Par Teutates ! Gallic Army STL Files and/or Miniatures
A project in Orleans, France by ZBB EditionS000days
Funding Successful
Ancient Armies 10 to 28 mm, STL files for 3D printing or sub-packaged 15 mm minis for DBA or any Ancient rules, set of 4 minis at 28 mm
Backers: 81
Average Pledge Per Backer: €54
Funded: €4,358 of €3,600
Dates: May 30th -> Jun 17th (18 days)
Project By: ZBB EditionS
Backers: 81
Average Pledge Per Backer: €54
Funded: €4,358 of €3,600
Dates: May 30th -> Jun 17th (18 days)
Project By: ZBB EditionS
current pledge level
Last Updated: June 17 @ 13:10 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
To compare our 16 mm...
June 17th - via:
Hi, for we can publish a picture linked with a question in the comment : A picture take with our miniatures and some Essex miniatures. Our miniatures are on clear bases, Essex Miniatures are on dark bases. If you note that the dark bases are a bit... (Read More)
THANK YOU ! And a last good news...
June 16th - via:
Hi, What could say else than THANK YOU ! If we should read the future, did we had start this strange campaign funded during the last time ? Sure, we did ! Many thanks for all of you ! And with this very good news, we have the pleasure to show you the... (Read More)
Sacrifice + Pictures
June 15th - via:
Hi every body ! The third Druid is here ! And a sacrifice is done ! So, you can play the 3 Druid and the 4 Furies as a 7 Hd as for DBA. But, you can just used them as a "funny" scenery ! As we know, Gallic and Celtic in continental Europe may not... (Read More)
BARD & DRUIDESS for a special footage !
June 15th - via:
Hi ! Bard were not only musician but Druid too. And a Druidess is a druid and not a Furie. But not completely not... And, arriving to the end of this campaign, sometime, as yesterday evening, we should had some strange shooting time for footage after... (Read More)
Really Furious... + Pictures
June 14th - via:
Hi all ! The furies were thought with the other miniatures in relationship with the historical facts we were writing yesterday. With them, you should create - for the Briton army DBA 3.0 - a 7Hd... and should be the base for special unit in other... (Read More)
They were furious... + Pictures
June 13th - via:
Hi ! Today, two furies ! When Roman invade Britain, in the far north west of Wales, they invaded Anglesey. Thus, as wrote Tacite, they found women and Druids... : On the shore stood the opposing army with its dense array of armed warriors, while... (Read More)
28 mm prints pictures !
June 12th - via:
Hi again ! The first pictures show the scale. 28 mm and 16 mm to the eyes. The other are in 28 mm for the details of the sculpts ! Many thanks to Philian (Bellis Magnus) for his help ! (Read More)
A new Chariot, Fences, Prices & over Historical comments...
June 12th - via:
Hi all ! Today you can discover a new chariot, the Briton one ! Included in the daily Bonus pack, it allows to made the Briton army if you play DBA 3.0... May be a famous warrior could be add in the following days... We add too a new add-on : A set... (Read More)
Ride over the Thames...
June 11th - via:
Hi All ! As the titles could give an information, we let you in the doubt... but... If we say that : - The two horses are not alternate files/miniatures in the Chariots pack but are added as STL files as Physical miniatures in the Daily Bonus pack...... (Read More)
June 10th - via:
Hello, Today we show you two foot miniatures and two horses ! The two horses are for the chariots : Fir the physical pack, it made some alternative miniatures instead of mirrors. For the chariots too, a new chief : the miniature is added in the pack... (Read More)
I need a Heroe ! Vercingétorix ! + Picture
June 9th - via:
Hi at all ! We have the pleasure to present you Vercingétorix ! Both by foot or as rider : For physical pledge, the rider simply replace a mirror miniature in the cavalry pack and the same for the foot in the heavy pack. On this picture, you can see... (Read More)
Big Engraved Stone & the Blacksmith Rack
June 8th - via:
Hi all, Today, we have the pleasure to present you a big stone engraved and the rack where the blacksmith place his productions before the battle ! Like the small engraved stone, the big is inspired by real stone but, like the small too, they are... (Read More)
Forge & Axe on a Chopping Block
June 7th - via:
Hi, A bit late today and before tomorrow when you can discover the end of the "daily life" miniatures for your scenery opening the way to come back for the "warfare" figurines, we have the pleasure to show you the Forge & Axe on a Chopping... (Read More)
Pay What You Want ! The 28 mm & the Blacksmith...
June 6th - via:
Hi ! This daily news arrive very late today. We have some great changes to explain ... 1 : Some players ask for a solution for we can print miniatures in 28 mm. That's done. 4 foot, 4 riders, 1 chariot or the Heroes. 2 : Some backers just want some... (Read More)
Pot & Bucket
June 5th - via:
Hi, With the pictures published this night, this morning you can see the Pot & Bucket ! All of them, you can take a look at them during the short video made to present our project. After the blacksmith, you can see too in the video, will start... (Read More)
Some Pictures...
June 4th - via:
As request, we have the pleasure to show you some pictures of the Daily Bonus already known ! The Engraved Stone : The Horse : The Drinking Trough : Barrels, Baskets (and Bucket will revealed in few hours !) : The Fence : All the miniatures... (Read More)
Small Engraved Stone
June 4th - via:
Hello ! Today, you should discover a Small Engraved Stone ! Based on real stone known, this is for our pleasure and your scenery only : this kind of stone were not produced in the ancient area, contemporary of the subject of the "Par Teutates"... (Read More)
Drinking Trough & Ramius' video
June 3rd - via:
Hi ! Today, we reveal you the drinking trough ! Always to complete a realistic scenery ! But, we have the pleasure to present you a short video made by Ramius : We send him many miniatures for he can test and compare with other producer our work... (Read More)
Horse & Fence
June 2nd - via:
Hello ! Today, we let you discover a horse and a fence to complete your scenery ! See you tomorrow for a new Daily Bonus ! (Read More)
Barrels & Baskets
June 1st - via:
Hello at all ! Today is the the first Daily Bonus revealed : Barrels & Baskets. Gallic were known to be part of the first to produce barrels. It seems normal for us to provide this kind of miniatures to upgrade your scenery around the field of... (Read More)
Where are The Chariots ?
May 31st - via:
Hello at all for our first campaign ! A small correction : we add the Cavalry pictures at the place for the Chariots ... the Chariots are then at the right place now. Sorry for this mistake and we give you a Rendez-Vous for the first real news... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!