castAR: the most versatile AR & VR system

A project in Woodinville, WA by Technical Illusions

Funding Successful

castAR: bridging the physical world with the virtual worlds; 3D holographic like projections in AR, fully immersive environments in VR
Backers: 3863
Average Pledge Per Backer: $272

Funded: $1,052,110 of $400,000
Dates: Oct 14th -> Nov 14th (32 days)
Project By: Technical Illusions
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Last Updated: November 14 @ 23:01 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

CastAR's Financial Woes Lead to Layoffs & Liquidation

June 28th - via:
What began as a highly successful Kickstarter campaign, has all but ended, according to an updated report by Polygon (Read More)

Backing Out of a Kickstarter Doesn't Have to Leave Funders Hanging

December 18th - via:
Backers of the castAR Kickstarter won't be left empty-handed even as castAR backs out of their campaign pledges. (Read More)

castAR Kickstarter Backers To Get Refund & Free Consumer Unit On Release

December 16th - via:
With some disappointment, backers of the successful castAR Kickstarter campaign will have received an email today about getting a refund for any hardware tiers they may have sponsored. However, it's not all bad news; the same people will also be getting a free castAR unit when it's released in 2017. (Read More)

AR Glasses Company CastAR Lands $15 Million Investment Led by Android Co-founder’s Firm

August 19th - via:
CastAR (formerly Technical Illusions) today announced a $15 million Series A fundraising round to continue development of their augmented reality glasses of the same name. (Read More)

Augmented reality family video shows the possible future of computing at home

February 22nd - via:
Kickstarter-funded startup castAR has released a new video showing what a family obsessed with augmented reality might look like. (Read More)

castAR's vision of immersive gaming gets closer to final production

March 20th - via:
Five months ago, Technical Illusions gained over a million dollars in funding thanks to a highly successful Kickstarter campaign for castAR, a projected augmented reality project that company founders Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson brought over from Valve when they were laid off almost two years ago. Ever since the campaign's success, the company has been ramping up prototyping on a rapid scale so that the final unit can be sent off for mass production. (Read More)

Kickstarter gadgets from CES 2014

January 13th - via:
CES 2014 was packed with devices from fledgling companies that relied on crowdfunding to get off the ground, as well as growing manufacturers like Pebble showing the potential of Kickstarter success. (Read More)

castAR Closes Funding On Kickstarter At $1.05 Million

November 15th - via:
Woodinville, Washington based Technical Illusions is celebrating today after the close of their wildly successful Kickstarter funding round. The company raised $1,052,110 for the castAR, a pair of “augmented reality glasses” that seems to be somewhere between Google Glass and the Oculus Rift. (Read More)

Dr. Evil Liked This Update

November 14th - via:
We want to thank everyone who have pledged and believed in what we are doing. We are very proud to have achieved $1 million during our campaign.   As we have a few hours left, we are going to put out one last stretch goal. At $1,100,000 we will: Add... (Read More)

Everything but Sharks with Frickin' Laser Beams

November 14th - via:
In this video update, we talk about our recent public demonstrations, hitting our $800,000 stretch goal, our $900,000 stretch goal, and some other things. Stay tuned for another update video where we will be showing Dragons of Elanthia with castAR... (Read More)

Darth Vader, weather control, he could not

November 13th - via:
We promised you a video showing what castAR can do from inside a cockpit.  We rolled out our Star Wars cockpit from the garage, placed some retro material over the monitor as well as off to one side.  We then used an asteroids game we had made for... (Read More)

You spin me right round…

November 12th - via:
We've been busy doing a little business down in California and topped it off with another public demo - this time at the Home Brew Computer Club Reunion. It was great honor showing castAR to the technology legends that built the foundation we all... (Read More)

10 Kickstarter projects you will be buying in 2014

November 9th - via:
We've scoured Kickstarter for the hottest projects you'll be buying next year. (Read More)

On the road again...

November 8th - via:
We've been on the road again, most recently showing off castAR in public at GDC Next. We would like to thank everyone who waited in line to see it first-hand. We're making the rounds to some other smaller shows and then back up to Seattle to finish... (Read More)

GDC Next Hands On With castAR The New AR/VR Kickstarter

November 5th - via:
By now we’ve all heard of Oculus Rift, but how many of us have caught wind of castAR? We cover a ton of Kickstarter projects here on iGR, and I hadn’t caught wind of the goal crushing AR/VR headset until my hands on time with it here at GDC Next. I read a bit about the crew prior to heading over to their booth, but I wasn’t fully prepared for the experience at hand. I was very surprised to see how well the prototype AR glasses the team at Technical Illusions put together performed. (Read More)

Need more Input!

November 1st - via:
While we've previously demonstrated castAR using our Magic Wand in addition to a 360 joystick, we wanted to show you that projected augmented reality works extremely well with other input devices, such as the Leap Motion:  (Read More)


October 30th - via:
After doing the Game Jam this weekend and several live Q & A sessions, we decided to record a quick video detailing the hardware and features.  Also, we are pleased to announce that we have gotten castAR integrated into Vireio Perception 2.x... (Read More)

First Stretch Goal Reached; Game Jam Starts

October 25th - via:
We are very excited to have hit our first stretch goal already-- thanks for helping us make it happen!  We will be adding a few more stretch goals soon.For the next 48 hours, we will be live-streaming from Technical Illusions headquarters, creating... (Read More)


October 23rd - via:
Today’s update demonstrates how we can use augmented reality to help improve upon the way doctors are able to visualize medical scans. We took a sequence of 20 MRI scans of a human’s head. By laying them out in 3D, a doctor is able to see the... (Read More)

How the holographic gaming rig Valve didn't want aims to conquer the virtual world

October 22nd - via:
When Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson parted ways with Valve last February, they took away the thingamajig they'd spent the previous year developing. And now it's got a Kickstarter. (Read More)

CastAR Augmented Reality Glasses Blow Up on Kickstarter

October 22nd - via:
There are all kinds of companies experimenting with augmented and virtual reality right now. Google Glass projects a screen onto your retina. Oculus Rift straps a display to your face. Meta SpaceGlasses beam a hologram out in front of you. Now you can add another player to the game—castAR. (Read More)

Augmented State of the Union

October 21st - via:
We wanted to give you a quick video update of what we have been up to. We briefly discuss our media events from last week, what we will be showing in future updates, and our Kickstarter progress. For our future updates, we plan on showing the AR/VR... (Read More)

Virtual Reality Glasses from the castAR Kickstarter

October 21st - via:
The castAR Kickstarter is bringing virtual and augmented reality to life. The system gives the user the ability to see 3d holographic projections in front of them for a fully immersive experience. (Read More)

Augmented reality glasses project underway by former Valve employees

October 21st - via:
Two former employees from Valve are now working together on the development of their own pair of augmented reality glasses, in an effort that has brought them to Kickstarter in order to raise the necessary funds. (Read More)

Now It’s Your Turn!

October 18th - via:
When we first started to explore the AR space, we quickly realized we knew very little about it. What makes something fun? How do we handle user input? How do we communicate important aspects to the user? We decided to create a prototyping system so... (Read More)

Augmented Reality Goggles Transport The Wearer Into A Virtual World [Video]

October 18th - via:
Pair of ex-Valve employees debuted their creation at Maker Faire 2013 and plans a retail offering with Kickstarter's help. (Read More)

Combined International Shipping Rates

October 17th - via:
When we originally started to plan our kickstarter campaign, we began to investigate shipping options. Our goal was to evaluate different types of shipping, from USPS, specialized carriers, and just in time logistics. At the point that we launched... (Read More)

Kickstarter campaign for 3D AR and VR headset reaches funding goal in two days

October 17th - via:
The Kickstarter campaign started by ex-Valve employee Jeri Ellsworth for castAR—a 3D augmented and virtual reality headset—has been quite a success. In just two days since the campaign started, it has reached its funding goal of $400,000. At the time of writing, the campaign still has 28 days to go and is sitting on $444,941 with 1,836 backers. The campaign will go on till November 14. The company will undoubtedly announce some stretch goals for the project soon. (Read More)

CastAR Glasses Reach Kickstarter Goal

October 17th - via:
The CastAR augmented reality glasses has reached its Kickstarter goal of $400,000 less than three days after its launch. (Read More)

Strength Gamer: castAR Augmented Reality Glasses Pass #Kickstarter Goal, Deliver Goosebumps to All

October 16th - via:
If you're the type of person that loves to think augmented reality is "the future", the video below will most likely give you goosebumps. Two ex-Valve employees (Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson) have placed their AR/VR glasses on Kickstarter and in a little over 2 days have hit their goal of 400k. (Read More)

Ellsworth’s CastAR Kickstarter hits target with with 29 days remaining

October 16th - via:
Faith in probable genius inventor Jeri Ellsworth seems to be quite high, as her CastAR glasses project has raised its $400,000 Kickstarter goal with 29 days left on the clock. (Read More)

First Stretch Goals

October 15th - via:
When we launched the castAR campaign less than 20 hours ago, we had no idea it would generate the amount of interest it has in such a short period of time. In the case that we significantly surpass our initial fundraising goal, we will have... (Read More)

Ex Valve staff turn to Kickstarter with augmented reality eyewear

October 15th - via:
A GROUP of ex-Valve employees have appeared on Kickstarter promoting an augmented reality eyewear project. The gang, which is called Technical Illusions and includes Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson, is after $400,000 towards the kit that it is calling Castar. (Read More)

Two Ex-Valve Employees Launch a Kickstarter Campaign to Fund Their Augmented Reality Goggles

October 15th - via:
Move over Google Glass; the real future of wearable tech has arrived. (Read More)

Ex-Valve employees take augmented reality glasses to Kickstarter

October 15th - via:
Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson have taken their CastAR augmented reality glasses to Kickstarter. The pair already have a working prototype for the technology so the $400,000 (£250,000) funding request is intended to help bring the product to market. (Read More)

castAR augmented reality glasses hit Kickstarter with a clip-on that transforms them into a VR headset

October 14th - via:
When Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson were let go from Valve back in February, they didn't want to give up on the top-secret augmented reality project they had worked so hard on during their time as employees. So they obtained permission to carry on with it, formed a company called Technical Illusions, and went to work to create what they would eventually call castAR. (Read More)

Former Valve inventor Jeri Ellsworth takes AR/VR glasses to Kickstarter

October 14th - via:
CastAR is the new augmented and virtual reality glasses tech from ex-Valve inventor Jeri Ellsworth and former colleague Rick Johnson. The device has now appeared on Kickstarter with both creators looking for funding to the tune of $400,000. (Read More)

Ex-Valve employees crowdfund augmented reality glasses

October 14th - via:
Former Valve employees Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson launched a Kickstarter project to fund the Cast AR augmented reality glasses. The glasses were initially developed while both Ellsworth and Johnson were working at Valve, and Ellsworth was granted permission to keep the AR glasses when she was let go by Valve in February. (Read More)

Former Valve Hardware Project Becomes Kickstarter Campaign

October 14th - via:
Engineer Jeri Ellsworth and former Raven dev Rick Johnson used to work at Valve, on the company's ambitious hardware plans. That was until February, when the pair were laid off. Never mind. (Read More)

An interview with Jeri Ellsworth - Absorptive Augmented Actuality

May 28th - via:
Jeri Ellsworth returns to The Amp Hour to talk about her time at Valve, the unfortunate end to her employment there and the phoenix of a project rising from the ashes! The castAR from Technical Illusions! (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!