Oban Star-Racers' 15th Anniversary Bluray
A project in Paris, France by Sav! The World Productions000days
Funding Successful
Let's release this unique anime series on Blu-ray, in its original HD format, and encourage the development of new Oban projects!
Backers: 4042
Average Pledge Per Backer: €93
Funded: €377,056 of €30,000
Dates: Feb 1st -> Mar 8th (35 days)
Project By: Sav! The World Productions
Backers: 4042
Average Pledge Per Backer: €93
Funded: €377,056 of €30,000
Dates: Feb 1st -> Mar 8th (35 days)
Project By: Sav! The World Productions
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 8 @ 09:03 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Final day of the Kickstarter campaign - 10th stretch-goal reached, one last to go!
March 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone. We're almost at the end now. Eager to see how is all plays out during the last few hours, and if we reach that final stretch-goal. But whatever happens, these past few weeks have been a fantastic ride - or should I say "race" -... (Read More)
Last days of the campaign: 300 000 euros mark reached & 1Oth strech-goal close at hand!
March 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone. I was hoping for a good response to this campaign, but honestly I was a bit worried when I hit the "start" button last month. Thanks to all for your great support so far and lets see if we can still reach another stretch goal within... (Read More)
Entering last leg of the Kickstarter "Great Race"!
March 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Just 1 week left until the end of this amazing Oban Star-Racers Blu-ray Kickstarter campaign. To keep things interrestings we've just added 2 new cool stretch-goals & a series of new upper tier rewards will also be available tomorrow Wed. March... (Read More)
Live stream in English with Oban Star-Racers' directors, Sunday February 27th
February 24th - via: kickstarter.com
For your information, an Oban Star-Racers live stream event, in English, with the series' directors, Savin Yeatman-Eiffel and Thomas Romain, will take place February 27th at 15h30 French time (9:30 AM US Eastern Time)! Savin and Thomas will discuss... (Read More)
Oban Star-Racers' campaign passes both 2 500 backers and 250 000 Euros marks. Even the Japanese press is talking about it!
February 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you to all our now 2 545 wonderful backers (at the moment I send this news update). If we continue to follow the current course, we may well reach the 9th stretch-goal and, who knows, even reach a 10th after that. We have two more weeks left!... (Read More)
8th stretch-goal has been reached!!! Thank you'll for your support and let's aim for the next!
February 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone, Sorry if I sound a bit like a car salesman in this video, but I was so happy we'd reached the 8th stretch goal that I decided to tell you about it rather than just use a still image : ) Savin (Read More)
On we go! With the 5th stretch goal already met we're adding two more to the list, and also offering you a handful of extra upper tier rewards!
February 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi there, A lot of you asked us for more "Protector of Oban" rewards so we went through our stock and pulled every one last figure that we found. In spite of them being 15 years old, they're all brand new, and come with their own box. Please note... (Read More)
100.000 euro mark reached in 24 hours, and fourth stretch goal met - go Molly, go!
February 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Thanks again to all the wonderful backers supporting this campaign! It really warms my heart. And let's continue to spread the word to go further up and gather more attention for Oban from the media, potential investors and animation fans who may not... (Read More)
Oban Star Racers Anime's Kickstarter Reaches Goal in Just Over 1 Hour
February 2nd - via: animenewsnetwork.com
The release will include the entire 26-episode anime on five region-free Blu-ray Discs with 1080p, 24 frames per second, and 4:3 format. The release will also include 11 dubs, including: French, English, Japanese, German, Russian, Latin Spanish, Latin Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Turkish, and Polish. The release will also have subtitles in French and English. A collector's edition will also include a 120-page mini artbook. (Read More)
Initial goal reached in just one hour - thank you to all our early backers!
February 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone, Thank you for the way that campaign got off with a flying start, completing its initial funding goal within one hour, and reaching its third stretch-goal seven hours later! I'm impressed :) To tell you the truth I didn't sleep at all... (Read More)
Oban Star-Racers Anime Launches Kickstarter for 15th Anniversary BD Release on Tuesday
January 31st - via: animenewsnetwork.com
Oban Star-Racers co-director Savin Yeatman-Eiffel confirmed with ANN on Sunday that the company Sav! The World Productions will launch the planned Kickstarter campaign on Tuesday for a 15th anniversary Blu-ray Disc release on the anime. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!