Nicomeiden's Tower: A Dungeon RPG Adventure
A project in Silver Spring, MD by MW Lewis000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 16 @ 10:17 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
We did it! Thanks to all.
March 16th - via:
My Backers are Magical! I am amazed and grateful for all my backers. I leapt into the Kickstarter business compelled to bring my adventure to an audience--any audience. I did so after playtesting the adventure many times, and each time seeing... (Read More)
Incredible ending! We are on the way of meeting the goal!
March 15th - via:
Dear Backers, As I write this, we are 2% away from the goal. I am so confident that victory is ours, I told Nicomeiden to put his poetry away and take a night off! Tomorrow, I will issue one more update about the Kickstarter, and then updates will... (Read More)
The Final 48
March 12th - via:
111 Followers Sat on a Wall... They have but 48 hours ere they will fall. Nicomeiden's guards and Nicomeiden's men Wonder what would happen to them then! So pick up ye mouse and point and click. Support MW's Kickstarter; don't be a d...owner. ... (Read More)
A Message from Nicomeiden
March 10th - via:
We have reached the final countdown. A message from Nicomeiden himself! Dear followers, You've sat on the fence for nearly 60 days. I wonder deeply about the meaning of your ways. The author posted pages at which to look. Now jump off the fence... (Read More)
Need Half My Followers to Become Apprentices!
March 8th - via:
Only 50 Level O Backers Needed! As of March 8, I've gained 117 project FOLLOWERS. Less than 10% backed the project so far. So that's 103 still sitting on the fence. If 50% of those 103 Back Nicomeiden's Tower as an Apprentice ($15.00), the project... (Read More)
We are getting close, but...
March 6th - via:
Nicomeiden's Tower is Close, but... it needs a final big push. I need to raise about $90.00 a day over the next 9, which isn't looking great. I've been putting it out on social media and just about spamming everyone I know. Even offering to donate... (Read More)
Charity! Backers, send in one recommendation
March 3rd - via:
Drawing to Choose Charity on March 20 The deadline to send in the name of your favorite charity will be March 17. After the publisher and I take some time to review the validity of each charity suggested, we will conduct a drawing to choose 1 charity... (Read More)
The Home Stretch--I will donate my profits
February 26th - via:
Hello Backers! We are in the homestretch. If you know anyone on the fence, kick them off! Get them to back the KS. We need only 60 Level 0 or 36 Level 1 or 26 Level 2 backers to make this project a go! Donate my profits! If we make the goal, I... (Read More)
Check out the Draft Cover!
January 31st - via:
Draft Cover now available. (Read More)
Only 1 Day Left to Receive Tome of Spell Inks!
January 30th - via:
Everyone who backs my KS in January will receive a pdf of the Tome of Spell Inks! This tome is a wonderful add-on to any fantasy-style RPG. Tome of Spell Inks (Read More)
Only 6 Days Left to Receive Tome of Spell Inks!
January 25th - via:
Everyone who backs my KS in January will receive a pdf of the Tome of Spell Inks! This tome is a wonderful add-on to any fantasy-style RPG. Tome of Spell Inks Forword So don't let the month pass you by! (Read More)
The Anchorspere notices my project!
January 23rd - via:
My KS is turning me into a bona fide celebrity! Seems like the launch of this Kickstarter is turning old MW into an Anchorsphere celeb. I've been doing all the talkies (that's old-school speak for podcasts) since I launched the Kickstarter. I've... (Read More)
Seven-day Report and Special Gift for January Backers
January 22nd - via:
On the seventh day... So the seventh day of the KS campaign came and went without an announcement from yours truly. So it was that the seventh day of the campaign was a day of rest. But now at the beginning of the second week of the campaign, I and... (Read More)
Printer Engaged...Cover Art Commissioned!
January 20th - via:
40% Backed Spread the word to your RPG-loving friends and connections. This Kickstarter is at 40% backed in less than a week. I know this is a tough sell as I'm a newcomer to the adventure module-publishing biz, and that's why I chose the KS route.... (Read More)
Sample of Completed Map Posted!
January 19th - via:
Well, if you've been waiting to see what these blue-scale maps are going to look like, wait no longer! A low-res image of Areas 1-5 is now posted in the Kickstarter Description. Spread the word! (Read More)
New Art Revealed on the KSer!
January 18th - via:
Just highlighting some new art on the front page of the KSer. Enjoy! (Read More)
FAQ, Video, and Product description added!
January 17th - via:
Hello backers and followers. I added a small, funny video that I made for the players in my 33-month long Monday Night AD&D game. They experienced Nicomeiden's Tower in 2021--my second play testers. After, I included the experience in a... (Read More)
Now that words are going into InDesign, tell your friends to support Nicomeiden's Tower: A Dungeon RPG Adventure--they can skip a few lattes!
January 16th - via:
Hey supporters! Great news. The Executive Editor of Smoldering Dung games has taken the many words yours truly typed into a popular word processing program, said a few magic words, sprinkled some smoldering dung around the room, and poof! spit out an... (Read More)
34% backed in 24 hours!
January 16th - via:
My Backers are Awesome! We are 34% backed in just 24 hours. I assure all my early backers I am working hard on the social medias, the instanets, the intrawires, the hardwires, and the haywires, the podcasts, the recasts and the radagasts, and the... (Read More)
And I thought the NFL playoffs were exciting!
January 15th - via:
So, I've been watching NFL all day, and yesterday, too. And so far, the games have me on the edge of my seat. But not so much as my very first Kickstarter. To see it blow up to almost a quarter funded in one day is beyond my wildest dreams. I'm... (Read More)
Alea iacta est. Thanks to my early supporters!
January 15th - via:
Alea iacta est! Today I launch my first Kickstarter. I do so and am nervous, yet, also optimistic and confident. I would not have placed this adventure out into the world like this if I was not of the belief it can bring joy to AD&D and other... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!