Rule of Chaos - Demonic 5E
A project in Linz, Austria by Rule of Chaos000days
Funding Successful
Ever wanted to play demons in 5E?
We bring you an exciting way to play powerful demons of all shapes and sizes with fun new challenges!
Backers: 127
Average Pledge Per Backer: €63
Funded: €7,968 of €6,666
Dates: Oct 20th -> Nov 19th (31 days)
Project By: Rule of Chaos
Backers: 127
Average Pledge Per Backer: €63
Funded: €7,968 of €6,666
Dates: Oct 20th -> Nov 19th (31 days)
Project By: Rule of Chaos
current pledge level
Last Updated: November 19 @ 15:11 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Stretch Goal and Last 48h!
November 17th - via:
On this Thursday Update we look forward to our last 48h of the campaign! Let’s use this precious 48h left and tell your friends, family and local game groups/stores! Together we are able to reach the Stretch Goal: Shout Out - Dragons Eye Gemstone... (Read More)
Do you have questions? Visit us in the live stream today!
November 4th - via:
Today in about three hours we are live at the Dungeonfog Anniversary Stream! Drop by, ask us some questions or just celebrate with us that we are so close to reaching our goal. See you there! Stream Start: 8:30 pm CET (GMT +1) Join the stream on... (Read More)
Week 1 - Challenge Thursday
October 27th - via:
Greetings Demon Lords & Ladies! We are proud to present our World Anvil Debut and we have a fun challenge for you! Adventure on Word Anvil All of the 119-page adventure PDF (Ambergleam's Demise) is accessible on World Anvil! Make sure you entitle... (Read More)
Welcome and Thank you Demon Lords & Ladies
October 25th - via:
We want to thank you all for this amazing start! Free Adventure PDF for your next session For all of you, who don't know what it's like to play a mighty demon, check out the free adventure! It's our playtesting version and races and classes are... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!