Skull Hunters (STLs)
A project in Lille, France by Warg'Name000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 7 @ 14:07 -0500 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
4 hours left!
March 7th - via:
Hello Backers! There has been few unlocks and the 35th Stretch Goal is nearear than ever! I want to use those last minutes to add clarity to few things, after I talked with Mark : There is no pledge manager, so please don't pledge 1€ expecting to... (Read More)
A new stretch unlocked, and the last 24 hours!
March 6th - via:
Hi everyone :) We are reaching the last 24 hours of the KS, and whatever happens now, we can already say that it has been a great campaign with a lot of learnings on our side :) Let's be humble, Mark is a genius maker, and I am always searching how I... (Read More)
Last 48h!
March 5th - via:
Guys, we have finally reached the last 48h of the Project! Knowing kickstarter, I hope for the best because We still have some terrain reveal and an awesome vehicle... But we decided to wait for the rush to show you more! Last 48h means a lot of... (Read More)
Another stretch goal reveal.... Let's Roll!
March 3rd - via:
Hey, let's continue the reveals with another vehicle! Some of you asked for more vehicles, this is the second one :) How do you like it? It's a very small SKULL HUNTER Escape ship, ready to pull you out fast of any bad situation! More terrains will... (Read More)
The first vehicle reveal!
March 2nd - via:
I told you... There was a lot of surprises coming!! And without waiting I show you the first vehicle: Do you feel the aggressive vibe? this small ship is used to look for preys... Definitely! We have others coming after... I'm sure you can do... (Read More)
there was a problem with the picture yesterday...
March 2nd - via:
So here it is!! The king in chains! Stay tuned cause tonight, in about 12h, there will be the first vehicle reveal!!!! and it's SG37!!! (Read More)
We are slowly reaching the 31st Stretch Goal!
March 1st - via:
Well, we still have so much to show you!! So to continue the teasing, today I'll present you the King of chains : Definitely something you won't see anywhere else! Why was he tied and his female freed... Well that's a whole story that I'll let you... (Read More)
The first extra Terrain reveal!!!
February 27th - via:
Well, a promise is a promise....... So I won't use 1000 words : Not the room to host the greatest parties, but definitely the one to test one's worth!! I did a zoom so that you can see better the details : Revives some enjoyment moments, don't you... (Read More)
The Queen is near!
February 27th - via:
Well, she should be coming today! And because of that, you will get 2 reveals today! First, to answer some of you, dishonor doesn't fall only on skull huntress! here you have the other side : Running away from your prey, abandonning your duties, not... (Read More)
One more stretch! and some previews :)
February 23rd - via:
Hello everyone. Hope you didn't miss me too much! And it's done!! the 29th stretch Goal is unlocked :) That Ice Ice mercenary won't be unneeded for what's comiinnnng. Hope he won't just be hanging around, if you catch what I mean.... (and not a cold)... (Read More)
705 backers… more to come
February 22nd - via:
Okay like every project we got that moment. It’s normal in kickstarter life. I’ll have few banners exchange very soon to give the project more visibility. We can’t wait to reveal more stretch goals…. Mark is ready for it. Expecr vehicules,... (Read More)
About 800 backers and a new stretch Goal unlocked!
February 20th - via:
Hi Guys, the week end was slow but you still managed to unlock the 28th stretch goal! Each of us is here for a different reason: some of us like painting, some of us like adding new minis to there games, some of us like printing big and use to... (Read More)
One more stretch Goal! the queen is near!
February 19th - via:
Yesterday we unlocked one more stretch goal! The way kickstarter functions always surprised me. They do a lot of advertising at the beginning, then nothing for the whole project, and then few advertisement in the end. So... We have a tea time in the... (Read More)
666 contributors
February 17th - via:
Well I was thinking that there was not so much news for tonight... 4 stretch goals unlocked today, and slowly reaching the queen... And then I saw it. Right now. 666 contributors. Just the moment I checked before sleeping. Guys. So many of you. I'm... (Read More)
Day 2 and What's coming next!
February 16th - via:
Hi Everyone! I'm feeling much better today, and You finally reached the new chapter! We Definitely quit the Jungle for the cold weather. Get your jackets, you'll need them... And as a small reminder, you'd better invite a lot of friends. Because....... (Read More)
12 hours done and already 14 stretch goals!
February 15th - via:
That was an incredible start! Now imagine, you are in the tropical forest, with gigantic trees, trying to survive the universe's most evolved predator...`Because that's what you just did! But no time to waste, the challenge is keeping up the pace!... (Read More)
Funded in 20 minutes!!!!
February 15th - via:
Guys, you are really AWESOME!!! 20 minutes and we are together in the frost, Chasing an old temple. What will happen to us? Let's see.... On another point, as said, if you take the 41 pledge, it already includes the 16 € 1,2 and 3 SKULLHUNTERS.... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!