The Season: Love & Drama in the Regency Era

A project in Las Vegas, NV by Dinky Board Games

Funding Successful

For fans of Bridgerton and Pride & Prejudice: meet suitors, attend balls, and enjoy all the drama of courtship in regency-era England.
Backers: 249
Average Pledge Per Backer: $77

Funded: $19,147 of $18,000
Dates: Feb 12th -> Mar 18th (34 days)
Project By: Dinky Board Games
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Last Updated: March 18 @ 03:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

The Season | "A beautiful dress can be as exciting as a poem!"

March 14th - via:
As we come to the end of our first Kickstarter campaign, we want to thank everyone for all the love and support over this last month or so. At 93% funded, we're hopeful for a strong ending to a successful campaign! We are working through the final... (Read More)

The Season Preview: TableTop Vibes

March 13th - via:
We're excited that our friends at TableTop Vibes got a chance to preview The Season: Love & Drama in the Regency Era. They just released a video about their experience with the game this evening and we're happy to share it you! Be sure to... (Read More)

Presenting the final 8 Suitors!

March 11th - via:
We're pleased to present the final 8 suitors for the base game, our music and dancing lovers! Music & Dancing Suitors for The Season Board Game How many gentlemen will propose? Will you ultimately marry a man with the same interests? Who is... (Read More)

The Season: Completed Accessories

March 8th - via:
We'd like to share the final 15 accessory pieces for The Season: Love & Drama in the Regency Era! The Season: Board Game Accessories We're excited to be finishing up the final art pieces and designs for the board game box and instruction manual... (Read More)

New Time Tracker Design + Kickstarter Exclusive Tracker

March 6th - via:
Happy Monday everyone! We're excited to present our Time Tracker Pieces for The Season. The standard Time Tracker piece for the game is the gallant top hat. Top Hat Time Tracker Piece for The Season Board Game As a big thank-you to all our... (Read More)

Presenting the first 12 Completed Suitors!

February 25th - via:
The Season Board Game Suitors It's time to give the fellas some love, especially since The Season is all about courtship! How many gentlemen will propose? Will you ultimately marry a man with the same interests? Who is taking you to the Lexington's... (Read More)

New Board Game Review From: Meeple in the kitchen

February 24th - via:
We're excited to share our newest review from one our prototype testers: Meeple in the kitchen! Meeple in the Kitchen: You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play... (Read More)

The last 6 Debutantes!

February 23rd - via:
The Season Board Game: Debutante Reveal 2/2 We are excited to prsent our final 6 Debutantes for The Season! Here are our art and literature lovers, all ready to take London by storm.  Thank you all for your continued support! We have been doing... (Read More)

The Season: Accessories | "Life isn't perfect, but your accessories can be."

February 21st - via:
We're excited to share the completed art for some of the accessories in The Season: Love & Drama in the Regency Area. There will be a total of 30 Accessory Cards in the game which will be available at the modiste. Here are the first 15! The... (Read More)

We're pleased to present the first 9 completed debutantes!

February 19th - via:
The Season Board Game: Debutante Reveal Our first set of debutantes for The Season are now fully complete, which includes our music lovers, horseback riders, and dancing queens! Do you guys have a favorite yet??? We thank all of you for your support... (Read More)

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