Omen Pen & Paper
A project in Brandenburg, Germany by Tim Leiner000days
Cancelled by Creator
An inclusive fantasy Pen & Paper. Play any character, any setting, any way.
Backers: 108
Average Pledge Per Backer: €61
Funded: €6,563 of €18,275
Dates: Sep 19th -> Oct 19th (30 days)
Project By: Tim Leiner
Backers: 108
Average Pledge Per Backer: €61
Funded: €6,563 of €18,275
Dates: Sep 19th -> Oct 19th (30 days)
Project By: Tim Leiner
current pledge level
Last Updated: October 19 @ 03:14 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Thank you!
October 18th - via:
Hello! You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 Discord and Backerkit Links! From the bottom of my heart: thank you! The whole Kickstarter campaign was an amazing experience, and I'm... (Read More)
IMPORTANT: Omen Discord!
October 16th - via:
Hello! I finally managed to set up a Discord for Omen! LINK As a reminder, please follow the project on Backerkit! LINK I'm still a bit exhausted from the sickness, but the promised One-Shot is almost done, and I'm excited to share it with everybody!... (Read More)
The Way Forward
October 13th - via:
Hello! I've sadly contracted covid-19 during SPIEL, which is why I haven't been able to update you as much as I'd liked. I'm still working on bringing you the promised halloween one-shot, and hope to do so until next week. More importantly, after... (Read More)
Interviews and what's next!
October 9th - via:
Hello everyone! I just finished an Interview with Mildra, where we discussed a bunch of mechanics and design choices behind Omen. You can find it here. We've also returned from SPIEL, and I want to thank everybody who visited us at our booth! We... (Read More)
Omen is coming to SPIEL!
October 3rd - via:
Hello! As previously mentioned, we'll be at SPIEL in Essen, Germany. You can find us in Hall 1, booth 1G127. Any backer gets a free Omen charm! Art by @_solelle Loren has been working on the illustrations for the charms last minute, despite a hand... (Read More)
Q&A with GMShoe!
October 2nd - via:
Hello everyone! I had the pleasure of answering a few questions from Dan the GMShoe over on the Randomworlds TTRPG Discord. Check out the log (LINK), there's some great titbits of information in there! Since we'll be tabling at SPIEL in Essen (Booth... (Read More)
50 backers and creature statistics!
September 28th - via:
Hello everyone! We just got our fiftieth backer! Huzzah! Thank you so much to everyone who keeps supporting and sharing Omen! Following up on the upcoming One-Shot: Below you'll find a preview of how creature stat blocks work in Omen. They contain... (Read More)
Chapter Illustrations and more!
September 26th - via:
Hello! Today I'd like to quickly share a chapter illustration from @galacticjonah. He's actually one of the very first people I started working with, and finished this piece almost exactly a year ago! Art by @galacticjonah In other news: if you've... (Read More)
Rules Preview available!
September 23rd - via:
Hello! I just finished editing the rules preview for you all to check out! It ended up exceeding the scope of quickstart rules, because I wanted to make sure to showcase some of the key mechanics of Omen. You can check it out here:... (Read More)
Spreading the Word!
September 21st - via:
Hello everybody! We're almost three days into our campaign and are close to reaching 10% funding! Once the aforementioned quickstart rules are done, I'll redouble my efforts to promote Omen via various channels. It'll be featured on Gizmodo's Gaming... (Read More)
Upcoming Quickstart Rules
September 19th - via:
Hello and thank you to all of our first backers! Incidentally, we’ve got our first little milestone to celebrate, at 1000€ funding. As mentioned on the project page, the majority of the writing is complete. We’re currently putting together... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!