Reaper Miniatures - Dungeon Dwellers Roleplaying Game
A project in Denton, TX by Reaper Miniatures000days
Funding Successful
A classic fantasy RPG with daring heroes, fabulous wealth, and untold danger. Designed for new and experienced roleplayers.
Backers: 1782
Average Pledge Per Backer: $117
Funded: $207,611 of $15,000
Dates: Oct 30th -> Nov 18th (20 days)
Project By: Reaper Miniatures
Backers: 1782
Average Pledge Per Backer: $117
Funded: $207,611 of $15,000
Dates: Oct 30th -> Nov 18th (20 days)
Project By: Reaper Miniatures
current pledge level
Last Updated: November 18 @ 19:02 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
November 18th - via:
From all of us at Reaper Miniatures, we would like to say "THANK YOU" to all of our fantastic backers! And while this may sound like a cliche, we think it's true: it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. And you guys have made this... (Read More)
So, an Ankheg, an Ogre, and a Lich Walk Into a Bar...
November 18th - via:
1.5 HOURS TO GO, AND THIS IS THE LAST ADD-ON!!! These are the items we had hoped we would have gotten to, but just didn't make it. Instead of holding onto them, we decided to put them in one big Add-On: the Monstrous Menagerie! This amazing set... (Read More)
$195k! The Harpy Sings!
November 18th - via:
Wow, backers, you guys are fantastic! You've unlocked the Harpy and now we're going to try to unlock the Banshee next! And sitting at an easy $225k is our DDRPG mascot, Rictus the Undying! Sculpted by the legendary Dungeoneer herself, JULIE... (Read More)
November 18th - via:
WANDERING MONSTER ALERT! Hobgoblins are a serious threat to delvers. Smart, strong, and ruthless, hobgoblins are potentially the most feared humanoid monsters in any dungeon. So, let's give one to all the Gamemasters to make their players nervous!... (Read More)
$180k! The Fortress of Peril is Complete!
November 18th - via:
Hey Backers! You did it! You've unlocked the final part of the old-school dungeon crawl, "Beneath the Fortress of Peril"! Now, Part Three will be added to Parts One and Two for a complete adventure! Collector's Box, Print Edition, and Digital Edition... (Read More)
November 18th - via:
WANDERING MONSTER ALERT! In the flickering light of your torch, you see a hulking beast turn its gaze to you. Towering over 7 feet tall, the creature has the head of a bull and the body of a man. It flares its nostrils, raises its axe, and storms... (Read More)
$165k! Fire Beetles Unlocked!
November 17th - via:
Hey Backers! You've made it past the Fire Beetles! Now cut out those glowing beetle-bits and use them as a new light source! The Fire Beetles are now added to the Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only Pledges, and the Dice Bag is now added to the... (Read More)
$150,000! Who Let the Dogs Out???
November 17th - via:
Backers, you guys are amazing! We've reached $150,000 and still have 30 hours to go! Unleash the Hellhounds! Sculpted by Jason Wiebe Next up, we've got to reach $165,000 to get to the Fire Beetles and the Dice Bag! Fire Beetles are WiP and... (Read More)
The Miniatures of DDRPG
November 16th - via:
Hey Backers, This is just a fun Update to give you a look at some of the great miniatures we're offering in this Kickstarter campaign. Our staff painter Darryl Roberds has been hard at work trying to keep up with all of the tide of monsters that... (Read More)
$135k Unlocked! The Dragon is Unleashed!
November 15th - via:
You did it! The Dragon by Julie Guthrie is unlocked and will be added to the Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only Pledge Levels! Next, let's unlock the Hellhounds by Jason Wiebe at $150,000! WIP SHOWN; FINAL MODELS MAY VARY After that, we see a... (Read More)
Designer Diary #5: A Look at Dragons, and Oozes Now Added to Extras
November 14th - via:
Hey Backers, Welcome to another Designer Diary! With the Dragon unlock looming at $135,000, we thought this would be a good time to take a look at Dragons in DDRPG. We love dragons, and we wanted to add a few wrinkles that would make them a little... (Read More)
November 14th - via:
WANDERING MONSTER ALERT! What looks like what you thought was a puddle on the ground pulls itself up into a blobby mass and surges towards you... We're adding this medium-sized Ooze and two small-sized Oozes by Glenn Harris to the Collector's Box and... (Read More)
November 13th - via:
Hey Dwellers! We're excited to announce our latest Add-On: Printed Adventures! We're taking each unlocked PDF Adventure plus any other Adventures we unlock in this Kickstarter campaign and putting them together in one printed Adventure Compendium! ... (Read More)
$120k! The Fortress of Peril, Part Two is Unlocked!
November 13th - via:
Hey Dwellers! You've unlocked the PDF adventure, Beneath the Fortress of Peril Part Two, written by DDRPG designer Joseph Wolf! Our next goal is at $135,000, where we'll unlock the Dragon, sculpted by Julie Guthrie! And looking ahead, we see a new... (Read More)
Extra Cultists Now Available!
November 12th - via:
Just a quick Update to let everyone know we've added the Cultists to the Extras, including 2 different miniatures. These additional miniatures are from our Reaper Legends miniatures range. These cultists were sculpted by Bobby Jackson. mini Sorry, at... (Read More)
November 11th - via:
We're adding two cultists by Bobby Jackson to every Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only Pledges! Devious and deceitful, Cultists should be slain lest you become the next sacrifice to the dark powers they worship! From the Denizens of the Dungeon... (Read More)
The Art of Dungeon Dwellers - Interview with Artist Max Dunbar
November 10th - via:
Hello Dwellers! For this Update, we thought it would be cool to chat with Max Dunbar, one of our favorite concept artists and illustrators not only for DDRPG but also for so many great projects in comics and gaming. Hi Max! Can you tell us a little... (Read More)
$110k! The Basilisk Is Loose in the Dungeon!
November 10th - via:
Hey Backers! You did it! You unlocked the basilisk miniature, and now it's roaming around! Keep those mirrors handy! Next, let's unlock the Fortress of Peril, Part Two PDF adventure, written by Joseph Wolf! And after this, we're nearing the end... (Read More)
Because One Fymngratch is Not Enough...
November 10th - via:
Hey Backers! We've added a few more Extra items to the campaign: medium-sized Monstrous Spiders (sculpted by Kevin Williams), and medium-sized Monstrous Scorpions (sculpted by Chris Lewis). In addition, you can now get extra Fymngratches (sculpted by... (Read More)
Dungeon Dwellers Roleplaying - A Game 40 Years in the Making
November 9th - via:
Hey Dungeon Dwellers! We hope everyone is having a good time watching and participating in this Kickstarter. We're trying to enjoy the ride towards what we hope will be a very exciting conclusion on November 18th! For this Update, we just wanted to... (Read More)
November 9th - via:
WANDERING MONSTER ALERT! What's bloated and disgusting and sucks the very life right out of your body? a) Your ex b) The local field agent from the IRS c) Monstrous Ticks! And we're adding two Monstrous Ticks by Kevin Williams to every Collector's... (Read More)
$100k! Way to Go Backers!
November 8th - via:
Hey, Dwellers in the Dungeon! You've unlocked the next Stretch Goal and now we're getting metal Fortune Tokens! These are really cool tokens that are heavy and could also double as campaign coins! Next, let's unlock the Basilisk miniature at... (Read More)
Designer Diary #4: Skills in DDRPG
November 8th - via:
Welcome to our Designer Diary Update, where DDRPG designer Joseph Wolf gives his thoughts, ideas, and inspiration for some of the concepts that are being applied to Dungeon Dwellers Roleplaying. As always, your comments and questions are welcome!... (Read More)
November 7th - via:
Hey Dungeon Dwellers! We've taken some of the miniatures from the Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only Pledges and made some Extras! This is not the last of the Extras we'll offer, only the beginning! Extras are $10 each per set. Specific models... (Read More)
1000 Total Backers! Fymngratch Unlocked!
November 7th - via:
Hey Delvers! You've unlocked the Fymngratch, sculpted by Andy Pieper! We're adding the Fymngratch to all Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only Pledges!* *Yeah, we know, we said 1000 backers excluding $1 pledges, but, eh, who's counting? And we're... (Read More)
November 6th - via:
WANDERING MONSTER ALERT! And we're adding this Moor Troll by Jason Wiebe to every Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only Pledges! Your torchlight has attracted another Wandering Monster! This time, it's not some's a Moor Troll! And even though... (Read More)
$90,000! The Ogre Has Entered the Dungeon!
November 6th - via:
Hey, Delvers! You've crushed another Stretch Goal! Now, the Ogre has entered the dungeon! Sculpted by Bobby Jackson Our next Stretch Goal is ahead at only $100k. When we hit that mark, we'll unlock the metal DDRPG Fortune Tokens! These tokens were... (Read More)
Tenkar's Tavern: Kickstarter - Reaper Miniatures - Dungeon Dwellers Roleplaying Game
November 6th - via:
There is no current shortage of OSR rulesets, and there seems to be no end to them. One of the latest rulesets to be Kickstarted is Dungeon Dwellers Roleplaying Game from Reaper Miniatures. Yes, that Reaper's Miniatures. (Read More)
Kickstarter Highlights: Bloodthirsty Board Games, Spaceship Builders, And More
November 6th - via:
Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding and Kickstarter highlights–including board games, RPGs, and STLs! (Read More)
Designer Diary #3: The Cleric in DDRPG
November 5th - via:
Welcome to our Designer Diary Update, where DDRPG designer Joseph Wolf gives his thoughts, ideas, and inspiration for some of the concepts that are being applied to Dungeon Dwellers Roleplaying. As always, your comments and questions are welcome! THE... (Read More)
New Backer Stretch Goal: The Fymngratch
November 3rd - via:
Hey Dungeon Dwellers! We're announcing a new backer-themed stretch goal. If we can hit 1000 total backers (excluding $1 pledges), we'll add the Fymngratch miniature by Andy Pieper to each Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only Pledge! Sir Forscale not... (Read More)
WANDERING MONSTER! Something Skitters in the Darkness Ahead...
November 2nd - via:
WANDERING MONSTER ALERT! And we're adding two Monstrous Centipedes by Kevin Williams to every Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only Pledges! You guys have made so much noise that another Wandering Monster has appeared! This time, it's a pair of... (Read More)
DDRPG Fortune Points
November 2nd - via:
Hey Dungeon Dwellers, With the last Update, we announced that we'll be upgrading the cardstock Fortune Tokens to metal (backers who get physical items will get both versions). With that, we thought we'd show you how we're using these Fortune Tokens... (Read More)
$75,000! Hillsedge Province & the Westbarrow Hills Sourcebook Unlocked!
November 2nd - via:
HILLSEDGE PROVINCE UNLOCKED Congratulations, backers, we've just unlocked our first setting book for DDRPG: Hillsedge Province & the Westbarrow Hills! This is our first setting book, written by Joseph Wolf! This sourcebook will be 128+ pages... (Read More)
Designer Diary #1: Spell Points In a Nutshell
November 1st - via:
Welcome to our first Designer Diary Update, where DDRPG designer Joseph Wolf gives his thoughts, ideas, and inspiration for some of the concepts that are being applied to Dungeon Dwellers Roleplaying. As always, your comments and questions are... (Read More)
$65,000! The Westbarrow Wraith is Unlocked!
November 1st - via:
Hey Backers! You've unlocked the Westbarrow Wraith, sculpted by Bob Ridolfi! This fantastic model is now added to the Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only Pledges! Next, let's unlock one of the coolest parts of the DDRPG system: Hillsedge Province... (Read More)
Watch Out for Wandering Monsters! And Free PDF Adventure for DDRPG!
October 31st - via:
Happy Halloween, Backers! As we all know, dungeon-delving can be a dangerous activity. Just setting foot in a darkened hallway can attract the attention of Wandering Monsters! In this case, you've gotten the attention of four Skeletal Warriors... (Read More)
$55,000! Another Stretch Goal Falls!
October 31st - via:
Good Morning Backers (depending on where you are in the world)! We've unlocked another Stretch Goal! The PDF adventure Beneath the Fortress of Peril Part One by Joseph Wolf is now added to all Collector's Box, Print Edition, and Digital Edition... (Read More)
$45,000 Reached! Armored Goblins Unlocked!
October 30th - via:
GAMEMASTERS! It's time to unleash Goblin Fury on your players! These four Armored Goblins by Bobby Jackson are now unlocked and added to the Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only pledges! Next, we have another adventure for DDRPG, Beneath the... (Read More)
$35k Reached! A Tun of Trouble Adventure is Unlocked! Goblins on the Horizon!
October 30th - via:
The DDRPG adventure PDF: A Tun of Trouble by Joseph Wolf is unlocked and is added to the Collector's Box, Print Edition, and Digital Edition pledges! Next up is this band of armored goblins sculpted by Bobby Jackson. These goblins will be added to... (Read More)
Charnel Grub Unlocked!
October 30th - via:
The Charnel Grub is unlocked and is added to the Collector's Box and Miniatures-Only pledges! Next up is a DDRPG adventure PDF: A Tun of Trouble by Joseph Wolf. This adventure will be unlocked at $35,000 and will be added to Collector's Box, Print... (Read More)
WHOO HOO! Funded! Thank you!!!!
October 30th - via:
Thank you for helping us reach our initial funding goal for Dungeon Dwellers Roleplaying! Next, we’re looking at adding the Charnel Grub miniature to the Collector’s Box and to the Miniatures-Only Pledges. If you pledge for either one of these... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!