Sovereign: Fall of Wormwood

A project in Los Angeles, CA by Damon Stea

Status: Active

A sci-fi tactic card game for 2-4 players with a rich, detailed world. Fight, bluff, or negotiate your way to victory! Launch June 11!
Backers: 921
Average Daily Pledges: $5,645
Average Pledge Per Backer: $98

Funding: $90,317 of $30,000
Dates: Jun 11th -> Jul 11th (30 days)
Project By: Damon Stea
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Latest News

Yes! Embroidered citizen bags for everyone!

June 25th - via:
We finally hit 90K!That means we've unlocked Stretch Goal #4- embroidered cloth bags for storing citizen tokens! Prototype, not final designAs a reminder, we have also unlocked 10 EXCLUSIVE full art Citadel cards, 2 new pieces of art for citizens,... (Read More)

2-player live stream today! Come watch and chat with us!

June 20th - via:
All is well on planet Apsyntion! The campaign continues to grow. You, our beautiful community, continue to be beautiful. And today Damon and I celebrate day 10 of the campaign by beating the tar out of each other. Tune in if you want to see how... (Read More)

3 Stretch Goals Unlocked, plus discounted shipping coming soon!

June 17th - via:
GOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are starting week 2 and we just hit stretch goal number 3, unique echo art for every faction (designs TBD)! This is one we are really excited about. There are 3 awesome benefits. First, each faction will be even... (Read More)

Why it took 10 YEARS to make Sovereign!

June 14th - via:
It's been a long road!There are so many backers here who have been following the progress of Sovereign for years- playing the game at conventions, giving thoughts and suggestions on Discord, etc. We are so grateful to have such an amazing, dedicated,... (Read More)

Tune in for our first LIVE playthrough tomorrow!

June 13th - via:
What a great day 3 for the campaign! We broke 700 BACKERS, and we are well on our way to our next stretch goal, unique echo art for every faction! Please join us tomorrow for our first live playthrough of the campaign! Damon and I will be playing a... (Read More)

Solo lovers unite!! Join our Discord think tank

June 13th - via:
We are just starting day 3 and things are looking AMAZING! Lots of backers have jumped onto our Discord and social media and one of the most common questions we are getting is will there be a solo mode? A small confession- neither Damon nor I are big... (Read More)

Second stretch goal hit! More art for Citizens

June 12th - via:
Well, in less than 2 days we have reached $60,000 and we couldn't have done it without each and every one of you!! We have reached our Citizen art stretch goal, which will allow us to provide a mix of citizen token designs by Stephen Gibson, a very... (Read More)

First stretch goal reached! KS Exclusive full art Citadel cards

June 11th - via:
Thanks to you guys we have already hit our first stretch goal!! These gorgeous KS exclusive full art citadel cards were originally planned as a limited reward- but we didn't want anyone to feel like they were missing out, so at the last minute we... (Read More)

Funded in 90 minutes! What an amazing start!

June 11th - via:
Thank you!!!!Sovereign has funded in only 90 minutes and we are so profoundly humbled by the response the game has received. We've worked so hard on Sovereign that knowing it's finally going to be in the hands of players is the best feeling in the... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!