Yuru Tarot: A Fun, Easy Tarot Party game-Unleash Your Magic!

A project in Yokohama, Japan by Ryoko Yabuchi ヤブウチ リョウコ

Funding Successful

Laugh, learn & bond with friends in a magical self-discovery journey with tarot! Beginner-friendly for 1-6 players. Full tarot deck!
Backers: 209
Average Pledge Per Backer: ¥9507

Funded: ¥1,986,953 of ¥300,000
Dates: Oct 22nd -> Nov 18th (28 days)
Project By: Ryoko Yabuchi ヤブウチ リョウコ
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Last Updated: November 18 @ 21:03 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Stretch goal update! We are almost at the last stretch goal! ストレッチゴール更新しました!最後のストレッチゴールまであと少し!

November 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Board Gamers, Tarot Lovers, and Amazing Backers, ※日本語は後半にあります Hello, this is Ryoko Yabuchi! Exciting news—I’ve updated the stretch goals! While I was bustling around at Game Market over the weekend, we hit 500% and... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Update & Game Market Announcement! ストレッチゴール更新しました&16.17日はゲームマーケット出展します!

November 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear board gamers, tarot enthusiasts, and wonderful backers,  ※日本語は後半にあります Hello, this is Ryoko Yabuchi! Stretch Goal Update: 450% Achieved!We’ve reached 450% funding – thank you so much for your incredible support!... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Update: Golden Card Edges Unlocked! ストレッチゴール更新しました!カードのフチが金色に~!

November 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Board Gamers, Tarot Lovers, and Backers, ※日本語は後半にあります Hello! This is Ryoko Yabuchi. I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve updated the stretch goals—and we’ve hit 400%! Woohoo!! The edges of the cards will now have... (Read More)

Stretch goals updated! The back of the card is now stamped in gold foil! ストレッチゴール更新しました!カードの裏が金色に~!

November 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Board Gamers, Tarot Lovers, and Backers, ※日本語は後半にあります Hello! This is Ryoko Yabuuchi. We've updated the stretch goals and reached 350%! Now, the backs of the cards will also be stamping with beautiful gold foil! ✨ A... (Read More)

Thank you! The stretch goals have been updated! ありがとうございます!ストレッチゴールを更新しました!

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Board Gamers, Tarot Lovers, and Backers, ※日本語は後半にあります Hello, this is Ryoko Yabuuchi! We’ve hit the 300% stretch goal!! Hooray!! Thank you so much! The box will now have shimmering gold foil—absolutely dazzling! I'm... (Read More)

Updated: Kickstarter-Exclusive A2 Fortune-Telling Sheet! キックスターター限定のA2占い用シート更新!

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Board Gamers, Tarot Lovers, and Backers, ※日本語は後半にあります Hello, this is Ryoko Yabuchi. I’ve updated the image of the Kickstarter-exclusive A2 fortune-telling sheet that I hadn’t uploaded before! The image below is in... (Read More)

The printed samples are here! Let's check them out! 印刷サンプルが来ました~!紹介します!

October 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Board Gamers, Tarot Lovers, and Backers,  ※日本語は後半にあります Hello, this is Ryoko Yabuuchi. Today, I'm excited to share the printed sample of Yuru Tarot full deck! Here's a look at the box! If we reach the next stretch goal,... (Read More)

Thank you for achieving 200%! Stretch goal updated! / 200%達成ありがとうございます!ストレッチゴール更新しました!

October 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Board Gamers, Tarot Lovers, and Backers,  ※日本語は後半にあります Hello! This is the creator, Ryoko Yabuchi. I’ve just updated the stretch goals! First of all, thank you so much for helping us reach the initial project goal! And... (Read More)

Celebrating Kickstarter Goal Achievement! 🎉 目標を達成しました!ありがとうございます~!

October 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Board Gamers, Tarot Lovers, and Backers,  ※日本語は後半にあります Hello! This is Ryoko Yabuchi, the creator of the project. I’m using machine translation, so I apologize in advance if anything is hard to understand or if there... (Read More)

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