Tales of the Old World: The Exiles strike back!

A project in Lecce, Italy by Axia - Chiafele Giuseppe

Funding Successful

A set of heroic 28mm models for your warband and armies by Axia miniatures! Pre-supported digital files and 3d printed resin models!
Backers: 289
Average Pledge Per Backer: €42

Funded: €12,036 of €2,500
Dates: May 15th -> May 30th (16 days)
Project By: Axia - Chiafele Giuseppe
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Last Updated: May 30 @ 14:02 -0400 GMT


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LAST 24 HOURS! NEW ADD-ON AVAILABLE, remember to vote the painting poll!

May 29th - via: kickstarter.com
LAST 24 HOURS!As we get close to the deadline of the project, time for placing your pledge or updating it to include add-ons is limited. It has been an amazing adventure but we can still push on! NEW ADD-ON Count SiemenzanWith the 9500 mark here the... (Read More)

NEW KNIGHT JOINS THE FRAY! Painting guide poll opens! Updates on main page, join the facebook community!

May 26th - via: kickstarter.com
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May 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Good morning! We are 1 pledge away from unlocking the second painting tutorial and then I will create a poll for choosing the subjects for both! TUTORIALS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR ALL BACKERS EVEN 1 EURO ONES! All backers will be able to choose 2 of... (Read More)

4 MODELS UNLOCKED! Production pics!

May 16th - via: kickstarter.com
New models unlocked! Here the close ups!These models are added FREE to ALL RESIN AND PHYSICAL PLEDGES (only exception is the "toss a coin" pledge).  Production models preview!As stated before, the first run of the physical models is already started.... (Read More)

FUNDED IN ONE HOUR! Thank you from me and Lana! Plus, preview of next stretch goal!

May 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you from me and Lana!First of all thank you! Even if it is my second solo project, it's my first solo project on kickstarter and it took lots of effort to make it as simple and clear as possible while trying to show you my ideas, how I see a... (Read More)

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