Punch God(s) in the Face!

A project in Louisville, KY by Zachary Burrell

Status: Active

An epic level D&D one shot about showing the gods who's boss!
Backers: 74
Average Daily Pledges: $106
Average Pledge Per Backer: $22

Funding: $1,594 of $250
Dates: Jun 12th -> Jul 12th (30 days)
Project By: Zachary Burrell
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Latest News

One stretch goal to go!

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hope everyone is having a fantastic week (I know, it's Tuesday, but still)! So far, NORSE is winning in the poll for the sequel adventure, but don't worry, I will have the official poll as part of your survey once the Kickstarter is completed. I like... (Read More)

Stretch goals and POLL!!!

June 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Saturday everyone! Wow, we hit two stretch goals in the last few days! Thank you everyone! Here is a sketch of the siren art (there will be a Rated R version as well...) What's nextWith the success so far of this adventure, I am already... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Added!

June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello everyone!  You might not have noticed, but I've added a stretch goal! I was inspired by a certain painting I was reading about the other day by Francisco Goya, if that gives you any clues! Thank you all again for your support! Here is another... (Read More)

A-maze-ing goal approaching, I want your feedback!

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Saturday, everyone! We've had incredible gains these first few days, I honestly didn't expect to be hitting the stretch goals so soon! With the next stretch goal of the labyrinth approaching,  I've begun to workshop it. So I'd like to ask you... (Read More)

Early Bird Rewards as Add-Ons

June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Friday! I've decided to have the early bird rewards as add-ons, so if you missed the first 24 hour window, you can still enjoy the benefits for a little extra if you so choose! Also, here is an update on the Golden Fleece artwork! Thank you all... (Read More)

Battle Maps and Cross Promo!

June 13th - via: kickstarter.com
We've hit the second stretch goal: BATTLE MAPS! I'm very excited about these, I think you all are really going to enjoy them! We're almost to Poseidon as well! I'm thinking about having a standard and NSFW version of the Siren, what do you think? ... (Read More)

Thank you everyone for an amazing first day!

June 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Seriously, thank you for your support, everyone! The first stretch goal has been unlocked as well, so Hades will be joining the one shot! I will update the stretch goal with his art as soon as it is ready. ALSO, if you pledge at the Rated R tier, you... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!