『Legros』Art auctions full of fakes / 『ルグロー』ニセモノだらけのアートオークション

A project in Tokyo, Japan by STUDIO FUNNNY

Status: Active

We want to make opportunities for people to engage with art, so we have created a card game that can be enjoyed while experiencing art!
Backers: 11
Average Daily Pledges: ¥1,182
Average Pledge Per Backer: ¥3116

Funding: ¥34,279 of ¥10,000
Dates: May 31st -> Jun 29th (30 days)
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Latest News

There is only one week left for the project!

June 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi! There is only one week left for the project! If you are interested but have not yet made a purchase, please consider buying now. To everyone who has already purchased, we expect to be able to ship sooner than anticipated, so please wait a little... (Read More)

Introduction of the painting “Henri Paul Gauguin”

June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Today, let's continue introducing the paintings and artists used in Legros! “Henri Paul Gauguin” He was born in Paris in 1848, the year of the February Revolution. Around 1873, when he began working as a stockbroker, Gauguin began painting in his... (Read More)

Introduction of the painting “Henri Rousseau”

June 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Today, let's continue introducing the paintings and artists used in Legros! “Henri Rousseau” Henri Rousseau was a French painter who thrived from the late 19th to the early 20th century. Originally, he worked as a customs officer in Paris until... (Read More)

Introduction of the painting “Gustav Klimt”

June 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello from STUDIO FUNNNY! To enhance your enjoyment of Legros, we'd like to continue introducing paintings and artists! This time, we'll introduce the genius from Austria. “Gustav Klimt” Gustav Klimt was born in 1862 in Vienna. He studied art at... (Read More)

Introduction of the painting“Vincent Van Gogh”

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello from STUDIO FUNNNY! To help you enjoy Legros even more, we'd like to continue introducing paintings and artists! This time, we'll introduce the artist known to everyone as the painter of flames! “Vincent Van Gogh” Vincent van Gogh was born... (Read More)

Introduction of the painting “Mucha"

June 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hello! We are STUDIO FUNNNY! Thank you very much to everyone who has supported us and waited patiently for so long! Today, we'd like to introduce some of the paintings and artists we use in Legros to help you enjoy it even more! We hope this will... (Read More)


May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Nice to meet you, we are STUDIO FUNNNY! We are a team formed by three members who are active as creators. Kani - MV Director Sato - Motion Graphics Director Zen - Graphic Artist At the time one of our members having a child, we started creating board... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!