
A project in Stockton-on-Tees, UK by Ryan Fawcett

Cancelled by Creator

A Pixel-Art, Role-Playing Board Game
Backers: 56
Average Pledge Per Backer: £70

Funded: £3,918 of £9,856
Dates: May 29th -> Jun 29th (31 days)
Project By: Ryan Fawcett
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Last Updated: June 24 @ 17:09 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Update #14 - It's time

June 24th - via:
Okay everyone, tonight is the night. I'll be pulling the plug on this campaign at 2100 tonight with a live Q&A on Instagram to coincide with it. I'm hoping you can join me, and some other members of the community in seeing what's coming next for... (Read More)

Update #13 - A Quick Survey

June 22nd - via:
Hello again all you wonderful people, thank you for joining me on such a beautiful night. As the campaign comes to a close, ready to be launched again soon, I'm hoping to reflect with you all on exactly what makes Storyteller good, and to see this is... (Read More)

Update #12 - Semi-Blind Playtests

June 21st - via:
Hey Everyone! Back with another update to show you that the dream is still very much alive and kicking! Yesterday one of my local game stores (Game On in Stockton-on-Tees) hosted us for a couple of semi-blind playtests. These guys had never played... (Read More)

Update #11 - Storyteller's Future

June 20th - via:
Hello everyone, I’m writing to you today regarding the future of this campaign, along with some exciting yet bittersweet news. This past few weeks have been one hell of a rollercoaster. Since our trip down to the UK Games Expo last month, we've... (Read More)

Update #10 - Reviews and Updates

June 15th - via:
Hello again, it's only me! Today's been a good one, as I've been at work and solo parenting for the night I've only had a couple of hours today to do some admin and work on a couple of bits.  This morning I uploaded the latest review to come in from... (Read More)

Update #9 - Gaming Event Demos

June 14th - via:
Hello again everyone, I hope you're all doing good! This week has been a slow one for the campaign, as is expected with the mid-campaign slump that nearly everyone experiences. Within the next week I expect we'll get a bit closer to the goal, then... (Read More)

Update #8 - The Plot Thickens!

June 10th - via:
Hi again my fellow Storytellers! I hope you've all had a great day. This morning was surreal, in a way I hadn't quite thought possible until the UK Games Expo last week. I was on the phone with a senior manager for one the UK's largest retailers of... (Read More)

Update # 7 - Back to Work!

June 9th - via:
So today was my first day back in the real world after nearly three weeks off total. It's been an incredible time putting together material for the UK Games Expo, and getting the Kickstarter project this far. The first day back definitely had me in a... (Read More)

Update #6 - Day Off (Sort of )

June 8th - via:
Hello all! Today has been a RARE Saturday off for me. For those who don't know me, I work literally every Saturday, so this has been an occasion! Work still continues to promote the game, with some social media posts and some direct messages BUT most... (Read More)

Update #5 - The Plague

June 7th - via:
Hello again everyone, it seems that the UK Games Expo gave me an unexpected surprise: The dreaded Con-Flu! A couple of days and I'll be all good I'm sure, but man is it rough. So many people under one roof means a lot of them are just bound to get... (Read More)

Update #4 - A Game Changer!

June 6th - via:
Lots of stuff going on behind the scenes here at "Storyteller HQ" - Read: My living room. We're in talks with some really exciting partners and I'm really (genuinely) thrilled to see what comes of that, more on that in the next couple of weeks! I've... (Read More)

Update #3 - Game Shops and Revelations

June 4th - via:
Hey everybody! First and foremost, thank you all for being here - it really means the world to me that you've joined me on this mission. Secondly, I made a mistake in the last update and titled it #3 when in fact THIS is the third update. Huge news... (Read More)

Project Update #3 - UK Games Expo Final Day

June 2nd - via:
Hey everyone, thank you once again for being here! I can't thank you enough for helping me bring this project to life! I'm really thrilled at all the positive interactions I've had at the UK Games Expo, it's been an epic experience and I'm so pleased... (Read More)

Update #1 - We're live, and travelling!

May 30th - via:
It's just a quick one today everyone, but there's going to be more on the way soon! Today we've packed up ready to travel four hours to Birmingham and set up a table at the UK Games Expo within the NEC building.  As you can imagine, I'm really... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!