Madinat Al'Asrar -- The City of Portals
A project in Kelowna, Canada by Brian C000days
Funding Successful
$24,164 CAD
current pledge level
Last Updated: June 21 @ 12:02 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
One last update before this Kickstarter finishes...
June 19th - via:
Well hello again you amazing backers! On this, my last update before this Kickstarter finishes, I thought I'd let you know how my playtesting has gone for this campaign. Last year I ran the genesis of this campaign as a series of semi-connected... (Read More)
This project is coming to a close and you all have been awesome!
June 17th - via:
Well, it looks like you wonderful backers have made this project a reality! With just a few days to go, I thought I'd let you all know that the lore, the oligarchy, factions, holidays and all the things that make a city a city are just about... (Read More)
OK then, I've come up with a new stretch goal. (with some help from you!)
June 14th - via:
Things are going really well here. The writing is coming along, more maps have been created, art is being finalized and thanks to some really creative people, I've come up with a new stretch goal. Wonderful backers have given me a load of ideas. I've... (Read More)
Stretch goal unlocked!
June 12th - via:
Well, thanks to you wonderful backers, another stretch goal has become unlocked. You will all now be receiving major NPC tokens for VTT play (or to print out, if you have that capability)! I'm now a little stuck for another stretch goal -- perhaps... (Read More)
More progress and a printing update
June 11th - via:
Hello and thanks again to all who have backed this project. Just a quick update this time. With the factions completed, a brief history of the city done, encounters well underway and the city streets in progress, the project is humming along nicely.... (Read More)
Detailed city maps are coming along and more!
June 7th - via:
First off -- thanks to all those who answered my question last update. Because of those answers, I have come up with a mechanism for my campaign's Macguffin that should keep the players intrigued without it seeming too much like a 'railroad'. (Unless... (Read More)
More work being done on the main map, plus a question.
June 4th - via:
Hello again, wonderful backers! This is just a quick update to let you all know I've started working on the much, much more detailed city map. Yes, the map on the front page of this Kickstarter is a very 'macro' view. The one I'm working on now... (Read More)
First stretch goal unlocked and another announced!
June 2nd - via:
As always, you have been wonderful in bringing this city and campaign to fruition. Because of you, I'll be including the Cultists of Umberlee adventure along with the campaign. And because an interested backer was wondering about tokens for VTT play... (Read More)
OK. I've created my first stretch goal -- finally!
May 26th - via:
I appreciate your patience on my stretch goals. Unfortunately, DriveThruRPG does not create posters and has no way to insert one into the book even if they did -- so a poster is out. So I've decided to include a post-campaign one-shot adventure. In... (Read More)
Success! We made it!
May 23rd - via:
Well Woot and double Woot! With the backing of all you kind and discerning gamers, this project will indeed come to fruition. I am extremely happy and can't wait to finish it and send it off to you. I guess the specter of Stretch Goals has finally... (Read More)
More maps and locations -- and we're nearing goal!
May 19th - via:
Well hello, you wonderful backers. Just a quick update to let you know that work on the maps and locations is coming along swimmingly. Here's a brief look at the guildhall of the Pan-Pelagic Guild and one of the many shipyards and harbors of Madinat... (Read More)
A quick update on the landing page plus some really cool projects I've found!
May 15th - via:
Hello all! First off, as I write this, the project is sitting at 77%, with 36 days to go. Woot! Just letting you know that I've done a little update to the landing page and I've hammered out the factions. Still trying to decide if I've made too... (Read More)
Factions -- the blessing and curse of Madinat Al'Asrar
May 12th - via:
Things are going well here at the Madinat Al'Asrar page! Thanks to everyone who's pledged so far -- I think your all going to really enjoy this campaign. Just a quick update to let you all know that I've completed the main campaign line and am still... (Read More)
Want your favorite NPC in the campaign? Now it's possible!
May 10th - via:
Thanks to a wonderful idea from a highly creative backer, I've decided to offer as a reward add-on, an opportunity to bring your favorite NPC or character right into the campaign! That's right -- should you take one of the 50 NPC add-ons available,... (Read More)
We're half way there! Woot!
May 8th - via:
A big thank you to all my backers so far! We've achieved the half way point with about six weeks left to go. This makes me feel really good. To commemorate, I'm updating the landing page today. I'm also working on the rest of it, (maps, writing,... (Read More)
Working on encounters, and an update to the landing page
May 6th - via:
Hello all! Just a quick update. I've started working on encounters (as a small break from the maps!). Right now, they are seeming a little like a collection of plot hooks -- which I think is kind of neat. I'm doing the encounters based on the... (Read More)
Battlemaps are coming right along
May 4th - via:
Just a quick note to let you all know that the battlemaps are well under way. I've got most of the side quest maps completed, and have just started on the many, many shops in Madinat Al'Asrar. A look at Arcane Lane. On top of that, a lot of the... (Read More)
Working on the Districts now, what do you think?
May 2nd - via:
Oh, The Districts! These are the places that your players will find themselves in -- interacting with the denizens, following the campaign or side-quests and of course; locating portals. Here is a look at one of the starting pages for The Rookery... (Read More)
Working on the OSE conversion, and more!
April 30th - via:
Things are cooking along here at the Madinat Al'Asrar Kickstarter. I'm working on the OSE conversions for the NPCs at the moment and have added an example to the landing page. Here is what it is looking like so far: Still a work in progress, but the... (Read More)
I decided to add some new rewards.
April 29th - via:
I've had a number of people asking about my other projects, and if I would be offering them as a package, (like my Early Bird deal) and the answer is Yes! So I've worked out a couple of bundles. The first is for people just looking for PDFs, and the... (Read More)
We're off and running!
April 27th - via:
Hello backers! We're off to a decent start and I'd like to thank everyone who has jumped on board. The city map is coming along nicely, with the macro view being completed (and placed on the landing page) and the district and street maps in progress.... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!