SPIRITS - Playing Cards

A project in Red Deer, Canada by PlayTheVillain

Funding Successful

A Ghostly Custom Deck of Art Playing Cards by PlayTheVillain and printed by WJPC
Backers: 332
Average Pledge Per Backer: $136 CAD

Funded: $45,008 CAD of $10,700 CAD
Dates: Aug 12th -> Sep 11th (30 days)
Project By: PlayTheVillain
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$45,008 CAD

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Last Updated: September 11 @ 17:02 -0400 GMT


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$0 CAD

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Latest News

24 Hours To Go.

September 10th - via: kickstarter.com
This sign has been hung in our bathroom for 2 years now. It must have been fate. This has been such an emotional journey. We can't thank you all enough for believing in us and our dream. We could have never foreseen this much support from this many... (Read More)

ATTN ALL RESURRECTION DECK OWNERS & Due to a cancelation, a single RESURRECTION Deck has become available. I will release it at 6pm PDT/PST

September 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Due to unfortunate circumstances, one of our top backers had to cancel their pledge. In doing so, they have released a single RESURRECTION deck back into the wild.  I have blocked adding it to a pledge until 6pm pdt/pst today. Do not change your... (Read More)

40k Add On Images and Renders!

September 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all for your patience as I get the renders for the new add ons ready. Here they are! (They are also veiwable in the Story section of the campaign) King of Spades pin Collector Tuck Cases Summoning Candle Gaff Pack 5/10 cards THATS NOT ALL... (Read More)

A Look at the Collectors Tuck Cases

September 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Here is the front view of the Collectors Tuck Boxes, all lined up! Renders will be coming soon, as well as images for the other new unlocks!  (Read More)

We Hear you! New SPLIT times for the RESURRECTION decks.

September 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all for bringing up that Europe will have a really bad time with the original plan of releasing the RESURRECTION decks at 8pm est/edt. So, we are, indeed splitting the release. 1st wave - 8pm EST/EDT TONIGHT. 15 DECKS AVAILABLE. 2nd wave -... (Read More)

$40k!!! Stretch Goal UNLOCKED! Date and Time for RESURRECTION Release.

September 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Edit: while writing this update someone canceled and we dipped below 40k, but I don't care! The unlocks are still going live! You Ghosts and Ghoulies out there are ridiculous...ly incredible! 40k! Who would have thought? Now, I am not at home,... (Read More)


September 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Get yourself a fully glow in the dark UNCUT SHEET NOW! Hand signed and numbered by yours truly. If you didn't get one of the 50 AFTERLIFE decks, maybe this can help heal those wounds. I love you all! 40k is so close!  (Read More)

Goals, and Updates, and Freebies, OH MY!

September 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, ghosts and ghouls! I am sure you’re all as excited as we are here at Play the Villain Studios that spooky season has started. Between that and the overwhelming support we have received over our project (am I dreaming?) we have been... (Read More)

The Popularity of Challenge Coins

August 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you everyone! Once again, this whole campaign has blown my expectations out of the solar-system. Also, did not think that Challenge Coins would be all that popular! So I will be creating another challenge coin for those that have met that super... (Read More)

Disregard last. Sorry

August 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Looks like the canceled pledge was just a problem on the server side. It is not canceled. Just some random problems with add ons and such apparently.  Sorry everyone.  (Read More)

One Early Riser Available

August 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
1 Early Riser Bundle has been canceled. In 5 hours and 44 minutes from now (6am Mountain Time) it will be available. In turn, any more canceled Early Riser Bundles will become available immediately after cancelation from now until the campaign ends.... (Read More)


August 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Woah! Y'all are absolutely, positively, blowing my expectations out of the water! I'm so excited. I can't wait to get these decks into the hands of the HAUNTED (that's you). Thank you all so much. My passion for this project only grows w every... (Read More)

We've Reached GOAL 1 of Chapter II

August 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Good Job Everyone! I Knew We Could Do It! Now, this goal is ongoing, and more things will be added over time. However, I have just added a item a bunch of people were requesting, as well as some fun little additions that might make some people happy!... (Read More)


August 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Unless someone cancels or removes it from their pledge, they're all gone! That is all. Carry on. Or don't. I'm not your dad.  (Read More)


August 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Once again can I just say, from the bottom of my cold, dead, heart...  THANK YOU  To every single one of you that has backed this project, I am 100% so thankful and appreciative of your support. That being said, you all had some GREAT ideas for... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Ideas!

August 16th - via: kickstarter.com
We're fast approaching the last of my original stretch goals! We're very close! I didn't think in a million years that we'd get even to the SOUL COLLECTOR goal, and we're almost done AFTERLIFE? This is insane! I have some fun ideas for more stretch... (Read More)


August 15th - via: kickstarter.com
AFTERLIFE HAS BEEN REVEALED! Available once we hit our next stretch goal of $20,000 CAD! We're almost there! In case you havent seen it yet... Only 50 available. And also.. did I mention...  (Read More)

2nd Stretch Goal Reached! SOUL COLLECTOR!

August 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Is this real life? I'm continually in awe at how INCREDIBLY CRAYCRAY you all are. NOT EVEN A WEEK IN  Already at the 2nd stretch goal! SOUL COLLECTOR is now available as an Add-On. It's price is $50 CAD, there are only 100 available  and only 1 per... (Read More)


August 14th - via: kickstarter.com
THE WRAITH BUNDLE WAS PRICED HIGHER THAN INTENDED! It is now priced appropriately (HUGE DISCOUNT!) Also since it had not been backed yet, I have put the SEANCE stuff into the reward. Thanks everyone!  (Read More)

Challenge coin add on!

August 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Challenge Coins are now available as Add Ons. 1 per backer, only 50 available.  Remember, if you backed a full brick, you get a coin free of charge. If you have backed the Haunted or Wraith bundles, you get a free coin. And, if you get a 001/XXX... (Read More)

We just hit the forst stretch goal!

August 14th - via: kickstarter.com
I am only one man! THANKS EVERYONE That means that the CHALLENGE COINS have been unlocked! You don't need to do ANYTHING for this. Challenge coins will be going out to only certain backers who meet the criteria. 1. You have gotten a 001/XXX deck(s)... (Read More)


August 14th - via: kickstarter.com
All the new Reward tiers with the SEANCE Deck are available. And the SEANCE Deck and its sheet are now available as Add Ons as well! If you backed one of the bundles that get SEANCE added for no cost, don't worry  the reward text doesn't change, but... (Read More)


August 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all so much! This is absolutely incredible!  Now, within the next hour, SEANCE will drop. So be on the lookout! I'll send another update once everything is up!  (Read More)


August 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Tha ks WOOO! Less than 48 hours in and we're almost funded! We are so excited and can not wait to put these decks into your hands! Since we're so close, I guess I should talk about the SEANCE deck. SEANCE (as stated in the story blurb) is a... (Read More)

The first 24 hours

August 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Are you serious??! Almost completely funded after the first 24 hours? Yall are ridiculous! Thank you so much. I know the single deck reward is running/ has run out, and due to not being able to decrease the limit of a reward and only increase it, I... (Read More)


August 12th - via: kickstarter.com
My heart is so full right now. You are all so kind! We are well on our way to being 50% funded! IT HASNT EVEN BEEN A DAY YET!  I had gotten a message from one of our wonderful backers, and they expressed their concern about how the decks aren't... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!