You Know It! A new party game

A project in London, UK by Jon Gracey

Funding Successful

The trivia game where it's not what you know... it's who knows what!
Backers: 1532
Average Pledge Per Backer: £37

Funded: £56,394 of £6,000
Dates: May 21st -> Jun 20th (30 days)
Project By: Jon Gracey
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Last Updated: June 20 @ 13:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

The countdown is on!

June 19th - via:
We are now in the final hours of the Kickstarter! We are doing a 24 hour-long Twitch stream, so if you'd like to hang out with us, come along!  (Read More)

Just two days to go! + 24 hour stream + 100k mega stretch goal announcement

June 18th - via:
Hey all! We're nearly at the end of our Kickstarter campaign! With just two days to go, we're eyeing those final stretch goals... can we make it? As a reminder, we've got 55k - bonus pack of movie-based questions, 65k - coloured pens (that's the one... (Read More)

New stretch goals + 90s ad + countdown stream + podcast

June 11th - via:
Hi everyone! Updates for you! STRETCH GOALS We've got some fun new stretch goals to share with you, including colourful marker pens and a nice drawstring pouch for your game tokens! We've learnt our lesson from previous stretch goals and spaced them... (Read More)

Quick stretch goal update

June 5th - via:
Greetings from the void, Matthew here. A quick note to say that we have once again hit all our stretch goals! Thank you so much for all your pledges and support, we're so excited that so many people will get to enjoy playing our game. We'll be back... (Read More)

New question theme reveal + retailer tier!

June 3rd - via:
Ahoy hoy! Coming to you very tired but very happy after a wonderful few days at the UK Games Expo, where we got to meet many, many backers in person and play dozens of rounds of You Know It! with them. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello,... (Read More)

£40k stretch goal unlocked! + UKGE + #ProjectWeLove

May 30th - via:
Hey Know It Alls! So exciting to be writing to over 1000 of you (my personal goal for the whole campaign!) That means we've unlocked the next stretch goal: another bonus pack of cards! We will be announcing the topic very soon - we haven't had a... (Read More)

New stretch goals!

May 28th - via:
Hi y'all!  We're now one week into the Kickstarter campaign and we're so delighted by the response. Unusually for the internet, the comments we've received have been almost entirely positive!!! Stretch goalsAs mentioned in my previous update, we had... (Read More)

Stretch goals achieved!!

May 22nd - via:
Oh my!!! We've exceeded all our stretch goals already!!!!! It's been a bit of a blur and we can't believe we woke up to £20k of pledges!! You lot are amazing. Now, given that we haven't got any more pledges to unlock at the moment, you can probably... (Read More)


May 21st - via:
HOLY SHIT GANG!!!! We have already surpassed our in less than three hours!!! We can't believe it!! Thank you to everyone who's backed and shared. Onwards to the first stretch goal of £9000!!  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!