The Swamp

A project in Eskilstuna, Sweden by After Apocalypse

Funding Unsuccessful

An post-apocalyptic story driven adventure with deadly choices and dark humor.
Backers: 60
Average Pledge Per Backer: €34

Funded: €2,049 of €3,600
Dates: Nov 19th -> Dec 23rd (34 days)
Project By: After Apocalypse
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Last Updated: December 23 @ 06:05 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Update #4 - The sounds for darkness

December 20th - via:
Welcome back for another update! Today we talk about the sound department! The atmosphere is not fulfilled without music and ambient background tunes.  Our programmer who works closely with Gdevelop engine to bring us all the functionality we need... (Read More)

Update #3 - Into the world

December 19th - via:
Do you like game of thrones? What about a version in a post apocalyptic setting?  The new world emerging after Apocalypse is very different in terms of environment than GoT. Yet, the main characters are spread across the map, each with their own... (Read More)

Update #2 - Choices & consequences

December 14th - via:
What is a game when you cannot play it? Some games allow freedom of movement, some allow freedom of building environment, but what if you want a story that evolves with your actions? Well then, traveller, you have come to right place! Remember... (Read More)

Update #1 - Behind the drawing board

December 12th - via:
Hello everyone! We would like to introduce you to our artist Cryofluid. He is responsible for all the graphics and animations in the Swamp game. While well known in some closed communities, he is less known to the broader public, and most positive... (Read More)

[ES] The swamp - Traducción al español de la campaña

December 10th - via:
Bienvenido viajero Swamp es una aventura post-apocalíptica inspirada en libros de juegos en la que, debido a una cadena de eventos desafortunados, te encuentras solo en medio de un peligroso páramo pantanoso. En un mundo que ya no está dominado... (Read More)

[FR] The Swamp - traduction française de la campagne

December 6th - via:
Bienvenue Voyageur Swamp est une aventure post-apocalyptique inspirée par  les livres dont vous êtes le héros dans laquelle en raison d'une  succession d'événements fâcheux, vous vous retrouvez seul au milieu d'un  wasteland dangereux et... (Read More)

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