Scare BnB - Spooky family fun for all ages!

A project in Fredericksburg, VA by Wicked Weird Games

Funding Successful

Help guests flee from a Bed and Breakfast run by monsters!
Backers: 184
Average Pledge Per Backer: $19

Funded: $3,578 of $3,139
Dates: May 21st -> Jun 11th (21 days)
Project By: Wicked Weird Games
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Last Updated: June 11 @ 09:02 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Hez Has Gone Full Purple

June 9th - via:
Celebration Time! We are thrilled to announce that our fun little family game has been fully funded! We are incredibly grateful for your support and can't wait for you to experience the joy of playing it. Please keep an eye out for updates on our... (Read More)

Getting Really Close.

June 7th - via:
Three days are left, and we are almost at 90% of our funding goal. Even Grandpa has been pitching in demoing the game to friends and family.  We hope everyone has a great weekend.  (Read More)

Almost There!!!

June 4th - via:
Greetings All, We have six days remaining, and we have achieved 75% of our funding goal. We are putting in a lot of effort to ensure this Kickstarter campaign is successful. Thank you all for your continued support. We are also working to translate... (Read More)

Whats in a name?

June 1st - via:
We are halfway through the campaign and have reached 43% of our funding goal. In the next few updates, we want to share more about the game and answer any questions you may have.   The two biggest questions we get are: How did you develop the theme?... (Read More)

More gameplay and updates.

May 28th - via:
One of the things I love about ScareBnB is how inclusive it is. It doesn't matter if you're nine or ninety. I heard this game got a bit intense. Some of our most prominent content creators will release reviews and previews starting May 30th. Look for... (Read More)

Heading West

May 26th - via:
Today, we went out to Culpeper, Virginia, and made our way down to Charlottesville. We demoed the game and put up a bunch of flyers that we created. We visited so many interesting stores. It went so well that we ran out of samples!  (Read More)

It's all fun and games until their guests are trapped forever.

May 25th - via:
We demoed the game today at stores and board game cafes from Richmond to Fredericksburg. We had a great time at the Unplugged Games Cafe in Richmond.  (Read More)

Day 4

May 24th - via:
Day 4 is ending, and we are closing in on 30%. For all our US fans, we want to wish you a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.        (Read More)

Thank you playtesters

May 23rd - via:
Day 3 We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude to our playtesters, who helped us identify and resolve all the issues in the game. As a special thank you (and to get free advertising), we sent them official Wicked Weird Games T-shirts.  ... (Read More)

Together, let's make Scare BnB a reality!

May 22nd - via:
Day 2We have reached 25% of our funding goal. We want to express our gratitude to everyone who attended the launch party; we had a fantastic time kicking off the project with all of you. We have been collaborating with our squirrel overlords to... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!