Branch Riders Tabletop Role Playing Game

A project in York, PA by Jack Berkenstock Jr.

Status: Active

Eight realms, one mission! Adventure in the eight Branches and protect its citizens from the Blight!
Backers: 181
Average Daily Pledges: $605
Average Pledge Per Backer: $53

Funding: $9,677 of $5,000
Dates: Jun 11th -> Jul 11th (30 days)
Project By: Jack Berkenstock Jr.
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Latest News

Panel Discussion: The Bodhana Group

June 25th - via:
Hello Branch Riders, James back again today to help out while Jack recovers from Origins Game Fair. Working during a convention is an exhausting business, and running a Kickstarter campaign on top of that is a lot, plus I used up a lot of his... (Read More)

Panel, Actual Play, and Making the Game Yours

June 23rd - via:
Hello Branch Riders, James here for one more time as Jack and the Bodhana Group work the booth at the Origins Game Fair for one final day. Drop by and say hi if you're in Columbus. Visit them at Booth 531 in the Exhibitor Hall in the Greater Columbus... (Read More)

The Mission of the Bodhana Group

June 22nd - via:
Hi Branch Riders, James here again today. Jack and the Bodhana Group are still at Origins Game Fair, running playtests and spreading the word about the game! Drop by and say hi if you're in Columbus this weekend. The Bodhana Group is at Origins Game... (Read More)

Backers Only! Draft Preview of Chapter Two: Gifts

June 21st - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

The Conditions System

June 20th - via:
Hello Everyone! It's James here today, filling in for Jack while he's spreading the word at Origins Game Fair.  The Bodhana Group is at Origins Game Fair until June 23, 2024! Visit them at Booth 531 in the Exhibitor Hall inthe Greater Columbus... (Read More)

The Blight

June 19th - via:
No adventure is complete without the introduction of a great villain.  And in Branch Riders, our main villain is... The Blight.  The Blight is a force that pervades each of the eight realms, turning people against one another and sowing conflict.... (Read More)


June 18th - via:
When Branch Riders receive their next mission briefing, they are usually going into a bad situation without much information. The Nexus is able to detect spikes in Blight energy, and send the Riders to a nearby location, but the best source of... (Read More)

Exposure Tracker

June 17th - via:
The Exposure tracker exists as an item in the world of the Branch Riders, and also as a tracker on the table as you play. Exposure measures how much of the Blight’s attention you have drawn to yourselves, and the higher your Exposure goes, the more... (Read More)


June 16th - via:
The most powerful abilities that Branch Riders wield while on their missions are their Gifts. A gift is an extraordinary ability that reflects a Branch Rider’s home realm as their place of origin. Riders from the Crags will have gifts based in the... (Read More)

Branch Riders funds on Kickstarter as the non-profit Bodhana Group teaches via RPGs

June 16th - via:
It’s not that common to find a first-time Kickstarter creator, such as Jack Berkenstock Jr from Bodhana, to fund a whole new TTRPG system on their first Kickstarter, but the community has rallied for Branch Riders. (Read More)

The Realms

June 15th - via:
When deciding how to include multiple genres in our game, we took inspiration from some promotional chibi characters that an artist had created for the Bodhana Group at one of our Save Against Fear conventions. They were meant to represent the... (Read More)

System Basics/Dice Pools

June 14th - via:
When playing Branch Riders, the GM doesn’t have to roll any dice at all, and can focus on the story and making the player’s lives more interesting. The players will roll a few dice, usually three and occasionally only two when their characters... (Read More)

Backers Only! Draft Preview of Chapter One: Player's Section

June 14th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

Story of the System

June 13th - via:
Greetings Branch Riders, our campaign is doing well and word is getting out!  Folks are responding!  Thanks again to everyone who helped us make our funding goal on day one in less than eight hours!  We also have been loving all the kind words in... (Read More)

What is a Branch Rider?

June 12th - via:
Eight distinct realms branch out from the Nexus, and as a Branch Rider you are one of the only ones who can save those realms from the Blight. Growing up in your home realm, you didn’t know there were others. Most people have no way of traveling... (Read More)

Funded in 8 Hours! Branch Riders is a Go!

June 12th - via:
Hello Branch Riders! Thanks to your support, this project has been FUNDED!Not the tagline for the game! LOL, All artwork and mock-ups are considered concept versions until the final is printed. Should be pretty close, though!Thanks to your support,... (Read More)

Welcome to the Nexus and the Branch Riders!

June 11th - via:
Welcome to the Nexus and the Branch Riders!  Thank you for joining us and moving our dream and vision forward to becoming a reality. This project is very special to us and very unique, not only as a dream come true in making a game, but also in... (Read More)

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