Rustwater Quickstart
A project in Athens, GA by Wayne Peacock000days
Funding Successful
Weird Fantasy in a Cursed World
Backers: 72
Average Pledge Per Backer: $25
Funded: $1,792 of $1,200
Dates: Feb 1st -> Feb 28th (28 days)
Project By: Wayne Peacock
Backers: 72
Average Pledge Per Backer: $25
Funded: $1,792 of $1,200
Dates: Feb 1st -> Feb 28th (28 days)
Project By: Wayne Peacock
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 1 @ 00:17 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Gokleve Map & Wilderwhim
February 27th - via:
My apologies about the scarcity of the updates, etc. Life happened and I have not posted as many as were planned. I hope we can still net some new customers in the next day, so please consider sharing our links again. GokleveBefore the cataclysm,... (Read More)
February 24th - via:
Thank you so much, we have met our goal with your help. We have 4 more days and we're asking for your help again to see if we can get to 80 backers! If you have not shared your status as a backer, please consider doing again by Friday. (Read More)
50, 127, and 63
February 14th - via:
We are 50% through our project and at 127% of our funding goal! Thanks so much. The other number we would love to see grow is our number of backers. Right now, we are at 63. We love to see that much closer to 100. That's so we can start the... (Read More)
Interview with Mildra the Monk (EN vTuber)
February 10th - via:
We enter the temple to talk to Mildra about Rustwater and our TTRPG history! (Read More)
Kismet Games on Orcusdorkus’ RPG Shenanigans
February 7th - via:
We talk about Rustwater on this episode of Orcusdorkus’ RPG Shenanigans. Please give it a watch and a 👍. Sharing would also help a lot. Thanks! (Read More)
Preview of The Four Curses
February 5th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
WE DID IT! Just Funded!
February 4th - via:
Thank you all for pledging and sharing! It's been a lot of work and many hands (or keyboards) have made this much easier! We will be updating you with art and info on Rustwater, so please stay tuned. Looking forward to getting the Quickstart into... (Read More)
Almost There!
February 4th - via:
Our Kickstarter is 91% funded!!!! Please consider backing, if have not. If you are already one of our fantastic fans or backers, THANKS! Help us stay on target by sharing! (Read More)
Rustwater Q&A on Randomworlds Discord
February 3rd - via:
Dan Davenport, a.k.a. the Hardboiled GMshoe, hosted Dee and I on the Randomworlds Discord on Sunday, February 2nd. He put up a log of our Q&A about Rustwater on his website, please check it out. Randomworld's Discord (Read More)
Q&A on Rustwater at the Randomworld's Discord
February 2nd - via:
Our Q&A with Dee on Rustwater is today in Randomworlds at 1:00 pm CST! All are welcome! (Read More)
Great start!
February 1st - via:
Thank you all so much for your support! Dee and I are working hard to get the word out and get this project funded so we can get you a copy of this game!If you've not seen it yet, RASCAL has our article up. Please take a look and share if you can. ... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!