🌍 Trekking the World 2nd Edition & Bucket List Expansion

A project in Huntington, NY by Underdog Games

Status: Active

Race your friends to the most iconic destinations in the world. A major redesign of a best-selling world travel game, with solo mode!
Backers: 2978
Average Daily Pledges: $9,783
Average Pledge Per Backer: $53

Funding: $156,527 of $19,500
Dates: Jun 11th -> Jul 9th (28 days)
Project By: Underdog Games
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Latest News

Trekking the World Solo Mode Rules and Design Notes

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Backers,  Today's game art: This is the Colosseum in Rome, as far as anyone knows the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built. It can hold around 50,000 people and was built in just 8 years. To build it, the Romans designed huge cranes from giant... (Read More)

Tabletop Tolson Tackles Trekking (the World 2nd Edition)

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Backers, Today’s image from the game: This is Lençóis Maranhenses, a national park in Northeastern Brazil, with endless dunes that periodically fill with water. It creates a surreal, alien landscape you can swim in. I’m attracted to surreal... (Read More)

Reflections on Man vs. Meeple’s video about Trekking the World 2nd Edition (also we got a Spiel Des Jahres recommendation!)

June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Backers, I’ll start each update with an image from the game. Here’s today’s: This is Jemaa el-Fnaa, a square and marketplace in Marrakesh, in Northwest Africa, which has been that city’s main gathering place since the 11th century. It may... (Read More)


June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Backers! We were able to fund on Day 1! Thanks on behalf of everyone at Underdog for your support and trust. We can only do this because you put your faith in us. This is the fastest start to any of our campaigns by a pretty wide margin. We’re... (Read More)

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