LeCod’s Revenge: A 1€ Undead Swashbuckler Adventure for 5E

A project in Genoa, Italy by Quill's Tiny Quests

Status: Active

Glamour up, infiltrate the necromancer’s gala, unveil the lich's treasure and discover your own otherworldly mojo. All for 1€!
Backers: 545
Average Daily Pledges: €217
Average Pledge Per Backer: €10

Funding: €5,414 of €50
Dates: Jun 4th -> Jun 28th (24 days)
Project By: Quill's Tiny Quests
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Latest News

More stretch goals unlocked, and final Monkey Island stretch goal tribute reveal!

June 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Calm waters travellers, We did it! Three more stretch goals have been unlocked, including two new powerful artifacts: The Idol of Many Hands and The Buckle That Swashes!!! Thank you so much for the incredible support! Now, only one final boss stands... (Read More)

New poll: Choose your fancy necromancy spells!

June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Calm waters travellers, Happy Wednesday! With two fancy necromancy spells in the pocket and two more getting closer to being unlocked, it is finally time for our second poll! WoOoOoOoOoh!Participating is simple. Write a comment below with your two... (Read More)

More stretch goals unlocked & announcing the winners of the backgrounds poll!

June 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Calm waters travellers, We've made it! Two more stretch goals have been unlocked!!!More fancy necromancy goodness and brand-new art for the Adoring Fin are officially in our pocket. The team is brainstorming ideas for the new spells, so expect a new... (Read More)

New stretch goals revealed!

June 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Calm waters travellers, Happiness is here! The mysterious two new backgrounds have been unlocked!(For the backers that just tuned in, we are running a poll that will decide which new two backgrounds will feature in the adventure. If you want to... (Read More)

Poll time: choose your new favourite background(s)!

June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Calm waters travellers, Rejoice! A super sneaky stretch goal has been unlocked!We were working on updating the graphics, but you beat us to it, haha! Since the first secret stretch goal of the new batch (10 bayou town quest prompts) has been... (Read More)

Huzzah! Two more stretch goals unlocked!!!

June 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Calm waters travellers, We did it! The whole first batch of stretch goals has been unlocked!!! Look at this beauty! On week one: that's a new record! Thank you so much!!! But do not worry - we are just getting started! The team and I are already... (Read More)

New backgrounds unlocked + our Adoring Fin DTIYS is LIVE!

June 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Calm waters travellers, Woooooot! Two more stretch goals have been unlocked!!!Thanks to your amazing support, a brand new d10 masked gala set of quest prompts will be added to the adventure. But it's not over yet! Two new delicious backgrounds are... (Read More)

Day three: 4900% funded, new stretch goals unlocked, and adoring fin DTIYS incoming!

June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Calm waters travellers, I hope you are having a great day because we are having a blast! In two days of the campaign, LeCod's Revenge has smashed all our previous records. We are now 4900% funded, moving steadily towards 5000%! The Astute... (Read More)

3000% funded in less than 12 hours. WHAT???

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Calm waters, travellers. I have to share some incredible news. LeCod's Revenge is not only fully funded; it's 3000% FUNDED- in the first 12 hours!!!SIX (!!!) stretch goals are already unlocked. All thanks to you! Now that we have unlocked brand new... (Read More)

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