TAKE 3 - It's always your turn to play!
A project in Three Hills, Canada by Vance Neudorf000days
Funding Successful
A high energy race to complete your own crossword puzzle.
Backers: 41
Average Pledge Per Backer: $90 CAD
Funded: $3,705 CAD of $3,200 CAD
Dates: Nov 19th -> Jan 8th (50 days)
Project By: Vance Neudorf
Backers: 41
Average Pledge Per Backer: $90 CAD
Funded: $3,705 CAD of $3,200 CAD
Dates: Nov 19th -> Jan 8th (50 days)
Project By: Vance Neudorf
+Suggest$3,705 CAD
current pledge level
Last Updated: January 8 @ 02:04 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
113% funded - 12 hours remaining.
January 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Thanks everyone for getting this project off the ground. There are 12 hours left in the campaign. Please invite others to join in. Games will begin shipping early in February. Final Day of the TAKE 3 campaign. (Read More)
THE GAMBLER - A Free Stretch Goal Reward
January 4th - via: kickstarter.com
TAKE 3 has many great variations but this one really shakes things up. The Gambler allows those who are falling behind a chance to catch up, at least if their gamble pays off. The Gambler is an add-on set of 17 tiles. There are 1-J, 2-Q's, 2-X's,... (Read More)
Vance talks about TAKE 3 (30 sec video)
January 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
With 5 days remaining in the campaign, the game developer talks about taking TAKE 3 out to gamers over the holidays. You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 (Read More)
TAKE 3 is fully funded!
December 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you for your support. Its great to be funded with one week yet to go in the campaign. Please pass the word along to friends who would enjoy a fast paced crossword game where it's always your turn to play. Games will be mailed out in... (Read More)
TAKE 3 arrives in Germany
December 30th - via: kickstarter.com
TAKE 3 is called NIMM 3 in Germany and during the holidays was enjoyed at a coffee shop in Karlsruhe. From the picture it appears this was a game where both German and English words were permitted, an interesting twist I had not anticipated. Those... (Read More)
Almost to the goal!
December 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Thanks to all of you for supporting our TAKE 3 Kickstarter. As of today we are at 92% funded. Just a few more backers and we will cross over to where I can begin sending out your TAKE 3 games. Please join us we bring TAKE 3 to game tables around the... (Read More)
TAKE 3 game variations - dealer's choice.
December 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
With 204 letter tiles in a standard TAKE 3 set and 306 in the expansion set, there are many options for variations to the standard rules. Just as in the game of poker, you can take turns as the "dealer" and choose one of the official TAKE 3... (Read More)
Over 75% of the way to full funding.
December 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you to everyone for backing this project. We are on a trajectory for full funding and only need that last 25% to move over the top. Please pass this project along to anyone who loves a fast paced crossword game. You'll need an HTML5 capable... (Read More)
Video on How to Play TAKE 3
December 20th - via: kickstarter.com
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 (Read More)
TAKE 3 logo and letter tiles
December 20th - via: kickstarter.com
It's taken a bit of work to get the artwork right but we have finally figured out a way to get our logos centred on the backs of the letter tiles. The small logos on all 204 letter tiles (234 for a German language game) give a much nicer look to the... (Read More)
The fastest word game of its kind?
December 18th - via: kickstarter.com
I have been asked how TAKE 3 compares with Bananagrams and Speed Scrabble. I note that all three of these word games are enjoyable to play but just as pickleball, tennis and racketball are very different because of the speed at which they are played... (Read More)
One of a kind, hand crafted games
December 17th - via: kickstarter.com
TAKE 3 is a labour of love that sometimes pulls in other members of our extended family. My friend Ranay stopped by for a visit but since we are getting closer to a fully funded project, we need to keep working out how to quickly create more games.... (Read More)
TAKE 3 now shipping to Germany!
December 16th - via: kickstarter.com
2023 marked the passing of Klaus Teuber, the inventor of the amazing Settlers of Catan board game series. Klaus was a dental technician who started creating games as a hobby and went on to sell over 40 million games, winning the prestigious Spiel... (Read More)
TAKE 3 Test Games in Progress
December 16th - via: kickstarter.com
The holidays are always a busy time at our house but even more so with just two weeks remaining in this Kickstarter Project. The dining room is full of all the jigs and cutters required to create the test games that allow people to experience for... (Read More)
The Latin American Connection
December 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Test of Nicaragua letters In the past I would lead humanitarian teams to Nicarugua and when I was touring my fantasy novels (www.corseries.com) to bookstores, a portion of each sale went to help the school we were building in Bluefields. This past... (Read More)
TAKE 3 Artwork
December 10th - via: kickstarter.com
I love to create with new mediums so with TAKE 3 I learned about carving your own stamp. It took a few tries to get it right for stamping the muslin bags but I love the fact that every game is a handmade creation. TAKE 3 stamp (Read More)
Shipping Test Update
December 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Thanks to those who participated in the shipping tests. Packages all arrived within a week, even the one that went to Europe. The vacuum packing is arriving intact and all the pieces in great shape. Please test the game out and let me know if you... (Read More)
A creative solution
December 1st - via: kickstarter.com
My plan is to hand stamp each of the game bags with the logo using an old school stamp. For the first test I used a rubber sanding block and carefully carved out the logo. I learned a bit about the type of ink to use and how to make the details, like... (Read More)
Preparing the Packing System
November 27th - via: kickstarter.com
With pledges coming in I decided to create the packaging system I invented to keep the postal charges as low as possible. A food vacuum sealer has been connected to a homemade vibration table to shake the tiles into a packet that is thin enough to... (Read More)
Game Timer App we use.
November 20th - via: kickstarter.com
We found this free timer app easy to use and so far, no ads. Gamer Timer App We usually go with 45 seconds and when the timer beeps, everyone takes 3 more tiles and then the time keeper taps to start it again. If someone says "TAKE 3" before time... (Read More)
Its always TAKE 3 time at our house.
November 19th - via: kickstarter.com
The game for peope who can't wait to win? Its fair to say that we are a competitve family and at one point I thought of describing TAKE 3 as "the word game for people who can't wait to win". In this picture I am the one playing up at the top right.... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!