⛏ Terraria: The Board Game

A project in Nottingham, UK by Paper Fort Games

Funding Successful

Dig, fight, explore and build in this co-operative tabletop adventure for 1-4 intrepid Terrarians!
Backers: 15234
Average Pledge Per Backer: £107

Funded: £1,631,776 of £19,850
Dates: May 28th -> Jun 21st (24 days)
Project By: Paper Fort Games
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Latest News

Mini-Update: Limited Edition Pwnhammer!

June 21st - via: kickstarter.com
🔨 Mystery Unlock: Pwnhammer!Hello Terrarians! 🌳 Our final goal was the Mystery Unlock; we’re excited to reveal that every backer at the Gold or Hellstone pledge levels (including those who upgrade in the pledge manager) will receive a foiled,... (Read More)

Final 24 Hours! Vulture Naming Poll Results + Final Stretch Goals + Mystery Unlock + Painted Miniatures

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 It’s the final day of the campaign; we can't quite believe it 😮 Thank you to all of your for being part of the journey; let's get stuck into today's update!  📊 Vulture Naming PollThank you to all of you who voted in... (Read More)

Final 48 Hours! GameTrayz + AMA Answers + Rulebook Update + Vulture Naming Poll

June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 It’s official; we’re about to move into the final 48 hours of the campaign; Kickstarter has switched from counting down in days to counting down in hours which means we’re almost at the finish line 😊 It’s been an... (Read More)

More Developer Set Art + New Stretch Goals + Vulture Adoption + Discord AMA!

June 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 We hope you had a lovely weekend 😊. As always, thanks for helping each other in the comments; we really appreciate it! It might be the final few days of the campaign, but we’ve still got lots to share with you, so let’s... (Read More)

Developer Set Sketches + Contest Entry Gallery + New Boss-Related Stretch Goals + Update Plan!

June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 We hope you’ve all had a great week 😊 🎨 Developer Vanity Set SketchesWe’ve now unlocked all but 2 of the developer vanity sets; here is a sneak peek at the sketches for Cenx, Loki, Jim and Crowno’s Sets, with more... (Read More)

Hive Adoption + Playthrough Video + Rulebook + Build Contest Winner + AMA Date Change!  

June 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 We've got lots of exciting information for you today; let's get stuck in! 😃  🐝 Hive Adoption Is Go!Yesterday, we blasted through our jungle biome-themed social goal, which means that we will be adopting a hive from The... (Read More)

Developer Sets Unlocked + Last Call for Contest Entries + What's Your Favourite Critter?

June 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 Thanks for bearing with us in the comments over the weekend and to those of you who answered questions on our behalf while we were recuperating; we really appreciate it 😊 ✨ Developer Vanity Sets Unlocked!We’ve already... (Read More)

£1 Million! + Developer Vanity Stretch Goals + Planting Trees and Adopting Bees

June 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 Overnight, we achieved an incredible milestone; we passed £1 million! 🤯 Thank you *so* much to every one of you who has made this possible 🙏 Thanks to everyone who was in the comments counting down; your enthusiasm is... (Read More)

While 'Terraria' Rolls Out Another Final Update, Check Out 'Terraria: The Board Game' on Kickstarter Now

June 8th - via: belloflostsouls.net
Terraria may have started as a 2D Minecraft inspired game. But it’s quickly become a whole new beast in and of itself. And now it’s a board game too! (Read More)

Orca Naming Poll Results + Equipment Card Component Spotlight + Frequency of Mid-Campaign Updates

June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 Thank you for another wonderful day 😊 We’re so close to the £1m stretch goal now; a truly incredible milestone! 🐋 Orca Poll ResultsAlmost a thousand of you voted,and we’re pleased to announce that the adopted Orca we... (Read More)

Video Shoot + More Build Contest Entries + Post-£1 Million Stretch Goal Sneek Peak!

June 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 📹 Video ShootToday, we travelled to a film studio in the south of the UK; we’ll be revealing what we were up to next week once it’s all been edited and sound mixed! Fun fact; the studio was inside a boat! (though you... (Read More)

Orca Naming Poll + Bee Sculpts + The First Community Build Entries Are In!

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 Thanks you for another great day and for all of your support 😊. 🐋 Name Our Adopted OrcaFollowing the success of our last adoptee naming poll, it’s the turn of our orca! We unlocked the adoption via our Instagram social... (Read More)

UKGE Recap + Penguin Naming Poll Results + Wooden Character Component Spotlight!

June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 Today has been a recovery day for the team after a long but exciting weekend at UKGE. Here are a few pictures from the stand! It was great to hear such lovely feedback from fans who have sunk hundreds or even thousands of hours... (Read More)

UKGE Day 2 + New Stretch Goals Added + Don't Forget to Vote!

June 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 Day 2 of UKGE is done; it was even busier than yesterday and our stand was rammed once again with fans checking out the game, playing demos and chatting to us about their love of Terraria! 😍 This evening, we added some new... (Read More)

1 Million Dollars! + Penguin Naming Poll + Stretch Goal Updates

May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 The first public day of UKGE was fantastic; our booth was rammed for the duration and it was a wonderful opportunity to meet fans, many of whom have also backed the campaign. The demo table was full all day, and we can’t wait... (Read More)

Ready for UKGE + Social Goal Unlocked: Name Our Penguin Adoptee!

May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 It’s been another fantastic day; thank you so much! We’ve unlocked the NPC mat, the yoyo-wielding character for the Hellstone character pack and we're pretty close to those custom inventory dice! 🎲 We really appreciate... (Read More)

Thank You for Another Great Day + In-Game Build Contest + Trailer Music + Come and Play at UKGE!

May 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 It's been another fantastic day; thank you so much for your support 😊 We've smashed through another 3 stretch goals today, and we're very close to a 4th; foiled King Slime Boss cards ✨. We know you're keen for more, and... (Read More)

Thank you, Terrarians! Game Funded + 9 Stretch Goals Already Unlocked + Project We Love!

May 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Terrarians! 🌳 What an incredible start to the project; thank you so much for your support! We funded in under 10 minutes, and you’ve already unlocked 9 stretch goals, including multiple component upgrades, the transparent King Slime... (Read More)

Terraria: The Board Game live on Kickstarter - goal met almost instantly

May 28th - via: gamingonlinux.com
Their goal was met almost instantly! At time of writing the main goal is £19,850 and they have £223,697 pledged. So yeah, clearly a lot of people are wanting in on this one and who could blame them? It looks great! Official too of course, made by Paper Fort Games in collaboration with Re-Logic! (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!