Rise of the Wastelands

A project in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Wulfhorn Games

Status: Active

In this 4X post-apocalyptic game resources are scarce, the remaining survivors fight to rule the Wastelands.
Backers: 358
Average Daily Pledges: €1,882
Average Pledge Per Backer: €84

Funding: €30,109 of €25,000
Dates: Jun 11th -> Jul 11th (30 days)
Project By: Wulfhorn Games
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Latest News

New stretch goal unlocked & a closer look at map tiles 🗺️🧭

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
To my fellow wasteland dwellersThanks to all your support, we reached our second stretch goal! And this time we want to thank you with 4 new map tiles 🗺️.On the one hand, having more map tiles will bring more variety to the landscape and also... (Read More)

Yes! We have an insert this time 😁

June 24th - via: kickstarter.com
To my fellow wasteland dwellersWe received some questions if we have an insert for Rise of the Wastelands. With Stellar Expedition 🚀 we did not have the means to create an insert. But now we are going all out with the quality of the game. That... (Read More)

First stretch goal reached - Toxic clouds ☣️

June 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
To my fellow wasteland dwellersThanks to all your support, we reached our first stretch goal! And to thank you for letting us achieve this huge milestone, we wanted that our first stretch goal was something truly special.That is why the game now is... (Read More)

Thank you everyone, we are funded! 🥳

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
To my fellow wasteland dwellersWe made it! And it is all thanks to you, so a big applause to you all 👏. We are very happy to finally have reached this milestone, it has been a looong journey. But actually we are not finished yet. There are still... (Read More)

Table Top Simulator available 🕹️🧑🏽‍💻

June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
To my fellow wasteland dwellersSome of you have asked if we have a TTS version of the game to try it out, so we wanted to let you know that yes, we do have it, and it is accessible for everyone here(we have actually had it for a while, but now it is... (Read More)

Solo mode rules 📖

June 17th - via: kickstarter.com
To my fellow wasteland dwellersSome of you have already asked more details about the solo mode. We always recommend exploring the wastelands accompanied by other dwellers, but I can understand that doing it just by yourself can also be an exciting... (Read More)

Wooden miniatures add-on 🌲🚀

June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
To my fellow wasteland dwellersSome of you have requested and add-on the Screen Printed Wooden Miniatures 🌲 after pledging for the deluxe edition.We have talked to our manufacturer en shipping company and we are happy to inform that it possible to... (Read More)

New play through video 🎲 ▶️

June 13th - via: kickstarter.com
To my fellow wasteland dwellersFor those who want to get a better feeling of how the game plays, we got 2 new videos from Rahdo Runs Through... He is using the deluxe version and he is doing a 2-player game. The map layout that you see there is the... (Read More)

An amazing launch day! 🚀

June 12th - via: kickstarter.com
To my fellow wasteland dwellersThanks to all of you for backing this project, we are almost at 50%!!! Those are great numbers, which is something to be happy about, but we are specially happy with all the positive reactions from everyone, so again,... (Read More)

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