Pew Pew: Bounty Hunters in Space for Savage Worlds
A project in Broomfield, CO by Mike Lafferty000days
Funding Successful
A micro-setting for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition with that cheesy 1970s scifi feel
Backers: 142
Average Pledge Per Backer: $10
Funded: $1,434 of $100
Dates: Jul 24th -> Aug 8th (15 days)
Project By: Mike Lafferty
Backers: 142
Average Pledge Per Backer: $10
Funded: $1,434 of $100
Dates: Jul 24th -> Aug 8th (15 days)
Project By: Mike Lafferty
current pledge level
Last Updated: August 8 @ 11:09 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Figure Flats Unlocked Overnight!
August 8th - via:
We broke through the $1350 mark overnight - so figure flats will be added to everyone's rewards. Here's a quick peak Thanks again for your support! (Read More)
August 7th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
23 Hours to Go! Savage Universe! New Pregen Character Sheets
August 7th - via:
23 hours left! Just $50 from unlocking figure flats! Please share the KS around on your social medias and help us push across that line. Tonight - we will be on Savage Universe talking about Pew Pew - please share the link:... (Read More)
New Stretch Goal: Figure Flats Unlock at $1350!
August 6th - via:
We are happy to announce that our next stretch goal is figure flats and this goal will unlock at $1350. Please help us reach this by spreading the link for the next couple of days as we wind up our campaign - and thanks again for your support! (Read More)
Pew Pew News!
August 5th - via:
The next stretch is just $34 away! This is the new Pew Pew scenario: For a Few Credits More The backers have spoken - between DMs, social media and comments here on the KS, it seems figure flats are the favorite pick for the next stretch goal. We... (Read More)
Looking for Backer Feedback
July 31st - via:
Chances are good we will knock out the current stretch goal in a few days. As we enter the home stretch, I'm contemplating additional stretch goals. Please DM me or reply in the comments with your preference. If you have another idea - please let... (Read More)
Updates and new stretch goals
July 31st - via:
We have had several requests to get the weapons into the statblocks. We're talking to layout now about making that happen. When we reach the $1250 mark, we'll unlock Pew Pew: For a Few Credits More - a second Pew Pew scenario. Here's the cover (Read More)
Finished KS Exclusive Cover
July 29th - via:
Check it out! (by Jacob Blackmon) (Read More)
Savage Pew Pew Actual Play - Tomorrow Night!
July 26th - via:
Maybe you'd like to see how Pew Pew handles at the table. Well, tomorrow evening, we'll be streaming an actual play of Pew Pew. You can check it out here! (Read More)
First Stretch Goal Unlocked
July 26th - via:
We were going to make a KS exclusive cover the stretch goal for $600 - but you all were too fast for us. So - first stretch goal unlocked. Above you'll see the pencils by Jacob Blackmon. As you've likely already surmised, this is an homage cover to... (Read More)
Print Proof Received!
July 25th - via:
Print proof for Savage Pew Pew has arrived and it looks good! We will be able to deliver the POD coupons shortly after the campaign ends. (Retro Han Solo figure used for sale :) ) (Read More)
Funded! And PDF delivery
July 24th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!