Project: Dark
A project in Chicago, IL by Will Hindmarch000days
Funding Successful
Play fantastic thieves in a fantastical city in this new stealth-adventure tabletop roleplaying game.
Backers: 2078
Average Pledge Per Backer: $36
Funded: $75,045 of $8,400
Dates: Jan 27th -> Mar 1st (33 days)
Project By: Will Hindmarch
Backers: 2078
Average Pledge Per Backer: $36
Funded: $75,045 of $8,400
Dates: Jan 27th -> Mar 1st (33 days)
Project By: Will Hindmarch
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 1 @ 23:30 -0500 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
All The Thanks
March 1st - via:
Nothing subtle about these thanks, you all. This project changes my year and my life in a big way. Thank you. I'm excited to get the backer kit in your hands, so I'm going back to work in the morning to make sure it's ready for play. Stay tuned for... (Read More)
Revised Card Back Sketch
March 1st - via:
As we approach 2,000 backers (a total that boggles my mind), it becomes likely that I'll need to order more than the minimum number of cards from USPC to meet the demand. That's astonishing and wonderful. Thank you all for your interest! I was having... (Read More)
To The Last Codex
February 28th - via:
Just wanted to draw a bit of attention here to the fact that the last chance for the Saturnine Codex in print, and hand-bound by book artist Sara Hindmarch, has arrived. If you've been waiting or considering one, thank you for your patience and your... (Read More)
Bringing Stealth to the Tabletop
February 28th - via:
Today's update is a field trip. Writer Jonathan Bolding posed a few questions to me about Dark and stealth gaming for this piece at The Escapist. I've only read the beginning of it (my own interviews make me nervous sometimes) but it looks to be full... (Read More)
Custom Card Sketches Are Here!
February 27th - via:
Last night, Rachel Kahn sent me a slew of early sketches for the Dark custom deck. She started with the art notes I sent her and then somehow, through the magic of her artistry, turned my short paragraphs into these evocative characters — a few of... (Read More)
The Art of Difficulty
February 26th - via:
In this earlier update, we looked at how players use their cards to undertake and describe certain actions in the game by comparing the value of their played cards against a Difficulty rating usually set by the GM. The player often doesn't know the... (Read More)
A Many-Headed Update
February 26th - via:
This update contains several updates. I'll try to be quick so I can get to this evening's content update quickly. Lately I'm getting a lot of messages through Kickstarter asking me the same questions, which is totally understandable, so I'm answering... (Read More)
The Tree of Civilization
February 25th - via:
The City on the Saturnine is a fantastical place but it is not a fantasy. This is not an idealized metropolis. It was designed to contextualize the activities of play in Dark, to give them unique but intuitive stakes and consequences — to design... (Read More)
The Amazing Invisible Stretch Goals
February 24th - via:
Here's a quick update before I post today's regularly scheduled update tonight. (I'll also be around to respond to your comments tonight.) Since we passed the $35,000 stretch goal, we've passed a couple of others that I've been trying to set but... (Read More)
Clarifying Custom Cards
February 21st - via:
It's dark out, so here's an update. I'm going to keep updating throughout the weekend and the rest of the Kickstarter campaign. First, though, let me thank everyone who's writing in with questions — and everyone who's tackling those questions in... (Read More)
Turning Cards Into Actions
February 20th - via:
It's dark tonight. Let's take a look at how players use cards to describe their characters' actions. Remember, this is just a preview. The actual rules text is organized quite differently than this. Ready? Here we go. As you recall from the update... (Read More)
The Update Update
February 20th - via:
Today's a chaotic one. I'm wrapping up multiple updates for this afternoon (on mechanics and on setting), but first, let's get you updated on the state of the campaign itself! Hear MeIf you haven't yet, you can hear me GM a session of Dark, set in... (Read More)
Add-On Prices for Cards
February 17th - via:
Hello again! After doing some research on weights and shipping costs, I have (finally!) arrived at the add-on cost for the decks. You can find these prices in the body text of the campaign, and also in this update. Here's what you should add to your... (Read More)
Add-Ons and Actual Play
February 13th - via:
Well met! Adding CardsThanks to you, custom Dark-specific playing cards are in the works now! They'll be manufactured by the US Playing Card Company and drawn by Rachel Kahn. I'll be meddling with the design a bit, too. This is a big deal to me.... (Read More)
Actual Play of Dark
February 10th - via:
Just a quick update today. Ace playtester, Stras, posted this actual-play report from a session of Dark I ran at this past Gen Con. It begins: "It’s an early afternoon in August. My palms are sweating slightly. I’m holding my cards tight.... (Read More)
The Jokers Work For Me
February 7th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Retailers, Codices, and Cards
February 7th - via:
Retailer LevelsRetailer backer levels have gone live! Additional notes on those levels are available in the main text of the campaign, under the Rewards header. Retailers, this is my first venture into retailer-specific backer levels, so do let me... (Read More)
Night Shift
February 6th - via:
Nights in the City on the Saturnine wear many masks. We have lots of ways to look at the city and its people. This is one reason why I've reached out to artists with varied styles for the concept art and illustration of Dark and its worlds. Artist... (Read More)
Stealth Level: In the Shadows
February 5th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
The Fox and the Kingfisher
February 4th - via:
Here's the first piece of concept art for Dark that isn't a map or a logo sketch scratched out by me. This piece, "The Fox and the Kingfisher" by Leah Huete, shows us the shadowy nighttime streets of a rich part of the City on the Saturnine River.... (Read More)
A Glimpse of This Crowford Character
February 3rd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
The Week That Was and the Week That Shall Be
February 2nd - via:
For this next week, please brace your inboxes, because I'm planning an update for each weekday and this one isn't even the Monday update. But first I wanted to report to you on the state of the campaign itself and what lies ahead. I'm excited! A new... (Read More)
"Learn the Game" Level Updated
February 1st - via:
The "Learn the Game" backer level just got better. In addition to the PDFs and the Google Hangout, you also now get a code for the print books at-cost from DriveThruRPG and you get the thumb drive, if you want it. Backers outside the US, please... (Read More)
Stretch Goal: Card Art (Plus a Codex Update)
February 1st - via:
An update featuring the larger character sheet and a preview of the game elements therein is coming, but first it turns out I need to say this: Dark Planet isn't yet funded ... but we're close. After Dark Planet, at $25,500, we commission art from... (Read More)
Sneak Peek: Crowford's Sample Sheet
January 31st - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Stretch Goal: Dark Planet
January 30th - via:
So, Dark|Net's been unlocked. I'm looking forward to getting some art for that world, too, thanks to you all. One of our first Dark campaigns was set in that world and I'm excited to revisit and make it even meaner than it was before. (Here's... (Read More)
Stretch Goal: Dark|Net
January 29th - via:
That was fast! First off, thanks to all of you who have been writing and commenting. I've updated the FAQ at the bottom of the campaign text with a lot of your questions and I've written to many of you directly. Thanks for taking the time to ask... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!