Pathways: The Skillful Dexterity Game!

A project in Calgary, Canada by Frank Sarro

Funding Successful

An easy to learn flicking game played on an elegant bamboo board with custom disks!
Backers: 417
Average Pledge Per Backer: $97 CAD

Funded: $40,547 CAD of $15,000 CAD
Dates: Mar 15th -> Apr 13th (30 days)
Project By: Frank Sarro
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$40,547 CAD

current pledge level
Last Updated: April 13 @ 18:02 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended

$0 CAD

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Latest News

We are onto the final push!

April 11th - via:
There are just two days left in the Pathways campaign so don't delay! A special thank you to those that helped make Pathways happen, especially those loyal early backers! There will be a pledge manager after the campaign and I will let you know when... (Read More)

Shipping timeline could move up and Box cover art!!!

April 1st - via:
While I am hesitant to promise a quicker fulfillment, after speaking with the manufacturer I am a little more hopeful on a quicker turn around. While much of the game development and testing is done we still need some breathing room, especially with... (Read More)

Two more bonus game modes added!

March 29th - via:
I also wanted to share more details on the Playmat games, if you haven't already downloaded the rules document on the campgain page! I am working on two bonus games for the playmat, which would bring the grand total of possible modes to 10 between... (Read More)

'Strategy' tips for play on the bamboo board!

March 23rd - via:
Please give me feedback if you want me to share more about Pathways!  Want to see more or less? Let me know! Meanwhile this might be a bit long but hopefully some of you will find this useful. When I get the chance I will also support this article... (Read More)

Lots of time to share the project!

March 22nd - via:
Thank you everyone!  We are off to a good start and there is still time to attract more players so please spread the word where you can! In other updates there is a little more media coming with a few more video previews in the works! These should... (Read More)

FUNDED - Thank you!!!

March 17th - via:
What an awesome group!  We did it! Thanks to you, we funded in just over 48 hours, (ok a little over 50 hours). It was a big ask and a big task to get this funded quickly. We are well along the way now and it's happening!  Pathways will get made... (Read More)

We are that close to funding in 48 hours and could use a boost to hit that magic number!

March 17th - via:
Thank you so much for the generous support and we are that much closer to getting you these games! Please share the project and if you are still wondering about backing please consider backing now so we can reach that funding goal threshold! The... (Read More)

We are off to a great start because of YOU!!!

March 15th - via:
Thank you to all the early pledgers! You are the back bone! We are just shy of 50% of the funding goal in the first 8 hours! It would be even more amazing to fund in the 1s day! We can do it! I appreciate many of you have already shared the project... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!