Valley of the Unicorn: A 5E D&D RPG Campaign
A project in Madison, WI by Tim Krause000days
Funding Successful
In Kamchanod forest, reclusive witch Oryx battles with wizard Rallina to help the Asterion unicorns return to their home in the stars.
Backers: 166
Average Pledge Per Backer: $26
Funded: $4,381 of $1,500
Dates: Jan 25th -> Feb 24th (30 days)
Project By: Tim Krause
Backers: 166
Average Pledge Per Backer: $26
Funded: $4,381 of $1,500
Dates: Jan 25th -> Feb 24th (30 days)
Project By: Tim Krause
current pledge level
Last Updated: February 24 @ 12:02 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
$3,500 Stretch Goal Unlocked
February 9th - via:
Hi all, Thank you all so much for your support: we just crossed the $3,500 mark, and unlocked another stretch goal. I've been trying to get these teed up to announce right away. Among the other stretch goals, I wanted to share a couple little... (Read More)
New Stretch Goal and Conversion Chart Update (OSR)
February 5th - via:
Hi all, A couple of quick notes, and a new it of artwork to preview! OSR Conversion Unfortunately, we had to pull some of the conversion charts from Valley of the Unicorn. In addition to 5E, we're working on a more general OSR conversion. Stay... (Read More)
Art Update!
February 5th - via:
Hi all, I know it's a little short notice, but I'll be stopping by online at noon CST today to chat a bit about new art work for Valley of the Unicorn. The link to the Facebook Event is here: Don't worry if you miss it,... (Read More)
Closing in on $3,000 Stretch Goal and Updated Art
February 1st - via:
Hi all, We're nearly at the $3,000 stretch mark! In the next update, we'll offer up some of the sketches that will accompany the new monsters and NPCs. There's a mystical fish, guardian spirit, and a mysterious unicorn rider, along with sketches... (Read More)
Proof Copy of the Legendaria Atlas Add-On
January 27th - via:
Hi all, One of the things we wanted to be sure of is that the Legendaria: Atlas of the World supplement would arrive on time and be ready for shipping when this campaign ends. The final proof arrived today, and pending final review tonight, will be... (Read More)
Goal and Two Stretch Goals in Under 8 Hours!
January 25th - via:
Hi all, Thank you so much for supporting Valley of the Unicorn! In just under eight hours (a record!), we made our goal, and our first two stretch goals. We're working on a LIVE event for later this week on Facebook. Stay tuned, and we'll preview... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!