F1 Roll & Race + World Circuits Expansion (Print & Play)
A project in Valencia, Spain by Titan Boardgames000days
Funding Successful
Race on the most famous circuits, drive cars with different skills, get upgrades & races in championships. TRAILER:https://lc.cx/NrKphk
Backers: 586
Average Pledge Per Backer: €11
Funded: €6,591 of €50
Dates: May 24th -> Jul 8th (45 days)
Project By: Titan Boardgames
Backers: 586
Average Pledge Per Backer: €11
Funded: €6,591 of €50
Dates: May 24th -> Jul 8th (45 days)
Project By: Titan Boardgames
current pledge level
Last Updated: July 8 @ 11:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
New stretch goals released / Nuevos stretch goals liberados
July 7th - via: kickstarter.com
We are about to reach the end of this campaign! Today we have unlocked almost all the remaining stretch goals: more cards for the mini-expansion and a new track. Will we unlock the last one? Thanks for your support.===================¡Estamos a... (Read More)
Mini Expansion WEATHER released!!! / Mini Expansión El Clima Liberada!!!
July 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Thanks to all the backers for the support you are giving us in this campaign. We have released the Mini Expansion " Weather". This expansion will be included in all the rewards.We are so happy that we have decided to add 3 more Stretch Goals, with... (Read More)
Review/Tutorial in French by Pug and Play / Reseña/Tutorial en francés por Pug and Play
July 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
New Review/Tutorial in French by our friend Pug and Play===============Nueva reseña/tutorial en francés de nuestro amigo Pug and Play (Read More)
New circuit & German Rulebook ready / Nuevo circuito y reglamento alemán listo
July 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Updates in the last week of the campaign:- We have the UK circuit ready, along with the previous 7. - We have all the driver cards ready.- We have received the German rules and regulations. Thanks to all, we are less time to release the mini... (Read More)
New driver card released!!! / Nueva carta de piloto liberada
June 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all for helping us unlock a new driver card. This card will be available in the base game.Now, let's go for the next stretch goals, to unlock them all, while we prepare all the circuits. Thank you very... (Read More)
Circuit of Italy added / Circuito de Italia añadido
June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello everybody, we have the Italy circuit ready, we are still working on the rest of the circuits so you will have the game ready at the end of the campaign. Also, we have ready the rules in Spanish, English and French. Thanks to all of you. Hola a... (Read More)
New driver card released!!! / Nueva carta de piloto liberada!!!
June 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all for helping us unlock a new driver card. This card will be available in the base game.Now, let's go for the next stretch goals, to unlock them all, while we prepare all the circuits. Thank you very... (Read More)
Gameplay Solo Mode added / Partida en modo solitario añadida.
June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Our friend Fabio has played a solo game of F1 Roll & Race, against automa, he couldn't win, but next time he will surely beat him. The language of the video is Italian.=============Nuestro amigo Fabio ha jugado una partida en solitario a F1 Roll... (Read More)
Circuit of France added / Circuito de Francia añadido
June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
We are still working to have all the game components ready by the end of the campaign.Thank you very much for your support.===============================Seguimos trabajando para que todos los componentes del juego estén listos al acabar la... (Read More)
Circuit of Germany added / Circuito de Alemania añadido
June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
We are still working to have all the game components ready by the end of the campaign.Thank you very much for your support.===============================Seguimos trabajando para que todos los componentes del juego estén listos al acabar la... (Read More)
New driver card released!!! / Nueva carta de coche liberada!!!
June 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all for helping us unlock a new driver card. This card will be available in the base game.Now, let's go for the next stretch goals, to unlock them all, while we prepare all the circuits. Thank you very... (Read More)
SPANISH REVIEW / Reseña en castellano
June 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Our friends from ‘Dos Dados Más’ have made us a great review in Spanish. They had a small mistake with the rules of movement and speed, but otherwise it's a good video. ====================== Nuestros amigos de "Dos Dados Más" nos han hecho un... (Read More)
June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello everybody, we are in the middle of preparing the project files, but we want to keep you informed of the development. We have finished the driver cards, right now we are preparing all the maps. We hope to have everything ready by the end of the... (Read More)
New Stretch Goals released and added!!! / ¡¡¡Nuevos Stretch Goals publicados y añadidos!!! /
June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Thanks to the 250 backers who have backed this project. We have released a new driver card, SILVER DAWN. And because we are so grateful, we have added a new stretch goal, a mini expansion with a weather system that you can add to any of the tracks.... (Read More)
New Stretch Goal released!!!! / Nuevo Stretch Goal liberado!!!!
June 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
We are very grateful for the support you are giving us. F1 Roll & Race is 4000% funded in the first week, thanks to more than 200 backers. We have just unlocked a new Stretch Goal, the Brazil circuit. Now we need your help to unlock 4... (Read More)
English Review / Reseña en inglés
June 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Our friend from Throat Punch Games, has tested F1 Roll & Race and liked it. He has given us some good tips to update the rulebook.======================Nuestro amigo de Throat Punch Games, ha probado F1 Roll & Race y le ha gustado. Nos ha... (Read More)
2 new stretch goals added!!! / 2 nuevos stretch goals añadidos.
May 29th - via: kickstarter.com
As promised, we have prepared 2 more stretch goals, 2 new driver cards to expand the game experience with new asymmetric skills.We hope you like them, we still have more surprises to add. Thanks to all of you.================================Como... (Read More)
New Stretch Goal added / Nuevo Stretch Goal añadido
May 28th - via: kickstarter.com
New Stretch Goal with a new car card for backers to release with their support.We will be adding more stretch goals very soon.Thank you.==============================Nuevo Stretch Goal con una nueva carta de coche para que los mecenas lo liberen con... (Read More)
New car unlocked / Nuevo coche desbloqueado
May 28th - via: kickstarter.com
New car unlocked, many thanks to all the backeds. Thanks to the good reception, we are going to add new stretch goals.======================Nuevo coche desbloqueado, muchas gracias a todos los backeds. Gracias a la buena acogida, vemos a ir... (Read More)
Review and Gameplay in SPANISH / Reseña y Partida en Castellano
May 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Las chicas de Proyecto GLIRP nos han hecho una magnifica reseña y una partida de demostración de F1 Roll & Race, no os lo perdáis!!The girls from GLIRP Project have made us a great review and a demo game of F1 Roll & Race, don't miss it! (Read More)
EARLY BIRDS end soon!! / Los EARLY BIRDS terminan pronto
May 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Last hours to take advantage of the EARLY BIRDS!Últimas horas para aprovechar los EARLY BIRDS! Run, don't miss the deals!!! Corre, no te pierdas las ofertas!!! (Read More)
New Review in French / Nueva Review en francés
May 26th - via: kickstarter.com
In the channel "Dans l'antre du Lutin" they have made us a wonderful review in French, you can see it from the 16th minute, don't miss it.=======================================En el canal de "Dans l'antre du Lutin" nos han hecho una maravillosa... (Read More)
Australia Circuit released / Circuito de Australia liberado
May 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all for your support. We have released the map of Australia, we will show you a preview of it very soon.=================================================Muchas gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo. Hemos liberado el mapa de Australia, muy... (Read More)
Solo mode unlocked!! / Modo solitario desbloqueado!!
May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Again, thank you for your support, we have unlocked the solo mode in just a few hours. Let us tell you a little bit about the solo mode:- You will have to face an automa managed by 3, 4 or 5 cards, depending on the chosen difficulty.- You will be... (Read More)
Project founded! / Proyecto fundado!!
May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all for your support in these early hours. We have funded the project in only 5 minutes and we are about to reach the first Stretch Goal, soon we will tell you more about the solo mode. We are just getting started, the campaign will... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!