the return of taqueria el molacho, sonoran restaurant
A project in Colima, Mexico by Samuel Alejandro Higuera Reynoso000days
Funding Unsuccessful
Taqueria el Molacho returns to service, a family restaurant that was born out of necessity, and becomes a challenge
Backers: 1
Funded: MX$19 of MX$345,000
Dates: Jan 26th -> Mar 25th (58 days)
Project By: Samuel Alejandro Higuera Reynoso
Backers: 1
Funded: MX$19 of MX$345,000
Dates: Jan 26th -> Mar 25th (58 days)
Project By: Samuel Alejandro Higuera Reynoso
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 25 @ 13:19 -0400 GMT
of goal

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