The Tarotorial Tarot Training Deck: Expanded Edition

A project in St. Louis, MO by Pamela Coe

Funding Successful

An illustrated follow-up to the Tarotorial Deck, created to help newbies and the neurodivergent learn to read Tarot
Backers: 854
Average Pledge Per Backer: $65

Funded: $55,920 of $13,700
Dates: Oct 10th -> Nov 9th (31 days)
Project By: Pamela Coe
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Last Updated: November 9 @ 02:03 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Final 48 Hours!

November 6th - via:
We're within the final 48 hours of the campaign! I'm so incredibly grateful for all of the support everyone has shown. Thank you for making this possible! I'm hopeful we'll be able to reach that journal stretch goal. Fingers crossed! What happens... (Read More)

We hit the mini deck foil stretch goal!

November 5th - via:
I'm so excited that we've hit another stretch goal! Now, each mini deck will have foil on the card edges and backs. Keep sharing this campaign with your friends so we can try to reach that tarot journal stretch goal! <3  (Read More)

Having trouble adding additional items? Try this!

November 3rd - via:
A few of you have mentioned that you're having a hard time adding things to your pledges. I reached out to Kickstarter support, and they've confirmed that everything seems to be set up correctly, but they offered some helpful tips! "You may want to... (Read More)

D'oh! Typo on the 2x Bundle stretch goals!

November 3rd - via:
I just wanted to quickly clarify something on the stretch goals for the 2x Bundle, as it looks like I entered in 1x on the goal under "Support." Backers of this bundle will receive two of each stretch goal! Backers will currently receive two of the... (Read More)

Stretch Goals Update!

October 31st - via:
I'm so excited that we've been able to reach our mini-deck stretch goal! Since we've passed the $30k mark, you can now add a miniature version of the Tarotorial Expanded deck to your pledge for $15. This is a massive discount from the retail price.... (Read More)

Standalone Printed Guidebook Tier

October 25th - via:
I've gotten a few requests from folks for a guidebook-only pledge tier, so I'm happy to oblige! The guidebook is now available on its own in a reward tier or as an additional add-on for those interested in using the guidebook in tandem with their... (Read More)

Votes are in: black holographic foil wins!

October 22nd - via:
Wow, y'all really love that black holo foil, huh? This will be on the card edges, the printed guidebook edges, AND on the card backs. Thanks so much for voting! We're still getting tons of momentum, so I'm updating the campaign with some new stretch... (Read More)

Holy MOLY!

October 20th - via:
We've hit our funding goal! We've hit our funding goal! I cannot thank you all enough. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for believing in this project!  (Read More)

Stretch goals have been added!

October 18th - via:
A few stretch goals have been added. I can't wait to see if we're able to hit these. What other goals would you like to see as the campaign progresses?  Some ideas: Enamel pins Art prints Wooden card stands  (Read More)

Let's choose some stretch goals!

October 18th - via:
We're almost fully funded! Totally bananas! I can't thank you all enough for your support in this project. I'd love to make the development of our stretch goals a collaborative effort. The first we'll be choosing is the color of the foils that may... (Read More)

50% Reached!

October 13th - via:
I can't thank you all enough!  I'll be releasing some stretch goals later on today. Here's a sneak peek: The most popular will be chosen!  (Read More)

We’re live!

October 10th - via:
Thank you all so much for being here. I can’t wait to see how we progress! I have a lot of confidence in this project. With that in mind, what sort of stretch goals would you be interested in? Would you want to vote on stretch goal options (i.e. a... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!