1 Euro - 3x DnD One-Shots by La Torre (5E)

A project in Rome, Italy by The Velar Company

Status: Active

Immerse yourself in 3 exciting D&D OneShots for any setting! Only €1 for 3 quests! Join the adventure now!
Backers: 265
Average Daily Pledges: €36
Average Pledge Per Backer: €3

Funding: €894 of €79
Dates: May 23rd -> Jun 22nd (30 days)
Project By: The Velar Company
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Latest News

Last 10 days to go and 250 proud adventures

June 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Adventurers We have reached the two-thirds mark of our Kickstarter campaign and have achieved a tremendous result for which we sincerely want to thank you. This allows us to showcase our work and receive your feedback for future campaigns. We... (Read More)

Some promo about The Velar Company projects

June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Adventurers We use this space to inform you about the work we are doing in addition to what you have seen in this campaign. Later, after the summer, we will launch Hock Tuldar's Bastions Kickstarter campaign. This is the second volume of our... (Read More)

Beta Testing Ongoing

June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello dear Adventurers We want to inform you that the beta testing of "The Krodorock Castle" is underway! We have received interesting feedback and ideas for tuning the characteristics of the monsters. Everything is proceeding as planned. If you like... (Read More)

Want to reach the sky!

June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Backers We want to reach 1000%! In the meantime we are meeting strange creatures... this little beast seems very nice. But then it grows… If you want to help us spread our work in the community, please share this post with your friends:... (Read More)

The Krodorock Castle is on the way!

June 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Backers Here a quick update on the progress of the campaign: The Krodorock Castle is almost complete, still to tune some graphical aspect and it's DONE! We can't wait to let you play and see what you think! If you like our work don't forget to... (Read More)

Krodorock Castle is waiting for you....

May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Backers, We are over 400% and and we are laying out "The Krodorock Castle". The castle map is vast and hides numerous pitfalls. The Marquis's bedroom will only be opened as dawn approaches Here below some Wonderful Projects we would like to... (Read More)

100 Bakers! Keep Going!

May 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Bakers, We have reached over one hundred supporters and 300% of our goal... and we are very happy!In “The Krodorock Castle”, the commander of the guards is an extremely cruel man. His name is Arnault. Here below some Wonderful Project we would... (Read More)

Wonderful start. Update: DAY 1

May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Backers Welcome to our updates for the three One-Shots. Here we will give you more details on the content of our adventures Day 1 In "Giraffes and Barrels of Rum", the gnome serving the art merchant is called Aymellash.  Here are some... (Read More)

FULLY FUNDED! Thank you!

May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Bakers We would like to thank you all for helping us to achieve this result! We are very happy to have had this great confirmation! If you want to help us spread our work in the community, please share this post with your friends: FACEBOOK POST... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!