Warzone Eternal
A project in Ann Arbor, MI by Res Nova Games000days
Funding Successful
An officially-licensed skirmish miniatures game set in the techno-fantasy Mutant Chronicles universe.
Backers: 857
Average Pledge Per Backer: $191
Funded: $163,753 of $70,000
Dates: May 2nd -> Jun 1st (31 days)
Project By: Res Nova Games
Backers: 857
Average Pledge Per Backer: $191
Funded: $163,753 of $70,000
Dates: May 2nd -> Jun 1st (31 days)
Project By: Res Nova Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: June 1 @ 15:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
In the home stretch!
May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Well that Cartel Agent followed the Nepharite pretty quickly! Thanks again everyone - this campaign looks to be wrapping up on a great note. Up next are two more fiction-related items. "Night Watch" by Jake Krajeski First, at $157,500, all backers... (Read More)
Taking a Look at Brotherhood . . . and the Conclusion of the Kickstarter!
May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
With less than 48 hours until the Warzone Eternal Kickstarter comes to an end, we have a bunch of exciting, and important, updates! The Brotherhood Wrapping up our faction focus articles, I take a look at the Brotherhood and the highly skilled... (Read More)
Humanity's Greatest Foe and an Ally in the Fight
May 29th - via: kickstarter.com
The Lord of Destruction Carrying on with our dive into the factions of Warzone Eternal, I've posted the next blog update, this time looking at the forces of Algeroth, Apostle of War. As long-time Warzone fans will expect, this force is constructed... (Read More)
A Look at the Lord Heirs
May 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Here in the States we're celebrating Memorial Day this weekend. While it generally entails barbecues and working on the yard in preparation for the summer, it's also a reminder that, while we can enjoy the bombastic narrative of a game like Warzone... (Read More)
Looking down the road beyond the Warzone Eternal Kickstarter
May 25th - via: kickstarter.com
With less than a week to go before this amazingly successful Kickstarter (thank you all again!) wraps up, I'd like to take a moment to talk about the future. In part this is to address the concerns expressed by some that the status of this... (Read More)
A Look at Imperial, and a Battle Report!
May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Imperial Faction Overview We continue our tour of the factions of Warzone Eternal over on the Chronicles from the Warzone blog, this time turning to Imperial, that pride-soaked collection of feuding clans and steadfast soldiers. You can find that... (Read More)
We All Love Warzone
May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey everybody... in the weeks to come please don't forget that we are ALL Warzoners here, and (unless someone has some truly villainous and nefarious goals) we all want to see Warzone Eternal succeed. There are a LOT of opinions about how minis... (Read More)
Capitol, Cybertronic, & Some Surprises!
May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
New Faction Overviews Working our way through the various Warzone Eternal factions, today posts taking a deeper dive into the background and gameplay capabilities of the Cybertronic and Capital corporations, including a sample force build for each,... (Read More)
The Graveton Protocol and a Look at Bauhaus
May 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Recently the Warzone Eternal campaign knocked another stretch goal off the list, this time unlocking the Graveton Protocol campaign for all backers. While the Warzone Eternal rulebook will contain our standard scenario construction rules, perfect... (Read More)
The Trials of Trencher Dave Continue!
May 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Warzoners! I just wanted to share with you the latest Dark Legion monstrosity that brave, brave Trencher Dave (that has a cadence to it, you know?) seems to be putting up with during this Kickstarter campaign... Actually, I really just wanted... (Read More)
Week 3 Update - Algeroth's Generals, Army Building, and Swag!
May 16th - via: kickstarter.com
With nearly two weeks under our belt, the Warzone Eternal campaign continues onward and upward and I cannot thank you all enough for your support in bringing this beloved universe back to the tabletop. Next Stretch Goals Launching into week 3, we're... (Read More)
Fun Fan Art!
May 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Check out this amazing piece of Warzone Eternal Propaganda Fan Art from the skillful Cormac McEvoy! Thanks Cormac! This made our day! We Love Our Fans and Their Artistic Excellence! (Read More)
It's All About Community
May 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Warzoners! So, last night I drove a little over an hour away to one of the best game stores in the Midwest, Saltire Games in Indianapolis, Indiana, to run a demo game where people can come play, learn the game, check out some of the pre-master... (Read More)
AMA for Tales From a Professional Nerd
May 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Alright folks! We are a little over one week in, and man have we been busy! Everybody behind the curtain is blown away by all the support, and we can't wait for you folks to see what else can be in store... in stores? Yeah... ;) Anyway, I wanted to... (Read More)
Week 2 Underway!
May 9th - via: kickstarter.com
With one week down, we've already knocked out a bunch of stretch goals, unlocking a slew of new options for your Warzone Eternal force, decal sheets from Death Ray Design, brand new exciting Warzone fiction, and, just over the weekend, the ability to... (Read More)
Week 2 Kick-Off Update
May 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Woohoo! Overnight we unlocked the Pretorian Stalkers, so Algeroth's forces just became that much more deadly. 3D renders. Designs subject to change. We've heard that you guys love the models, which is great as we were floored the first time we saw... (Read More)
Don't Forget Our Retailer Friends!
May 4th - via: kickstarter.com
So, don't forget folks... if you think any of these miniatures and our game would do well for your local game store, let them know about the Retail Backer pledge. Heck, if you are seeing things that you are like "I want that... but maybe not *right*... (Read More)
A slew of reinforcements and the galaxy's greatest hunters!
May 4th - via: kickstarter.com
With day 3 wrapped, we're steaming ahead to another big set of Unit Expansion Boxes, with one for each of our factions unlocking at $110,000 - Bauhaus's close assault experts, Capitol's finest swordsmen, Cybertronic's shining poster boys, Imperial's... (Read More)
Day 2 in the books!
May 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
With a strong follow-up to the smashing success of the first day of the campaign, we've cleared the first of our short stories, an action-packed story of enduring Mishiman honor, added a collection of waterslide decal sheets that will be masterfully... (Read More)
First big miniatures expansion previewed!
May 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
With the campaign breaking $80,000, we're excited to preview the first set of Unit Expansion boxes that will all unlock as Add-Ons at $90,000. These sets of miniatures will include a few poses found in their related faction Starter boxes, but will... (Read More)
We did it! Funded in less than 9 hours!
May 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Let me just start by thanking all of you for today. We knew how much work we'd put in refining last year's Kickstarter, and truly felt we had a better product, but there's a definite gamble in cancelling a campaign to take another crack at it. But I... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!