Neon Skies - Alternative Cyberpunk Tabletop Roleplaying

A project in Leonardtown, MD by Wyloch's Armory

Status: Active

Brand new rules system. Brand new setting. A refreshing take on the genre of cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying.
Backers: 737
Average Daily Pledges: $1,795
Average Pledge Per Backer: $85

Funding: $62,824 of $40,000
Dates: May 22nd -> Jun 26th (35 days)
Project By: Wyloch's Armory
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Latest News

It's Domino Day

June 25th - via:
Welcome to Domino Day, nocturners.  By the end of it, the world will be changed. --- Kessler Syndrome (also called the Kessler effect, collisional cascading, or ablation cascade), proposed by NASA scientist Donald J. Kessler in 1978, is a scenario... (Read More)

Signed Copies

June 24th - via:
Good afternoon Rook City.  Some people asking about signed copies. While I can make no promises because I am still considering using a third party fulfillment center (in which case the books will never even come to me) - if at all possible, I might... (Read More)

Rules Overview - Hacking

June 19th - via:
Here it is, folks.  Almost everything you need to know about the hacking mechanics in Neon Skies.  (Read More)


June 12th - via:
Hello nocturners - thanks for backing!  The goal of $40,000 was based on approximately a 500 copy print run.  That's what I wanted to do: a meaningful among of hardbacks out in the wild.  Enough to hopefully spawn a critical mass.  Now, we will... (Read More)

Add-ons for PDF Only?

June 10th - via:
Hello all - For those of you backing the PDF-Only option: as you know, add-ons are not available since nothing is being shipped.  I had made an assumption that anyone choosing PDF only wouldn't be interested in the extra ~$15 in shipping it would... (Read More)

Podcast Interview!

June 7th - via:
Earlier, this week I did an interview about Neon Skies on the Arcology Podcast (which usually is Shadowrun specific, but they were kind enough to talk about my book).  I was crazy tired so I become unintelligible a few times, but nonetheless, listen... (Read More)


June 6th - via:
As a geriatric millennial, I have had a hard time understanding and embracing Discord.  I understand it is a thing that is popular. Here is the Wyloch's Armory discord server.  I am working on improving my attentiveness to it.... (Read More)

Vehicle Chases!

June 6th - via:
Today, let's have a look at vehicle chases, include actual gameplay examples!  (Read More)

Any questions?

June 5th - via:
Hello nocturners - Do you have any burning questions or concerns?  Right now there's nothing in the FAQ section, and only two or three people have asked me anything at all. All good? Unrelated: the second rules featurette video (Vehicle Chases) will... (Read More)


June 4th - via:
I pre-emptively ordered a batch of dice.  Here they, are real and in-person!  Nocturner cyan and OmniNet purple.  (Read More)

Resource Videos! (Today: Combat)

June 1st - via:
Here's the first of several rules overview videos that will be released.  The trade dress and manner of presentation will be consistent.  Expect additional videos like this for vehicle chases, hacking, and more!  (Read More)

Rules Spotlight: Making an Attack

May 28th - via:
Hello nocturners!  Here's a snippet from the Admin screen.  This is how to make an attack in Neon Skies. Guns require you to succeed on a Sling. Close Combat requires you to win in a Contest. Both depend upon how many hands you are using to perform... (Read More)


May 24th - via:
Good morning nocturners! Well, we're almost half-way to Funded!  I have been monitoring socials like a hawk, so I know many of you have gone out of your way to help.  I deliberately didn't do Stretch Goals, or Early Bird Specials, or any of that... (Read More)

Shipping Costs are Calculating Incorrectly

May 23rd - via:
Hello all - This is good news for some pledgers, and no impact to all the rest. It appears that the add-ons (dice, screen) shipping are being treated as cumulative to the base reward, as opposed to the most bounding price being used.  This was a... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!