"Don't Look Up" Limited Edition Art Prints (Make 100)

A project in Cleveland, TN by Reel Fun Studios

Funding Successful

A limited edition print of the acrylic painting, "Don't Look Up"
Backers: 25
Average Pledge Per Backer: $68

Funded: $1,700 of $1,600
Dates: Jan 16th -> Feb 15th (30 days)
Project By: Reel Fun Studios
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Last Updated: February 15 @ 10:12 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

We're close to reaching our first two stretch Goals since funding!

February 13th - via: kickstarter.com
We only need one more backer from //another// free art card! And we're only $120 away from everyone getting a free desktop background!With 42 hours left, we have plenty of time to reach those goals (and more!). I'm going to try and get the Inkgames... (Read More)

We're Funded!

February 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Yay!We're going to push the next 2.5 days to see if we can reach any goals!  But we made it!Thank you all!Carie!  (Read More)

We're going the wrong way!

February 7th - via: kickstarter.com
All I kee hearing in my head is that scene from Planes Trains and Automobiles. But it's ok! We've got a week left and we're still at about 75% funded. I've blanketed every social I have except Insta (That's happening after this post).If this doesn't... (Read More)

82% funded and new Add On!!!

February 4th - via: kickstarter.com
We're 10 days out and have $273 till we reach funding! To help, I've added on a tentacle art card for $15. I hope everyone that wants one is able too! They're super fun!We're just $113 away from giving away another sticker! Starting tomorrow I'll... (Read More)

79% and an important question!

February 1st - via: kickstarter.com
We're creeping along, we only need $338 to reach our funding goal. Last night on my twitch stream I rolled for the 75% stretch goal art card and JR got it! Congrats!I'm considering adding one of a kind hand drawn art cards to the add ons.  Would... (Read More)


January 30th - via: kickstarter.com
I'm very please to let folks know we're at 75% funded with 2 weeks to go! We've given away one sticker (And then through a mistake of my own) we've rolled for an art card(that was supposed to be a sticker, oops!) at 70% last night! So, congrats to... (Read More)


January 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Slow and steady funds the Kickstarter! We're  65% to our goal. I've been posting everywhere I can think of(I even tagged Cthulhu himself on X). I know a few folks are waiting to pledge till later on in the month, and that's perfectly ok.We hit our... (Read More)

New Stretch Goals Added!

January 20th - via: kickstarter.com
As promised, here you go! Let's make this happen! yay!PreFunding Goals!At 25 pledges -Original Art Card Give Away60% Funded-Sticker Give Away70% Funded-Sticker Give Away75%-Original Art Card Give Away90% Funded-Sticker Give Away Thanks so much for... (Read More)

Day 3!

January 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Day 3 and over 50% funded! Not too bad! I'm happy with a slow and steady pace! I ended up battle a migraine (The joy) the last two days, so I missed the chance to make a half way goal. I'm going to still do one, but maybe it'll be a 75% there goal?... (Read More)

Day 1!!!

January 17th - via: kickstarter.com
I'm very please to say we're already 35% funded! I've joined a bunch of FB groups that might have an interest in such subject matter and have started posting the KS link. I'm going to need all of your help to spread the word though! Especially on... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!