Slash! - The Horror Movie RPG
A project in Berkeley, CA by Sam Clark/Skullcamera Games000days
Funding Successful
Take on a classic horror movie archetype as you fight to escape a deadly Killer in this high-stakes tabletop RPG.
Backers: 651
Average Pledge Per Backer: $61
Funded: $39,795 of $9,000
Dates: Jul 11th -> Aug 10th (30 days)
Project By: Sam Clark/Skullcamera Games
Backers: 651
Average Pledge Per Backer: $61
Funded: $39,795 of $9,000
Dates: Jul 11th -> Aug 10th (30 days)
Project By: Sam Clark/Skullcamera Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: August 10 @ 12:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Core Book Resources and Note for US PDF Backers
August 5th - via:
Hello all! The Core Book is almost complete! We're on the last chapter, a Resources section full of all sorts of stuff like Killer Archetypes, example Obstacles for chases, suggestions for Opportunities, and alternative game rules. One of my... (Read More)
Muddybrook Mysteries Update
July 28th - via:
Hi everyone! I've taken a break from the Director's Guide of the core book to finish up the third and final Muddybrook Mystery. As I've mentioned before, The Muddybrook Mysteries contain some great horrors to play through, as well as a spooky forest... (Read More)
The Detective and Director's Guide
July 25th - via:
Alright gang, It looks like we have a mystery on our hands! We've climbed through these stretch goals and just unlocked The Detective, an Archetype devoted to seeking out the unknown. A Detective might be an actual detective, a journalist, or just a... (Read More)
The Mimic Killer, The Friend, and The Fool
July 22nd - via:
Alright everybody! Thanks to your comments and votes, we've determined what new Killer Archetype will be added to the game: The Mimic! This agent of chaos sparks paranoia wherever they may be, able to shapeshift into anyone or anything. A chair?... (Read More)
An Incoming Transmission...
July 18th - via:
We're steadily moving through our stretch goals, and have just passed 25K! Hmm, I wonder what's next... Wait, hold on. There's an incoming transmission from the far reaches of the Andromeda galaxy. Looks like it was sent in a hurry... That's right,... (Read More)
New Killer Archetypes!
July 16th - via:
Wow, 20k! That means we’ve unlocked our next stretch goal: 3 New Killer Archetypes. But first, what is a Killer Archetype? Featured in both the book and deck, these Archetypes let you build out a Killer following a certain theme, such as... (Read More)
The Leader and an Actual Play!
July 14th - via:
Thanks to your support, we're on track to reach The Leader stretch goal by tonight! This will add a brand new Survivor Archetype to the group, with abilities that boost the efforts of others and keep them coordinated. Its Core Ability, Teamwork, lets... (Read More)
July 13th - via:
Hey all, In under 48 hours, we've been funded fully! Hooray! It's been quite the journey for us, but a rewarding one at that. And speaking of rewards, us being funded means that we can hardcover books, PDFs, and Casting Cards in your hands when we... (Read More)
Actual Play Coming Soon
July 12th - via:
Hey all, Thank you all so much for the support so far! Yesterday was hectic managing our first Kickstarter campaign, but between the emails, posts, and business shenanigans, we were able to film a short actual play scenario! It's a snippet from one... (Read More)
July 11th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!