Reef & Ruins + Wicked & Wise Deluxe with a NEW Expansion!
A project in Houston, TX by Weird Giraffe Games000days
Funding Successful
Use Hydras to search for treasure in this crunchy yet approachable Roll & Write!
Backers: 686
Average Pledge Per Backer: $28
Funded: $19,246 of $7,500
Dates: Oct 15th -> Nov 7th (24 days)
Project By: Weird Giraffe Games
Backers: 686
Average Pledge Per Backer: $28
Funded: $19,246 of $7,500
Dates: Oct 15th -> Nov 7th (24 days)
Project By: Weird Giraffe Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: November 7 @ 22:03 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Last Hours of the Campaign!
November 6th - via:
Final StretchWe're in the last hours of the campaign! If there's anyone you think might be interested in a crunchy but accessible roll and write featuring hydras and otters, please share the campaign with them today and we'll for sure get that last... (Read More)
Another Stretch Goal Met!
November 4th - via:
Stretch Goal UnlockedWe have a few days left to the campaign and we met another goal! We are now getting fancy pearlescent dice! These are especially thematic as there's pearls in the game and who doesn't like dice that are a bit more fancy? The... (Read More)
One week to go!
October 29th - via:
One Week LeftTwo weeks have passed and the tides have turned so we have one week left. The last update we introduced the stretch goals and we are getting close to the dice stretch goal! There's still plenty of time to share content but don't wait... (Read More)
Stretch Goals, Otters Juggling, and Live Streams, oh my!
October 24th - via:
It's been a weird week with convention prep, but Carla has finally gotten information back from manufacturing that allows us to confirm some stretch goals. While we're still waiting on our manufacturer for additional information on some options, we... (Read More)
Board Game Gumbo Stream and Playable PDF Version
October 22nd - via:
Board Game GumboTonight, Oct 22nd, Carla will be on Board Game Gumbo talking about Reef & Ruins at 8:30 CST! You can watch on Facebook or on YouTube @BoardGameGumbo. PDF Reef & RuinsWe now have a pdf version of Reef & Ruins. It's not... (Read More)
The Design of Reef & Ruins
October 18th - via:
Design of Reef & RuinsDid you know that Reef & Ruins wasn't always Reef & Ruins? It was originally called Sandpiper Villa and about sandpipers running a condo empire! It was inspired by seeing little sandpipers on the beach, running... (Read More)
October 16th - via:
You are all so wonderful! This campaign has been amazing so far and it's all due to you. Together, we've guaranteed that Reef & Ruins will be a reality and become a game. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Getting to Know You Through CommentsWe're looking... (Read More)
Nearly Funded!
October 15th - via:
Hello Backers! THANK YOU for being here on Day 1! All backers are special, but early backers are a little extra. We're a few hours in and we are 50% funded! What a great way to start! The next 24 hours are super important since the first two days can... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!