The Pirate Republic: Africa Gambit

A project in Atlanta, GA by Tom Butler

Status: Active

Swashbuckling boardgame adventure for 1–5 peeps eager for pirates, pillage & plunder on the high seas of the Spanish Main & West Africa
Backers: 505
Average Daily Pledges: $3,181
Average Pledge Per Backer: $101

Funding: $50,890 of $14,997
Dates: Jun 11th -> Jul 8th (28 days)
Project By: Tom Butler
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Who is Pirate Jesamiah Acorne in the Collector's Edition? More Reviews/Play-Throughs On The Way

June 25th - via:
Arrr Scallywags,This here update be all ‘bout one o’ the three Pirates in the collector’s edition, Pirate Captain Jesamiah Acorne. After havin’ a read o’ author Helen Hollick’s rollickin’ article below, ye’ll see why we could not pass... (Read More)

If A Pirate I Must Be...Inspiration Behind The Game & Historical Fiction 101

June 22nd - via:
... I have dipped my hands in muddy water, and if a pirate I must be,‘tis better being a commander than a common man.  -- Bartholomew Roberts, according to Captain Johnson ... Green Feet Gamers,With the quote above and picture below, you have... (Read More)

A Playtester's Perspective: Frank Gentile...and More Pirates!

June 19th - via:
Frank Gentile & Africa Gambit       As a playtester, you really have to focus on all the details of the game. It’s best to have a team working with you as I did. I had a team of 4 helping to ensure that any bugs or game play issues were... (Read More)

Development Diaries - Designer, Dr. Sam Hillier

June 17th - via:
When Tom asked me to come aboard and work on The Pirate Republic: Africa Gambit, I was thrilled and honored.  Tom and I had worked previously on Unforgiven, which remains one of my favorite 2-player duel games, and I knew we could bring the same... (Read More)

We’ve Spied The First Treasure Spot & One Stretch Goal Be Down!

June 13th - via:
“X marks the spot” be a saying that’s as old as the salty sea itself.  Picture it: a ragged piece of parchment, edges singed by salty air, with a crude drawing of an island. And there it is, smack-dab in the middle, a bold “X.”  That be... (Read More)

We're Funded!

June 11th - via:
Arrr, me hearties!Be it known that we be thankin’ ye from the depths of our pirate souls. We’ve sailed past our doubloons goal and plundered far more than we ever dared dream.  Aye, 'twas all thanks to the likes of ye scallywags. Fair winds and... (Read More)

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