Smörk Borg TTRPG

A project in Malad City, ID by Squid Ink Games

Status: Active

An irreverent hack of Mörk Borg featuring a bunch of yellow goblins in weird mushroom hats.
Backers: 288
Average Daily Pledges: $527
Average Pledge Per Backer: $29

Funding: $8,429 of $2,300
Dates: Jun 11th -> Jul 11th (31 days)
Project By: Squid Ink Games
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Latest News

Smörk Toy League!

June 24th - via:
Good news, everysmörk! Just like that - over the weekend, we unlocked the Smörk STL and are almost to the next goal!  I am so Smörked about having little resin prints of these guys.  Our next two goals expand the book - bumping up the premade... (Read More)

Smörk Toy Ahoy!

June 20th - via:
Raise a glass of mushrüm wine, Smörks - our next Smörk Goal has been revealed! When we reach the funding goal of $6,666 - less than $700 from now, we will be able to work with digital sculptor The JesterMask to create a printable STL of a Smörk -... (Read More)

Huge Update! The Entire Smörking WORLD!

June 19th - via:
Hey-Ho, Smörks!  Due to popular demand - We have officially added INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING as an option for the offset print run of the game!  We will be charging shipping in the Pledge Manager after the project, but you can now get your Smörking... (Read More)

A Smörking Adventure!

June 17th - via:
What's Smörking, friends? I thought I'd take an ever so brief moment today and reveal the title of the first episode in the book, Magic Mushrooms & The Horde of Hallucinated Horrors! Written by Lester Burton with art from Sketchy Smörk, this... (Read More)

More Goals SMÖRKED!

June 13th - via:
Update Smörk here again!You keep Smörking along - we've unlocked the first two Smörk Goals!  Smörk Goal #1: Unlocks five new Smörk archetypes, expanding the premade classes to fifteen and adding such illustrious Smörks as Bloody Smörk and... (Read More)

Funded! Smörk Yeah!

June 13th - via:
Welcome, fellow Smörks!The book has reached its funding goal and is Smörking its way to Smörk Goals even as we speak!  This game started out as a silly lark - we decided to play Mörk Borg and had been discussing a project Kris was no longer... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!