D6 Cursed Trinkets for Fantasy RPG's

A project in Coleraine, UK by Samuel Steele

Status: Active

6 pieces of cursed and condemned trinkets to bring wreck and ruin to players in almost any fantasy RPG setting...
Backers: 152
Average Daily Pledges: £104
Average Pledge Per Backer: £9

Funding: £1,353 of £100
Dates: Jun 14th -> Jul 14th (30 days)
Project By: Samuel Steele
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The Blood Moon Giveth...

June 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings once more, brave souls and unwitting victims, The arcane energies have aligned with your collective will, and you have chosen to summon the Ranger’s Quiver. Under the watchful gaze of a blood moon, I commenced the ritual to summon a... (Read More)

Prepare the Ritual!

June 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings once more, brave souls and unwitting victims, The arcane energies have once again guided your choices, and you have elected to summon another class-based trinket. The ritual preparations are underway, and it is now time for you to decide... (Read More)

The Rings that Bind You...

June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings once more, brave souls and unwitting victims, The arcane energies have guided your choices, and you have elected to summon a cursed mundane trinket. The ritual has been performed, and now we unveil the Ring of Binding Oaths—a seemingly... (Read More)

A Life for a Life...

June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings once more, brave souls and unwitting victims, While I prepare the next ritual and edge closer to unlocking the next dark artefact, let us take a moment to delve into the cursed trinkets already woven into the twisted fabric of our... (Read More)

Do You Hear A Cursed Melody On The Wind?

June 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings once more, brave souls and unwitting victims, The arcane energies have surged, and our first ritual has been performed. By your collective will, the Bard’s cursed trinket has been summoned from the depths of darkness.  In the dead of... (Read More)

The First Ritual Begins: Choose Your Curse

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings once more, brave souls and unwitting victims, It is with malevolent delight that I announce our dark campaign has reached the ominous sum of £666. The dark energies in my workshop hum with newfound vigour, and the veil between worlds grows... (Read More)

The Mark of the Beast Draws Near

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, brave souls and unwitting victims, I extend my most sinister gratitude to each and every one of you. With your unknowing support and contributions, our dark compendium, D6 Cursed Trinkets, has reached full funding. The energies you have... (Read More)

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