Fragged Empire RPG: Expanded.
A project in Melbourne, AU by Wade Dyer000days
Funding Successful
$92,156 AUD
current pledge level
Last Updated: July 4 @ 22:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Smashing through Stretch Goals as if we were X’ion smashing through the Archons!!
July 3rd - via:
Wow, what a full on 48 hours! We have just broken through 3 Financial Stretch Goals and are well on our way to breaking our last 2 Community Stretch Goals! $70k, Improved Internal Art for Kingdom and AeternumAll of FK and FA’s interior art will now... (Read More)
Printed Fragged Seas Book, Spare Time Points & Final Game Journal
July 1st - via:
G’day. We’re now just about to enter our final 48 hour rush, and in anticipation of the $65k Stretch Goal being broken (to print Fragged Seas) I’ve added a new pledge level for people to get all 3 Printed Sourcebooks (Pirate Captain 'All 3... (Read More)
2 Stretch Goals broken! 2 new FK Races, 2 new FA Natures and fancy FK dice!
June 30th - via:
Wow, what an epic couple of days, we are now over $62k and are well on our way to have Fragged Seas printed!!! This is an amazing feat! For this update we’re going to take a brief look at the two Stretch Goals we have just broken. 2 New Fragged... (Read More)
Our Final Week, and a closer look at Nations
June 28th - via:
The final week of our Kickstarter campaign has now begun and we are off to a great start with $2k being added to the campaign just yesterday :D only $1k more and we have broken our next Stretch Goal and then we get to make a big push to print Fragged... (Read More)
Game Journal #4 and Religion
June 26th - via:
Hi all, it’s great to see us making good progress towards that next stretch goal (new FK races and FA Natures!!!). I just got off the phone to one of my character artists and he will be drawing up some images for us this week. For this update I... (Read More)
$55k Stretch Goal, Fragged Seas Art and the Dark Gods of Toil.
June 24th - via:
Yay, another Stretch goal has been broken!!! More art for Fragged Seas. The feature artist for this sourcebook is comic book artist: Marco Turini. You can see his Facebook page here (NSFW). One aspect that sets Marco apart from all of the other... (Read More)
Magic Systems
June 21st - via:
Wow, we have gained a lot of new backers over the last 24 hours :D And we are getting VERY close to breaking our $55k Stretch Goal (more Fragged Seas art!!!). 3 New Magic SystemsMagic (and I use this word loosely… maybe a better phrase would be... (Read More)
Game Journal #3, Fragged Kingdom Range and Mass Combat.
June 19th - via:
Hello everyone, we have just broken another Community Stretch Goal (character sheets will now be upgraded!) and we are well on our way to breaking our next Funding Stretch Goal (for more Fragged Seas art!!!). Game Journal #3 With the party split up... (Read More)
Two Stretch Goals! FK Art, FA Dice and a closer look at the Tethered.
June 17th - via:
G’day everyone, sorry for the slightly late update, I was a bit wrecked from late night gaming on Friday (my players had some trouble fighting off raiders) and yesterday’s Free RPG Day where I ran a game of Aeternum at my LFGS. In the last few... (Read More)
Game Journal Entry #2 and Maps.
June 15th - via:
G’day all, for today’s update I’m going to post another actually play update from my Kingdom game and show you the feature maps for each of the books. Also, we are VERY close to unlocking custom Aeternum dice!!!! But first, let’s see what my... (Read More)
2 Stretch Goals Reached! – Aeternum Art & the Death Rules in all 3 Sourcebooks.
June 12th - via:
Yesterday we broke a community AND a financial stretch goal! All PDFs will now be hyperlinked, bookmarked and layered, and Aeternum will now have massive 2 page title spreads! Let’s have a look at these title spreads, all illustrated by the... (Read More)
Game Journal Entry #1 & Fragged Kingdom Holding rules.
June 10th - via:
For today’s update I want to walk you through what’s being going on with my regular Friday night game of Fragged Kingdom. My hope is that this will not only be interesting, but may also give you a glimpse into what sort of stuff you can get up to... (Read More)
Funded!!!!!!! Updated Stretch Goals & Fragged Seas PDF
June 9th - via:
Yay! We’re funded!!!! This is amazing news :D I am so incredibly humbled by your support :D Restructuring Things to Suit the Tempo of this CampaignIt’s always an impossible thing to know how a Kickstarter campaign is going to go before launch,... (Read More)
Fragged Races & Natures!
June 7th - via:
Day one is down and we are over 80% funded! This is a fantastic result :D I look forward to breaking some of those Stretch Goals. For this update I'm wanting to give everyone a short introduction to the races of Fragged Kingdom and the various... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!