Drakborgen till Drakar och Demoner / Dragonbane

A project in Uppsala, Sweden by Per Holmström

Status: Active

Ett dödligt äventyr till Drakar och Demoner | A deadly dungeon crawl for Dragonbane
Backers: 643
Average Daily Pledges: kr8,830 SEK
Average Pledge Per Backer: kr316 SEK

Funding: kr203,100 SEK of kr40,000 SEK
Dates: Jun 4th -> Jul 4th (30 days)
Project By: Per Holmström
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kr203,100 SEK

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Last Updated: 23 minutes ago


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kr273,743 SEK

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Latest News

The stretchgoals keep on coming!

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Tournaments200,000 SEK - Tournament ruleset - UNLOCKED!Exciting news, adventurers! The tournament rules for Drakborgen are now unlocked! I know many of you are looking forward to The Sinking Tower now that you got your hands on it on FreeRPG Day.... (Read More)

We've Added Add-Ons!

June 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Good news everyone! We've Added Add-Ons! Many of you have requested the book in both languages, and we understand completely. Having books in both Swedish and English is a fantastic option, so we've added this feature as an add-on that you can select... (Read More)

Do players dream of virtual maps?

June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Androids dream of electric sheep, and players of virtual maps!First of all, thank you so much! As I write this, we have reached 576 backers, which is incredible. I cannot thank you all enough. With this milestone, we have also unlocked the Virtual... (Read More)

Altors Vidder plays Drakborgen (Swedish podcast)

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
This update is mostly aimed towards our Swedish backers and will continue in Swedish (But do not fret! Something is coming for the English backers in the future!) De tre äventyrarna Riddar Rut, Sigeir Skarpyxe och Bela Snabbskäkta har anlänt till... (Read More)

Music for your ears!

June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hear the trumpets roar!We have reached the music goal! This means that Andreas Lundström, creator of the official Dragonbane soundtrack, will be composing five brand-new, dungeonesque tracks. These tunes will perfectly set the mood for your... (Read More)

Eight is the magic number! New stretch goal revealed

June 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Adventurers!We are over the moon with the incredible support and enthusiasm you have shown for Drakborgen. We are now at 449 backers! Thanks to you, we have now unlocked our eight stretch goal: 140,000 SEK - More Variant Heroes - UnlockedNow... (Read More)

Two days in and 390 backers!

June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello dear backers!It has only been two days and we are already at 390 backers which is humbling to say the least. We have unlocked a total of seven stretchgoals, and let us make it to eight. With the latest stretch goal we unlocked the nice fabric... (Read More)

Even more stretch goals as we reached 100 000 SEK

June 5th - via: kickstarter.com
This just keeps going and that means more stretchgoals will be revealed!  Thank you all! This is so cool and I am extremely humbled! First a short comment on the artifacts (90,000 sek goal). If there is something I love creating, it is artifacts for... (Read More)

New stretchgoals unlocked!

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
We have already reached 70 000 SEK! You guys are amazing! That means the first of the stretchgoals are reached. And a new one is unlocked! 80 000 SEK - Map of the world surrounding DrakborgenA map of the world surrounding Drakborgen - Ath Ungol.... (Read More)

Funded in 90 minutes!

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all for such an amazing start! We reached our goal in just 90 minutes! This is fantastic! Now lets get those stretch goals unlocked.  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!