaying Game from Free League Publishing, is now live on Kickstarter. The campaign was fully funded in 12 minutes, and has raised over $50,000 USD in its first half hour. (Read More)

Blade Runner RPG: Replicant Rebellion & Asset Pack Kickstarter Funds in 12 Minutes

May 28th - via:
Today, Free League Publishing launched the eagerly anticipated Kickstarter to fund the Replicant Rebellion for the excellent Blade Runner: The Roleplaying Game. The volume contains everything you need to create player characters who are part of the Replicant Underground, including Replicants themselves. The project funded in its first 12 minutes and you can reserve a copy of the hardcover (with PDF) for a pledge of approximately $38.00 through June 13th. Expected delivery is next February. There is also an Asset Pack as part of this Kickstarter and that can be reserved for a pledge of approximately $38.00 as well. You can score both for a pledge of approximately $66.00 or get the digital bundle for a pledge of approximately… you guessed it, $38.00. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!